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Schools of Physical Sciences & Technology course timetable


Thu 7 Mar 2019 – Wed 22 May 2024

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March 2019

Thu 7
How to Write an Academic Paper and Get it Published new Finished 10:00 - 16:00 CCTL, Revans Room

The course takes an evidence-based approach to writing. Participants will learn that publishing is a game and the more they understand the rules of the game the higher their chances of becoming publishing authors. They will learn that writing an academic article and getting it published may help with their careers but it does not make them better researchers, or cleverer than they were before their paper was accepted; it simply means they have played the game well.

Suitable for researchers in any discipline who are keen to learn how to write academic papers and articles efficiently and/or who have had papers rejected and are not really sure why.

If you want a better chance of your name on a paper, this is for you!

Trainer Olivia Timbs is an award-winning editor and journalist with over 30 years' experience gained from working on national newspapers and for a range of specialist health and medical journals.

Cancellation and Non-attendance Policy Due to high demand we cannot accept cancellations for this course within 48 hours prior to the event. Any cancellations made after this time will be considered as a non-attendance. Participants who do not attend on the day will be subject to a £50 fee. By booking a place on the course you accept these terms.

Mon 18
Profile - Raising and Networking for Researchers new Finished 10:00 - 16:00 CCTL, Revans Room

This is a day-long session to help researchers develop strategies for making networking part of a successful career, whether inside or outside research. It focuses on thinking about all of the researchers’ working life as a route to networking, rather than being a course about 'personal impact' in conference coffee breaks.

This course is suitable for both, researchers wishing to stay in academia or moving away from it.

June 2019

Mon 10
Presenting with Impact Finished 13:30 - 16:30 Department of Material Science and Metallurgy, Goldsmiths Lecture Room 1

This workshop will develop skills to become more confident, credible and engaging as a presenter. Starting with presentation theory and technique, part one is about understanding the tools you need to be engaging and become more confident.

Part two, that will take place a week after part one, is practice and coaching in a small group. You will be asked to deliver a two-minute presentation and try out alternative techniques to find your unique style and show how you can use this to inform your audiences.

You will be able to book for Part two part of the workshop after attending the first part. It will be open only to few students, and it is not compulsory.

Tue 11
Voice Projection: An Introduction new Finished 10:00 - 14:00 Department of Engineering, James Dyson Building, Seminar Room

If you occasionally suffer from vocal strain or wish to discover your true vocal range and power then this course is for you. We will work together to improve your vocal projection using vocal techniques practised by actors by using various physical and vocal exercises in a relaxed atmosphere. Be prepared to relax, kick off your shoes and lie on the floor.

Tue 18
Human Factors in Innovation and Enterprise (1 of 7) Finished 14:00 - 17:00 16 Mill Lane, Office of Post-Doctoral Affairs, Eastwood Room

Whether you are considering collaborating on dynamic projects with small business; want to work better with an industrial partner or you are considering commercialising your research, this programme will develop the people management skills and self-awareness that help you to manage the Human Factor challenges.

Workshop content includes:

  • Build a successful organisational culture
  • How to be productive and manage workload
  • Develop business analysis and influencing skills
  • Understand professional interpersonal relations
  • Improve your resilience when managing change
  • Manage stress and make good decisions
Tue 25
Human Factors in Innovation and Enterprise (2 of 7) Finished 14:00 - 17:00 16 Mill Lane, Office of Post-Doctoral Affairs, Eastwood Room

Whether you are considering collaborating on dynamic projects with small business; want to work better with an industrial partner or you are considering commercialising your research, this programme will develop the people management skills and self-awareness that help you to manage the Human Factor challenges.

Workshop content includes:

  • Build a successful organisational culture
  • How to be productive and manage workload
  • Develop business analysis and influencing skills
  • Understand professional interpersonal relations
  • Improve your resilience when managing change
  • Manage stress and make good decisions

July 2019

Tue 2
Human Factors in Innovation and Enterprise (3 of 7) Finished 14:00 - 17:00 16 Mill Lane, Office of Post-Doctoral Affairs, Eastwood Room

Whether you are considering collaborating on dynamic projects with small business; want to work better with an industrial partner or you are considering commercialising your research, this programme will develop the people management skills and self-awareness that help you to manage the Human Factor challenges.

