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Theme: Accessibility & Assistive Technology

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5 matching courses

Assistive Technology: One-to-One ONLINE Tue 11 Feb 2025   11:00 CANCELLED

This session is provided for students who have a Disability Resource Centre referral for specialised one-to-one support. Bespoke sessions cover support for users with:

  • Mobility issues, such as an upper limb disorder, where ergonomic keyboards and mice or speech recognition software may be required
  • Visual impairment requirements where magnification or text scanning to alternative format can assist users to view a computer screen or read and listen to text
  • Specific learning difficulties, who may find speech recognition software or mind mapping software useful

A session typically fall into 2 categories:

  • Looking at available hardware, software or IT techniques that can aid in the development of tailored strategies and solutions to help users independently access computing facilities
  • Providing training for Assistive Technology software packages to help users progress with the software

At time of booking please specify the following details in the Special Requirements box

  • Name of person that referred you
  • A brief outline of type of assistance required e.g. software training, workstation evaluation or general support and advice
  • If you require wheelchair access to the venue
LiL: Accessible Elearning (Online) Self-taught Booking not required

A curated course by the Digital Literacy Skills programme as part of the University of Cambridge's subscription to LinkedIn Learning.

This course can be acccessed here.

A curated course by the Digital Literacy Skills programme as part of the University of Cambridge's subscription to LinkedIn Learning.

This course can be acccessed here.

A recommended course by the Digital Literacy Skills Programme as part of the University of Cambridge's subscription to LinkedIn Learning.

The course can be accessed here.

A recommended course by the Digital Literacy Skills Programme as part of the University of Cambridge's subscription to LinkedIn Learning.

The course can be accessed here.