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3 matching courses

This course is designed to provide a basic introduction to how finances are managed at the University and is the ideal first course for anyone who will be working in an accounts area.

Not only does it provide an overview of how the University's Finance System (UFS) is structured but also which activities are performed centrally and which are done in departments. It introduces the concepts of the Financial Regulations and Finance Procedures as well as signposting where you can find more support, how to access UFS and what training may be appropriate for your role.

This on-line course will enable Shared Services staff members to understand the basics of accounts payable, including processing basic invoices and expense claims.

On-demand package - Chart of Accounts and Account Enquiry

This package covers the following areas:

  • Account code structure
  • Running an account enquiry
  • Using summary templates
  • Running a budget enquiry
  • Self-test knowledge check (successful completion of this knowledge check will enable Finance Training to add this to your training record)

Click on this link to access the course