Workshop content includes:

  • Build a successful organisational culture
  • How to be productive and manage workload
  • Develop business analysis and influencing skills
  • Understand professional interpersonal relations
  • Improve your resilience when managing change
  • Manage stress and make good decisions
Fri 5
Profile - Raising and Networking for Researchers Finished 10:00 - 16:00 Postdoc Centre@ Mill Lane, Eastwood Room

This is a day-long session to help researchers develop strategies for making networking part of a successful career, whether inside or outside research. It focuses on thinking about all of the researchers’ working life as a route to networking, rather than being a course about 'personal impact' in conference coffee breaks.

This course is suitable for both, researchers wishing to stay in academia or moving away from it.

Tue 9
Human Factors in Innovation and Enterprise (4 of 7) Finished 14:00 - 17:00 16 Mill Lane, Office of Post-Doctoral Affairs, Eastwood Room

Whether you are considering collaborating on dynamic projects with small business; want to work better with an industrial partner or you are considering commercialising your research, this programme will develop the people management skills and self-awareness that help you to manage the Human Factor challenges.

Workshop content includes:

  • Build a successful organisational culture
  • How to be productive and manage workload
  • Develop business analysis and influencing skills
  • Understand professional interpersonal relations
  • Improve your resilience when managing change
  • Manage stress and make good decisions
Fri 12
The art of getting heard: developing effective communication new Finished 10:00 - 16:00 Postdoc Centre@ Mill Lane, Eastwood Room

This highly participative workshop will help you develop your ability to communicate effectively with a range of stakeholders. In order to be successful in your PhD and academia, you need to be able to communicate and work successfully with others. This one day workshop will help you develop your communication skills in order to engage more effectively with your supervisor, peers, and wider networks.

This session will cover:

  • The communication process
  • Active listening
  • Assertiveness and managing expectations
  • Feedback frameworks
  • Working in collaboration with others
  • Stakeholder mapping
Voice Projection: An Introduction new Finished 10:00 - 14:00 Department of Engineering, James Dyson Building, Seminar Room

If you occasionally suffer from vocal strain or wish to discover your true vocal range and power then this course is for you. We will work together to improve your vocal projection using vocal techniques practised by actors by using various physical and vocal exercises in a relaxed atmosphere. Be prepared to relax, kick off your shoes and lie on the floor.

Mon 15
Human Factors in Innovation and Enterprise (5 of 7) Finished 14:00 - 17:00 16 Mill Lane, Office of Post-Doctoral Affairs, Eastwood Room

Whether you are considering collaborating on dynamic projects with small business; want to work better with an industrial partner or you are considering commercialising your research, this programme will develop the people management skills and self-awareness that help you to manage the Human Factor challenges.

Workshop content includes:

  • Build a successful organisational culture
  • How to be productive and manage workload
  • Develop business analysis and influencing skills
  • Understand professional interpersonal relations
  • Improve your resilience when managing change
  • Manage stress and make good decisions
Mon 22
Human Factors in Innovation and Enterprise (6 of 7) Finished 14:00 - 17:00 16 Mill Lane, Office of Post-Doctoral Affairs, Eastwood Room

Whether you are considering collaborating on dynamic projects with small business; want to work better with an industrial partner or you are considering commercialising your research, this programme will develop the people management skills and self-awareness that help you to manage the Human Factor challenges.

Workshop content includes:

  • Build a successful organisational culture
  • How to be productive and manage workload
  • Develop business analysis and influencing skills
  • Understand professional interpersonal relations
  • Improve your resilience when managing change
  • Manage stress and make good decisions
Wed 24
Human Factors in Innovation and Enterprise (7 of 7) Finished 10:00 - 16:00 16 Mill Lane, Office of Post-Doctoral Affairs, Eastwood Room

Whether you are considering collaborating on dynamic projects with small business; want to work better with an industrial partner or you are considering commercialising your research, this programme will develop the people management skills and self-awareness that help you to manage the Human Factor challenges.

