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8 matching courses
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These e-learning modules are available via the InforMEA e-learning platform. Information and guidance on ABS and Nagoya Protocol webpage is available on the University website.
Introduction to Access and Benefit Sharing(ABS)
This course provides an introduction to access and benefit-sharing of genetic resource that originate from overseas.
Sign up on the InforeMEA platform.
Further details about the syllabus information are available here.
Introductory Course to the Nagoya Protocol
This course provides an introduction to the major components of the Nagoya Protocol.
Please see the syllabus for further details and sign up on the InforeMEA platform.
If you wish, you can take a quiz at the end of the both courses to assess your learning progress. You are required to answer at least 80% of the assessment questions correctly in order to obtain a course certificate.
The UK has an obligation to ensure that goods, technology or software that can be used for a military purpose or contribute towards the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction are not exported into the wrong hands. This may affect research data, research equipment or publications, even in areas that have no intended military application. This training course provides an overview of export control legislations and how it may impact academic research, collaborations and outputs.
Date | Availability | |
Thu 1 May 2025 | 11:30 | [Places] |
This e-learning module is available via the HRA e-learning platform. It explains the regulations and considerations relating to mental capacity and research. It is aimed at those involved in designing or undertaking, supporting or reviewing research, and takes account of research seeking to include adults lacking capacity as well as research where some participants may lack capacity or lose capacity.

This module provides an overview of human tissue legislation in the UK; good practice and practical tips for compliance. It was developed by the MRC in consultation with the Human Tissue Authority and others.
Sign up here:
MRC Certificate
- If you would like download a certificate of course completion, you may take the relevant MRC assessement
- The assessments consist of 10 randomly generated questions; the pass mark is 70%.
- You may repeat the assessment as many times as you wish. A certificate can be printed when you pass the assessment.
This course seeks to provide you with an overview of the principles, responsibilities and importance of research integrity. We will cover what research misconduct looks like, how it can be avoided and reported, and where you can find help for maintaining and promoting integrity in your research work.
The course consists of two parts. The first part is the learning section, and will take approximately 30-40 minutes to complete. The second part is a 10 minute quiz to test your knowledge. Please ensure you complete both parts in order to complete the course.
There are three versions to account for disciplinary variation:
- Biological Sciences and Clinical Medicine
- Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
- Technology and Physical Sciences

This self-paced online course provides an introduction to principles of responsible research and innovation. Responsible research and innovation (RRI) is an approach that anticipates and assesses potential implications and societal expectations with regard to research and innovation. It includes, but goes beyond, considerations of ethics, public engagement, risk and regulation.
UKRIO holds regular webinars on research integrity and related issues. In their previous webinar series, speakers from UKRIO and invited experts explore topics such as: publication ethics and authorship; research data; implementation of the Concordat to Support Research Integrity; research ethics; consent in research; and research integrity training.
Selected presentations and recordings (where available) from previous UKRIO webinars are available on the UKRIO website and on their YouTube channel
Past webinars videos and slides
- Co-production: participant and stakeholder involvement in research – 28 June 2023
- Trusted Research – 19 April 2023
- Research Culture: Environments & Accountability, in association with GuildHE – 22 February 2023
- An Introduction to Research Integrity – 7 December 2022
- EASE/UKRIO Peer Review Week webinar: How Can Peer Review Support Research Integrity? – 21 September 2022
- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in the Research Environment – 20 April 2022
- Research Integrity in Practice Research – 9 February 2022
- An Introduction to Research Integrity – 1 December 2021
- Alternative Methods of Publishing – 4 November 2021
- Recognising & Rewarding Responsible Research Practice – 21 July 2021
- An Introduction to Research Integrity – 21 April 2021
- Research Involving Animals – 24 February 2021
- Good research practice from the publishers’ perspective – 20 January 2021
- Research Culture – 9 December 2020
- Data Sharing and Ethics – 11 November 2020
- Clinical Trials – 14 October 2020
- Consent – 9 September 2020
- Research Ethics – 5 August 2020
- Research Integrity: a landscape study – 8 July 2020
- Publication Ethics – 10 June 2020
- Sector Update – 6 May 2020
You don't need to sign up here to watch the recorded webinars. If you sign up here, this will be recorded on the training website.
UKRIO holds regular webinars on research integrity and related issues. In their webinar series, speakers from UKRIO and invited experts explore topics such as: publication ethics and authorship; research data; implementation of the Concordat to Support Research Integrity; research ethics; consent in research; and research integrity training.
UKRIO webinars are open to all and free to attend. The upcoming webinars are listed below. For the latest information on these free events and sign-up, please check the UKRIO website.
Upcoming UKRIO webinars
Date | Time | Topic |
9 Oct 2024, | 10:00-11:00 BST | AI in research: supporting research integrity through governance and ethics |
3 Dec 2024, | 10:00-11:00 BST | Research integrity and research culture in the third sector |
5 Feb 2025 | 10:00-11:00 BST | Embedding equity in research integrity |
24 April 2024 | 10:00-11:00 BST | Strengthening research integrity in the arts and humanities |
25 June 2024 | 10:00-11:00 BST | Research culture: practical initiatives for measurement and improvement |
In addition, you may also wish to attend one of the UKRIO subscriber-exclusive webinars. Sign up and further information:
- Introduction to Research Integrity
- Ethical considerations in research
- Date and topic tbd
- Date and topic tbd