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Thu 20 Jun 2024
12:00 - 14:00

Venue: West Hub, West Room 1

Provided by: Research Strategy Office Governance


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Export Control and Research Integrity Training (in-person face-to-face)

Thu 20 Jun 2024


Export control training (12-1pm)


The UK has an obligation to ensure that goods, technology or software that can be used for a military purpose or contribute towards the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction are not exported into the wrong hands. This may affect research data, research equipment or publications, even in areas that have no intended military application. This training course provides an overview of export control legislations and how it may impact academic research, equipment, collaborations and outputs.

Integrity training (1pm-2pm)


As part of our mission to produce internationally excellent research, the University needs to ensure that that the research findings it produces are trustworthy, that they have integrity. This session provides an overview of the expectations on researchers as regards the integrity of their research, the challenges that can be faced in living up to these expectations and what can be done to facilitate a culture of research integrity. We will discuss issues ranging from research misconduct through to steps that can be taken to encourage best practice. The session will be a mixture of talk and workshop - exploring real life scenarios and encouraging discussions of what else the University can do to support integrity in research.

It is not necessary to stay for both parts of the training. Come and stay for export control or integrity training or both.

Target audience

This session is held for the Technician's Network.




Number of sessions: 1

# Date Time Venue Trainers
1 Thu 20 Jun   12:00 - 14:00 12:00 - 14:00 West Hub, West Room 1 map Nadine Tschacksch,  Dr Rhys Morgan

Export control

The session will provide an overview of

  * what export control is and what is covered by UK export control legislation
  * what the exemptions are
  * how to comply with UK export control legislation
  * travel abroad with and remote teaching of controlled items / technology
  * how US export controls may impact research in UK universities.

Research Integrity

This session will provide an overview of

  * What research integrity and misconduct
  * Where to locate and refer to the UUK Concordat and the University of Cambridge’s policy documents
  * How to recognise integrity-related pressures
  * Where to seek advice 
  * How to raise concerns and make allegations

Presentations, discussions, case studies


2 hours for both sessions


individual event

Related courses
Ethical & Legal Requirements

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