Workshop content includes:

  • Build a successful organisational culture
  • How to be productive and manage workload
  • Develop business analysis and influencing skills
  • Understand professional interpersonal relations
  • Improve your resilience when managing change
  • Manage stress and make good decisions

October 2019

Thu 31
Finishing Your PhD and Looking Beyond new Finished 09:30 - 17:00 Postdoc Centre@ Mill Lane, Eastwood Room

This course will take a complete look at the final year of your PhD. From the core elements of the thesis and viva and the often forgotten administrative tasks that must get done, on to looking at who you have become and what career path you may take.

This course will cover:

  • Planning your final year
  • Writing your thesis
  • Administration of your final year
  • The viva
  • Understanding who you are: expertise; suitability; values
  • Looking toward your future career

NOTE: Please bring a printed 50-word statement that summarises your research. The statement should be aimed at an educated but non-expert audience.

December 2019

Mon 9
Effective Researcher Finished 10:00 - 16:00 Department of Material Science and Metallurgy, Goldsmiths Lecture Room 1

This interactive and intensive one-day course is intended for PhD students in their first year. You will look at practical ways to increase your effectiveness and meet the challenges of your PhD. The programme covers:

  • Looking at your PhD as a project
  • Working with other people
  • Managing your relationship with your supervisor

January 2020

Wed 29
CEB - 1st Years' Researcher Development Programme new (1 of 2) Finished 12:00 - 17:30 Wolfson College, Barton Road

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Thu 30
CEB - 1st Years' Researcher Development Programme new (2 of 2) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Wolfson College, Lee Hall

« Description not available »

February 2020

Thu 6
Achieving Clarity in Academic Writing new Finished 13:30 - 17:30 Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Meeting Room 2, AL.06

Achieving clarity in writing is not just about what’s written on the page – that is merely the final stage in a long and complex process. It actually starts with the interpretation of the question… From a linguistic perspective writing is actually rather straightforward, but the clarity of the ‘end product’, particularly in academic writing, is very much dependent on the clarity of all the stages that precede it. This session will examine this process and explores strategies to help you improve the clarity of your writing.

Wed 12
How to Write an Academic Paper and Get it Published new Finished 10:00 - 16:00 Postdoc Centre@ Mill Lane, Seminar Room

The course takes an evidence-based approach to writing. Participants will learn that publishing is a game and the more they understand the rules of the game the higher their chances of becoming publishing authors. They will learn that writing an academic article and getting it published may help with their careers but it does not make them better researchers, or cleverer than they were before their paper was accepted; it simply means they have played the game well.

Suitable for researchers in any discipline who are keen to learn how to write academic papers and articles efficiently and/or who have had papers rejected and are not really sure why.

If you want a better chance of your name on a paper, this is for you!

Trainer Olivia Timbs is an award-winning editor and journalist with over 30 years' experience gained from working on national newspapers and for a range of specialist health and medical journals.

March 2020

Tue 17
How to Write an Academic Paper and Get it Published new CANCELLED 10:00 - 16:00 Postdoc Centre@ Mill Lane, Seminar Room

The course takes an evidence-based approach to writing. Participants will learn that publishing is a game and the more they understand the rules of the game the higher their chances of becoming publishing authors. They will learn that writing an academic article and getting it published may help with their careers but it does not make them better researchers, or cleverer than they were before their paper was accepted; it simply means they have played the game well.

Suitable for researchers in any discipline who are keen to learn how to write academic papers and articles efficiently and/or who have had papers rejected and are not really sure why.

If you want a better chance of your name on a paper, this is for you!

Trainer Olivia Timbs is an award-winning editor and journalist with over 30 years' experience gained from working on national newspapers and for a range of specialist health and medical journals.

