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3 matching courses

This intro to Adobe® Connect software provides an ideal solution for virtual Meetings, Seminars, Interviews, Presentations and Instructor-led Courses and Training, enabling organisers to create, deliver, manage, support and track discussions and courses while providing an experience that can replicate much of the in-person experience. There are also options for additional collaboration via polls, quizzes, breakout rooms for larger and diverse groups, as well as flexible whiteboard and desktop sharing, lecture capture, one-way talks and webinars, and a range of add-ons and programmability to customise for specialised requirements.

Live and previously-recorded sessions can be accessed from virtually any device, from personal computers to mobile devices (including Android, Apple® iOS, and BlackBerry® PlayBook OS).

Panopto Lecture Capture Demonstration new Mon 19 Sep 2016   14:00 Finished

Panopto is a lecture capture system with the ability to record any combination of video sources, in any configuration, in classrooms of any size. It can be used to record Video Presentations, Screen Recording, Multi-Camera Recording, Live Webcasting and Scheduled Recording. This session will be delivered by Panopto.

Video Production: Shoot, Edit and Upload (Workshop) Thu 15 Jun 2017   09:30 Finished

A practical workshop covering the workflow of producing a piece of edited video for upload to the Streaming Media Service. The workshop will give participants a better understanding of video cameras and microphones; effective use of a video camera including shot composition and technical considerations. Basic editing techniques will be taught and participants will have the opportunity to shoot a short piece of video, edit, encode and upload to the SMS.