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Self-taught course

Provided by: Research Strategy Office Governance


This course is self taught (Online course).

Bookings are not required for this event.

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Research Integrity: an introduction (UKRIO pilot) (online self-paced)

Self-taught course


The UKRIO pilot course provides a comprehensive grounding in research integrity for those new to the topic as well as an essential refresher for more experienced staff.

This self-paced course is structured into three interactive modules:

  • Module 1: Introduction to Research Integrity
  • Module 2: Research Integrity in the UK
  • Module 3: Leading by Example

You will have 12 months to complete the course.


In order to secure your place on the UKRIO pilot course, you must:

  1. Self-enrol on the University Moodle course (see joining instructions)
  2. Open the University Moodle course and
  3. Click on the UKRIO learning package in the Moodle in order to fully launch the UKRIO course
Target audience

The course is designed to be suitable for anyone conducting or managing research, including:

  • early career researchers (research students, post-doctorates and fellows),
  • group leaders (and other experienced staff) seeking refresher training
  • support staff (technicians, professional staff)

It is open to everyone.


It is recommended that PhD students and other early career researchers complete the Cambridge-specific online research integrity module prior to the UKRIO course.

Topics covered

Research Integrity; Good Research Practice; Research Misconduct


By the end of the course, you will have a basic understanding of:

  • What research integrity means and why it matters.
  • The approach to research integrity in the UK.
  • What it means to lead by example and how to build an environment with a good research integrity culture

In order to secure your place on the UKRIO pilot course, you must:

  1. Self-enrol on the University Moodle course (enrolment key: RI_2024_all! )
  2. Open the University Moodle course and
  3. Click on the UKRIO learning package in the Moodle course in order to fully launch the UKRIO course

Additional points to note

  • You must launch the UKRIO learning package before Friday 10th May 2024 in order to access the UKRIO course.
  • It is not possible to join the URKIO course after this date.
  • There are a limited number of spaces available.
  • Once you launch the UKRIO learning package in the University Moodle course, your place is guaranteed.

approximately one hour for all three modules.

If you are completing the UKRIO course as a refresher training, the duration is like to be shorter.

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