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16 matching courses

Coaching Skills for Managers Tue 18 Jun 2024   09:30   [More dates...] [Full]

Coaching is an essential tool for managers and other professionals to use to help individuals to unlock their full potential and enhance their performance. You will be introduced to the technique of coaching and focus on the development of a range of skills that may be used to coach others effectively. This course is highly participative and will include the opportunity to practice your coaching skills.

1 other event...

Date Availability
Wed 10 Jul 2024 13:00 [Full]
Courageous Conversations Wed 20 Mar 2024   14:00 Finished

We all have challenging conversations from time to time that we dread. Wishing it would go away rarely works. Having a clear strategy can make all the difference. This workshop is designed to give you the skills and confidence to have a meaningful, productive conversation at work.

This 90 minute scenario-based training, incorporating forum theatre, aims to entertain and inform. You will be watching a live work based conversation and have the opportunity to give feedback and interact with the ‘characters’ to understand and develop a positive outcome. By the end of this webinar you will have a better understanding of how a difficult conversation can go wrong and how to put it right.

We will explore how the best intentions can sometimes go wrong. We will help you build a solid technique to get it right.

The main session is for 90 minutes, followed by optional time for further discussion and Q&A with the trainer.

Dealing with Conflict in the Workplace for Managers Tue 30 Jan 2024   11:30 Finished

Managing conflict in the workplace can be difficult, time consuming and can potentially have a negative impact on you and your team. This course will help you to understand some of the reasons why these situations arise, and identify strategies for managing these situations effectively.

Developing Talent in your Team Tue 2 Jul 2024   09:30 [Full]

Managing and developing talent in your team is a key skill for any manager in order to create an environment for their team to perform to the best of their ability, both individually and as a group.

From adopting a strategic approach to developing talent in order to deliver objectives, to understanding key strategies for developing your team at each stage of the employee lifecycle, this interactive and participative workshop offers you the opportunity to consider how to develop strength in your team, enhance motivation and wellbeing as well as share your experiences with others.

Inclusive Leadership Programme Thu 4 May 2023   09:30 Finished

This programme is designed to support leaders and managers across the University (in academic, research and professional service posts) with the skills and insights they need to lead others effectively. It will enable participants to reflect on their current leadership style and provide techniques they can use to effectively manage a diverse range of perspectives and create an inclusive culture across the University. Those with responsibility for others have a key role to play in shaping a positive working environment, supporting progression and ensuring equality, including pay equality. Given the University's strategic priorities, it is critical that leaders and managers understand the impact of their decisions throughout the employment timeline and know how to reduce the risk of sex, race or other discrimination, whether explicit or implicit.

The programme is delivered in partnership with Pearn Kandola, experts in evidence-based inclusive leadership development.

This session will set the scene for those moving in to a role with professional responsibility for other members of staff at the University, supporting their work, behavior and development. As we all know from our personal and professional experience, leaders and managers play a critical role in ensuring a productive, motivating and inclusive working environment.

This interactive session will explore the responsibilities of a manager or leader at the University, introduce tools to support the performance of your team, and provide pointers to where to find important information and further development as needed.

It is aimed at staff across all areas, disciplines, staff groups and levels of responsibility, including staff who are:

  • new to managing one or more others
  • new to leading a service or research area
  • new to Cambridge, either as a new manager or with previous experience

2 other events...

Date Availability
Tue 18 Jun 2024 09:30 POSTPONED
Wed 10 Jul 2024 09:30 [Places]

The Briefing aims to address key information required for Heads of Institution with regard to finance. Professor David Cardwell, PVC Strategy and Planning and David Hughes, Director of Finance will cover the following topics:

  • University financials and overarching narrative
  • Planning, budgeting and investment decision making (today and tomorrow)
  • Introduction to key Financial Regulations and operational procedures
  • Current key transformational initiatives, including the Enhanced Financial Transparency project
  • Where to go for help and support

Please note that this session will be recorded and details will follow after the session. There will be an opportunity to discuss points and ask questions once the recording has ended.

