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Theme: Programming and Scripting

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8 matching courses

GIT: Revision Control with "Git" new Fri 9 Dec 2016   09:00 Finished

This course is about revision control with "Git"

This course aims to provide a basic knowledge of GPU programming using OpenACC directives. The course is very hands-on oriented, aiming to give to you the opportunity to practice and experiment from the very beginning.

This PHP introduction course explores the basic elements of PHP script programming. PHP allows web developers to write dynamic web pages, for instance by simplifying ways to collect data through a web form, and to process and include data, by placing small scripts directly into HTML files.

Session 1 will provide background, tools and exercises for writing and editing PHP in HTML files, uploading them to a web server, and making them available online. There will also be an introduction to programming in PHP, to help enable you to later adapt the examples to address your more advanced examples and projects.

Session 2 will extend the simpler exercises in Session 1, adding more options and capabilities, as well as providing new and more advanced examples. Using the tools and techniques from Session 1, there will be opportunities to adjust and partly customise the examples, and if time permits potentially begin a small exercise of your own.

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This course is aimed at those new to programming, or who have never been formally taught the principles and basic concepts of programming. It provides an introduction to the basic concepts common to most high level languages (including Python, Java, Fortran, C, C++, Visual Basic). The aim of the course is to equip attendees with the background knowledge and confidence necessary to tackle many on-line and printed programming tutorials. It may also help attendees in deciding which programming language is suitable for their programming task.

Knowledge of the concepts presented in this course is a pre-requisite for many of the other courses in the Scientific Computing series of courses (although not for the "Python for Absolute Beginners" course).

Python 3: Advanced Topics (Self-paced) Fri 19 May 2017   09:30 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series and is suitable for people who have Python experience equivalent to either of the introductory courses: Introduction for Absolute Beginners or Introduction for Programmers

These sessions consist of a selection of self-paced mini-courses, each taking at most a half-day. Python expert(s) from the UCS will be present to answer questions or address difficulties with these. Attendees can select from the available topics to most closely meet their individual needs. Attendees are welcome to attend more than one session to work through multiple topics. If an attendee finishes a topic with time to spare they may select another, and so on.

Python 3: Introduction for Absolute Beginners Mon 3 Jul 2017   09:30 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This course is aimed at those new to programming and provides an introduction to programming using Python, focussing on scientific programming. This course is probably unsuitable for those with programming experience, even if it is just in shell scripting or Matlab-like programs. By the end of this course, attendees should be able to write simple Python programs and to understand more complex Python programs written by others.

As this course is part of the Scientific Computing series, the examples chosen are of most relevance to scientific programming.

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This full-day course introduces the Python programming language to those who are already familiar with another high level programing language such as C/C++, Fortran, Java, Perl or Visual Basic. The aim of this course is to give such programmers sufficient familiarity with Python that they can attend any of the more advanced Python courses organised by the Computing service and easily follow any of the widely available Python tutorials on the more complex aspects of the language.

This course covers all the material contained in the "Programming: Python for Absolute Beginners" course, but in a more abbreviated fashion suitable for those who already have significant programming experience. This course does NOT cover the more complex aspects of the language (for such topics see the other Computing Service Python courses), nor is there much explicit discussion of the object oriented features of Python.

If you are an accomplished and experienced programmer you may find this course too slow, you may prefer to self-teach the course rather than attend in person, the full set of notes can be downloaded.

Unix: Simple Shell Scripting for Scientists Mon 12 Jun 2017   14:00 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

No previous experience of shell scripting is required for this course; however some knowledge of the interactive use of the bash shell is a prerequisite (see Simple Shell Scripting for Scientists: Prerequisites for details).

This course introduces shell scripting in bash for scientific computing tasks. Day one introduces very basic shell scripts in bash which process the command line in a simple fashion. Day two covers how to write more advanced shell scripts in bash. Day three covers how to make one's shell scripts more robust.

At the end of each day one or more exercises are set. It is VERY IMPORTANT that attendees attempt these exercises before the next day of the course. Attendees should make sure that they have allowed themselves sufficient study time for these exercises between each day of the course.

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