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Theme: GLS Compulsory Elements

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3 matching courses

This compulsory online course will equip you with the skills required to manage the research information you will need to gather throughout your graduate course, as well as the publications you will produce yourself. It will also help you enhance your online research profile and measure the impact of research.

The course is self-taught through Moodle, you can enrol here:

A thorough awareness of issues relating to research ethics and research integrity are essential to producing excellent research. This session will provide an introduction to the ethical responsibilities of researchers at the University, publication ethics and research integrity.

This training is available via Moodle.

Engaging communications is important for any audience and vital for communicating research with a public audience. This 2 hour webinar will take you through the art and science for crafting engaging communications including:

  • the fundamental principles for all good communication
  • two simple ways to enhance your personal impact
  • tools for collating and structuring engaging and accessible content
  • psychological points of power when presenting with powerpoint