All Cambridge University Library Staff Learning & Development courses
Showing courses 1-25 of 51
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This course is for staff that will need to use the Acquisitions functionality in Alma and have not had experience of it before. The course covers the key activities that will be performed in Acquisitions, including:
- Vendor records
- Funds and Ledgers
- Po lines and POs
- Creating a PO line
- PO line template
- Manual packaging
- Creating a PO Line from an external bib record
- Cancelling or deleting a Purchase Order
- Receiving
- Cataloguing processes
- Invoices
- Claims
An introduction to adding holding and item records to existing catalogue records as part of record-sharing in the Alma database. There is an opportunity for hands-on participation. Course leaders: Vanessa Lacey, (Head of English Cataloguing, UL) and Katherine Sendall, (English Cataloguing, Alma trainer)
An introduction to the theory and structure of Library of Congress Subject Headings. There is an opportunity for hands-on participation. Course leaders: Vanessa Lacey, (Head of English Cataloguing) and Fiona Grant, (Metadata Librarian).
An interactive workshop on the fulfillment module on the ALMA system.
In the Summer Term, Jess would like to invite all members of the Library Staff Community to join one of two All Staff Briefings in June 2019. Both events will be held in the Runcie Room at the Faculty of Divinity on the Sidgwick Site.
There will be a focus on the results of the Staff Survey and an update from CCLF.
This session is designed to provide library staff with hints and tips on academic publishing pathways from an experienced journal editor.
The session will look at what happens during the publishing process as well as how to best navigate the world of academic publishing.
It would be of use to those librarians supporting researchers with publications and those looking to publish their own work.
A drop-in session for Cambridge University Staff who are interested to learn more about management, team leading and other apprenticeships.
This short session will provide an understanding of the principles, tools and techniques involved in Process Analysis with a view to improving business process effectiveness and efficiency. Delegates will have the opportunity to practice using the techniques that they learn via exercises designed to be enjoyable and thought provoking.
The course refers to the methodology used in conjunction with Triaster process mapping software available to users across the University of Cambridge.
A team building workshop designed to identify and maximise the skills needed for your role.
Briefing on the security of the CUL collections
One day workshop for CUL Managers
Induction workshop for Engineering Library staff on affiliating with Cambridge University Library.
Bespoke session for Finance team to assist in setting their vision and challenge statements
There will always be too much to do within the time available! We cannot manage time, but we can manage ourselves and our workload within the time we do have. The trick is to get better at your time management!
Most managers would like to organise themselves more effectively whilst helping their team to develop and achieve more. This, in turn, can help to reduce stress levels and enhance the feeling of wellbeing.
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The new General Data Protection Principles (GDPR) take effect in May 2018. Although there is general online training for staff, this is a local version of a CILIP conference on GDPR, specifically for librarians.
A whistle-stop tour of the University’s governance arrangements: topics covered include the roles of the Regent House, the Council and the General Board, and the approval process for making major policy changes.
A general Health and Safety and Security briefing for staff who work in the main Cambridge University Library Building and the affiliated Faculty Libraries.
One day workshop for CUL Managers
L&D will contact workshop attendees approximately 3 months after the training with some basic questions to see how effective found the training and how training learnt from has been applied into work practice.
This session will provide an introduction to implicit or unconscious bias and will help you start to understand how our biases influence the decisions we make. These may include decisions around recruitment, selection, assessment and broader interactions with others. The session will include tutor input and group activities to raise awareness about how to recognise and begin to manage the impact of implicit bias. We will also consider further sources of guidance to support individuals in their roles with specific responsibilities e.g. for managing others, teaching etc.
If you would like to book onto this event, please book on to the Equality and Diversity page via this link
L&D will contact workshop attendees approximately 3 months after the training with some basic questions to see how effective found the training and how training learnt from has been applied into work practice.
This is an interactive workshop, designed to help new staff learn more about the Cambridge University Library and meet some of the key people who work in it.
Staff will take part in some fun activities to learn more about other departments within the Cambridge University Libraries, have a presentation from a member of the Leadership Team about the wider workings of the University and have time to check their HR24 Induction Checklists and meet other new starters. Designed to be more informal, this workshop is a great opportunity to meet other staff, make contacts and ask any questions that you may have come across in your first month of employment.
An interactive workshop, focusing on providing service for both internal (colleagues) and external (readers) customers.
The course is designed to give participants an overview of Lean six sigma thinking as applied within Higher Education, and an explanation of some of the basic tools used to improve business processes.
Managers Briefings: Return to Work Discussions
This session is designed give managers a brief overview of how to effectively conduct a Return to Work (RTW) discussion following the HR for Managers workshop. The session will cover the newly introduced RTW discussion template, and will also allow an opportunity for questions.