Moore Module: Data Management Plans OnlineNew
Using and collecting data is part of all academic work from keeping track of sources to producing new knowledge at the end of a project. Whatever type of data you deal with it is important to keep good records so that you can track down what you need quickly and efficiently. Open research has added another element to this by advocating the sharing of the results of research to help further wider knowledge and many research funders now expect to see evidence of a solid strategy in the form of a data management plan.
This self-paced, interactive module allows learners to discover the different elements of a data management plan and guides them through the process of producing one for their own project.
- PhD students
- Academic staff
This module covers the following topics:
- Recap of data management.
- The theory of data management plans.
- The main areas to cover.
- Tools for building data management plans.
At the end of this module learner will be able to:
- Understand the need for a data management plan.
- Understand how you can find funder specific guidance on producing a data management plan.
- Develop an awareness of the range of tools and guidance available both within and outside the University to help compile a data management plan.
- Summarise the main components of a data management plan.
The module will remain available for all and learners are free to complete it at their own pace. Registering via this website allows you to add the module to your University training record.
The module can be accessed here.
Booking / availability