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Instructor-led course

Provided by: Graduate School of Life Sciences

This course is not scheduled to run.

Events available

Building Bridges in Medical Sciences Symposium (School of Clinical Medicine)


Please note that you must book a place for this event. However, bookings are made by following the link to the BBMS webpage at the botom of this paragraph

One day research symposium with invited distinguished speakers. The interdisciplinary programme is designed to lay the groundwork for stronger ties between the University's research departments and the Clinical School, in addition to linking local and overseas research institutes and the media.

The event is organised by graduate students in the medical sciences, for postgraduates across the medical sciences and related areas.

Full details and booking for this event are available here

Target audience
  • Any undergraduates, postgraduates, postdocs or clinicians in medical sciences
  • Further details regarding Graduate School of Life Sciences' eligibility criteria are available
  • To discuss the interdisciplinary nature of research and its role in the advancement of medical knowledge and treatment
  • To understand and explore the challenges of 21st century biomedical research
  • To build bridges across the institutes and Departments in Life Sciences
  • To provide an opportunity for networking both within the University and with representatives of the wider scientific community



One full day session



Cambridge Festival Coordinators Training

Events available