May 2020

Thu 21
How to Write an Academic Paper and Get it Published new CANCELLED 10:00 - 16:00 Postdoc Centre@ Mill Lane, Seminar Room

The course takes an evidence-based approach to writing. Participants will learn that publishing is a game and the more they understand the rules of the game the higher their chances of becoming publishing authors. They will learn that writing an academic article and getting it published may help with their careers but it does not make them better researchers, or cleverer than they were before their paper was accepted; it simply means they have played the game well.

Suitable for researchers in any discipline who are keen to learn how to write academic papers and articles efficiently and/or who have had papers rejected and are not really sure why.

If you want a better chance of your name on a paper, this is for you!

Trainer Olivia Timbs is an award-winning editor and journalist with over 30 years' experience gained from working on national newspapers and for a range of specialist health and medical journals.

June 2020

Tue 9
How to Write an Academic Paper and Get it Published new CANCELLED 10:00 - 16:00 Postdoc Centre@ Mill Lane, Seminar Room

The course takes an evidence-based approach to writing. Participants will learn that publishing is a game and the more they understand the rules of the game the higher their chances of becoming publishing authors. They will learn that writing an academic article and getting it published may help with their careers but it does not make them better researchers, or cleverer than they were before their paper was accepted; it simply means they have played the game well.

Suitable for researchers in any discipline who are keen to learn how to write academic papers and articles efficiently and/or who have had papers rejected and are not really sure why.

If you want a better chance of your name on a paper, this is for you!

Trainer Olivia Timbs is an award-winning editor and journalist with over 30 years' experience gained from working on national newspapers and for a range of specialist health and medical journals.

May 2024

Wed 22
Physics: LifeCycle Assessment (In Person Face To Face, May) new Finished 14:00 - 17:30 Department of Physics, Maxwell Centre, JJ Thomson Seminar Room (Floor 2)

This workshop will introduce the technique of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to Physical Sciences researchers who are keen to evaluate the use of this technique for their work. With the increasing emphasis on sustainability from all fronts, researchers are now expected to reflect on the sustainability impact of their work, and understand the choices that might be available to them. This half day workshop will introduce the use of EcoInvent software for conducting LCA analyses. The workshop will be held in hybrid format - the in person attendees will have a room reserved in the Maxwell Centre, with refreshments available during the break. Online attendees will attend via zoom. When making your booking please make sure you are booking for the correct format i.e. in person or online.

The workshop will be led by NanoDTC alumnus Dr Taylor Uekert, who is currently at the Circular Economy for Energy Materials Team at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Colorado.

Please Note: It is important that when you book on this course, on your booking confirmation page, click on Add to Calendar to start the process to import the course appointment into your calendar. This contains the link to the Zoom meeting under Joining Instructions that you will use to join on the day of the course.

Physics: LifeCycle Assessment (Live Online Using Zoom, May) new Finished 14:00 - 17:30 Department of Physics Online

This workshop will introduce the technique of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to Physical Sciences researchers who are keen to evaluate the use of this technique for their work. With the increasing emphasis on sustainability from all fronts, researchers are now expected to reflect on the sustainability impact of their work, and understand the choices that might be available to them. This half day workshop will introduce the use of EcoInvent software for conducting LCA analyses. The workshop will be held in hybrid format - the in person attendees will have a room reserved in the Maxwell Centre, with refreshments available during the break. Online attendees will attend via zoom. When making your booking please make sure you are booking for the correct format i.e. in person or online.

The workshop will be led by NanoDTC alumnus Dr Taylor Uekert, who is currently at the Circular Economy for Energy Materials Team at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Colorado.

Please note that the course is taught using Zoom and you must have Zoom installed on your computer to participate. See System requirements below for more information

Please Note: It is important that when you book on this course, on your booking confirmation page, click on Add to Calendar to start the process to import the course appointment into your calendar. This contains the link to the Zoom meeting under Joining Instructions that you will use to join on the day of the course.