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Theme: Collaboration & Communication

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9 matching courses

Are you organising an event with a larger audience, and considering using Teams? Webinars are ideal for business and educational purposes, such as training sessions, demonstrations, virtual conferences, and academic lectures.

Confused over the various types of webinars? You may be aware of Live Events (soon to be updated to Town Halls) as an alternative to this course on Webinars; Live Events have a more structured delivery style and require an individual to take the role of producer to advance the next slide. Webinars are similar to a Teams meeting and are more intuitive to use.

Teams Webinars typically involve a combination of audio and visual elements where the presenters share their video feed, give presentations, or other multimedia content, while participants can ask questions, provide feedback, and participate in discussions through chat, Q&A or other interactive features such as breakout rooms.

This course will give you the opportunity to learn how to mitigate technical problems on the day, and to practise managing your content before you go live! Both organisers and presenters will find this course useful.

The course is taught using Microsoft Teams and you must have the Teams desktop installed on your computer to participate.

Please Note: When you book on this course, on your booking confirmation page, click on Add to Calendar to start the process to import the course appointment into your calendar. This contains the link to the MS Teams course meeting under Joining Instructions that you will use to join on the day of the course.

  • See Related Courses below to take your skills further

1 other event...

Date Availability
Wed 25 Sep 2024 09:30 [Places]

A recommended course by the Digital Literacy Skills programme as part of the University of Cambridge's subscription to LinkedIn Learning.

This course can be accessed here.

This a curated course by the Digital Literacy Skills programme as part of the University of Cambridge's subscription to LinkedIn Learning.

This course can be acccessed here.

LiL: Zoom: Quick Tips (Online) Self-taught Booking not required

This a curated course by the Digital Literacy Skills programme as part of the University of Cambridge's subscription to LinkedIn Learning.

This course can be acccessed here.

Miro Academy: Agile Workflows (Online) new Self-taught Booking not required

Miro is a online collaboration whiteboarding platform. This course is an online course delivered by the Miro.

This course wil show you how to facilitate retrospectives, backlog refinement, and remote team building in Miro.

If you do not have an account for Miro, you will be asked to create an account before accessing the course.

To access this course click here.

Miro is a online collaboration whiteboarding platform. This course is an online course delivered by Miro Academy.

This course wil show you how to work with the board, collaborate with my colleagues, and organize my team.

If you do not have an account for Miro, you will be asked to create an account before accessing the course.

To access this course click here.

Miro is a online collaboration whiteboarding platform.

These short online videos from Miro help you to get started in under 15 mins.

If you do not have an account for Miro, you will be asked to create an account before accessing the course.

To access these videos click here.

Miro Academy: User Experience Design (Online) new Self-taught Booking not required

Miro is a online collaboration whiteboarding platform. This course is an online course delivered by the Miro.

This course wil show you how other UX design teams use Miro for research, customer journey maps, and workshops.

If you do not have an account for Miro, you will be asked to create an account before accessing the course.

To access this course click here.

Panopto is an online platform for creating, managing and publishing videos.

A recommended series of courses have been collated and can be found here on Moodle.

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