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Theme: Mathematics & Statistics

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3 matching courses

An Introduction to R: Software For Statistical Analysis, with Dr Simon R. White, MRC Biostatistics Unit, and Dr Adam P. Wagner, University of Cambridge.

GNU R is (freely) available for all major platforms (Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.) and is growing in popularity in academia and beyond for carrying out statistical analysis and data manipulation.

The aim of the course is to introduce participants to the basics of statistical analysis and the open source statistical software GNU R.

Participants will actively use R throughout the course, during which they will be introduced to principles of statistical thinking and interpretation by example, exercises and discussion about a range of problems. The examples will be used to present a variety of statistical concepts and techniques, with no focus on any specific discipline.

Participants Without a Raven Password: If you do not have a Raven's account and would like to attend this course, or have other booking queries, please email Adam Wagner (

BBSRC Reproducible Research new Tue 7 Jan 2020   14:00 Finished

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An Introduction to data analysis in R new Mon 25 Sep 2017   14:00 Finished

R is a free, software environment for statistical and data analysis, with many useful features that promote and facilitate reproducible research.

In this course, we introduce the R language, and cover basic data manipulation and plotting. We explore more advanced data analysis techniques using the packages dplyr and ggplot. Finally we introduce the concept of reproducible research, and how this may be assisted using 'literate programming'—combining documentation with code.

After the course you should feel confident to start exploring your own dataset, using the materials and references provided.


If you book onto this course you must attend all of the sessions as detailed below. Failure to attend a session or cancellation of your place less than 48 hours before the start of the first session will result in an administrative charge of £50.

Please ensure you have permission from your supervisor to attend this course before you make your booking!


Dr Michael Grayling, MRC Biostatistics Unit

Dr Simon Frost, Department of Veterinary Medicine

Dr Matt Castle, GSLS