Alison will provide you with an understanding of the importance of philanthropy, how it makes a difference for Cambridge and how you can partner in raising private support for departments and the University.

Please note that this session will be recorded and details will follow after the session. There will be an opportunity to discuss points and ask questions once the recording has ended.

Ndunge will provide an insight on utilising data-driven approaches to enhance workforce inclusivity through EDI initiatives, fostering an environment of excellence and equality.

Please note that this session will be recorded and details will follow after the session. There will be an opportunity to discuss points and ask questions once the recording has ended.

The Director of Estates Operations will provide an overview of the Estates Division and various initiatives underway to improve the Estate. 

Please note that this session will be recorded and details will follow after the session. There will be an opportunity to discuss points and ask questions once the recording has ended.

Jo’s briefing will provide you with an understanding of the risks associated with undertaking externally funded research projects and how income from research impacts the University finances, particularly in the current climate.

Please note that this session will be recorded and details will follow after the session. There will be an opportunity to discuss points and ask questions once the recording has ended.

Leadership Essentials Thu 13 Jun 2024   09:30   [More dates...] [Full]

Leadership Essentials is a key programme suitable for those with responsibilities for the work, behaviour and development of others. The programme aims to help managers refresh and build their skills and experience in this area, as well as clarifying key responsibilities of manager and leader. It focuses on critical areas, such as giving and receiving feedback effectively and handling challenging conversations, using leadership styles and models to support individuals and teams. The programme incorporates tutor input; opportunities for discussion, case studies, reflection and sharing of good practice with others with similar responsibilities. It also includes curated e-learning resources to support managers with their ongoing learning and development.

Participants are required to attend both half day sessions.

2 other events...

Date Availability
Wed 22 May 2024 09:30 In progress
Thu 27 Jun 2024 09:30 [Full]
Managing Change Tue 14 May 2024   09:30 Finished

Change is a constant feature in today’s workplace and yet many of us find it hard to navigate successfully through change.

Studies show that the line manager has a critical role to play in ensuring staff are ready for change and in successfully implementing it. These sessions will equip you with the skills and attitudes you need to guide, support and motivate your team through the process of change.

Case studies, discussion and activities will provide the opportunity to share ideas and embed skills.

MBTI: Understanding Personality Thu 14 Mar 2024   09:30 Finished

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is the most widely used personality instrument worldwide, based on over 50 years’ research and development.

It presents a framework for understanding how you operate, how others operate, and how you can use that understanding to get more from yourself and the relationships you have with others.

This workshop is led by a qualified MBTI practitioner and will involve taking the MBTI questionnaire, investigating the four areas of preference covered by MBTI, self-assessment of type with group exercises, looking at your best fit type and investigating how it could help you at work.

Learning about your personality type can help you to understand your role within your team and the role of others. It can also help you to cope with organisational change, deal with stress effectively and develop your emotional intelligence.

This short webinar is a useful refresher about the overall purpose and outcomes of SRD (appraisal) and an opportunity to consider what you can do to help ensure an effective discussion as reviewee and/or reviewer. Whether you work in a research, teaching or professional service area, SRD (appraisal) provides the opportunity for individuals to engage in constructive discussion with supervisors, managers or academic/research colleagues about current and future work and personal and career development.

The webinar will have limited opportunity for discussion due to time, for further content, please view the online module Effective Staff Review and Development: Online Course and the LinkedIn pathway LinkedIn Learning: Staff Review and Development All Staff.

Strategic Development Programme Wed 12 Feb 2025   09:30 Not bookable

The SDP programme will offer a blend of theory and practical learning sessions, interwoven with the strategy and governance context of the University. This will be delivered over several sessions and put in to practice with a strategic work project.

  • You need to meet the selection criteria and complete an application form for the programme.
  • Applications will require approval by your line manager and will then be reviewed and prioritised by School Secretary, Head of Division and Head of Institution, Registrary as appropriate.
  • Applications typically open in May each year.
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