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Showing courses 26-50 of 2314
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Anti-Bribery & Corruption Training Self-taught Booking not required

The University and all its staff have a responsibility to ensure that neither their conduct, nor the conduct of any person or organisation entering into any contract or arrangement with the University contravenes the Bribery Act 2010.

This online course guides you through the scope of the Bribery Act and Criminal Finances Act and highlights some of the situations that you should be aware of.

AP: eInvoicing in Accounts Payable Self-taught Bookable

An Introduction to the University's eInvoicing system, how it works and what actions/processes are completed by the department.

This on-line course will enable end users to understand the basics of accounts payable, including processing basic invoices and expense claims.

This on-line course will enable Shared Services staff members to understand the basics of accounts payable, including processing basic invoices and expense claims.

This on-line course enables users to learn how to Secondary Approve invoices within the Accounts Payable module.

Apprenticeship Case Studies new Self-taught Booking not required

Apprenticeships can help people of all ages and at all levels (including post graduate qualifications), to gain the skills and knowledge they need for a rewarding career.

We have asked some of our Apprentices about their experiences, why they chose to undertake an apprenticeship and the benefits they are seeing through their participation. Please follow the links below to see what they have to say.

Approaches to Learning: Bitesize Self-taught Booking not required

Approaches to Learning: Bitesize

PPD bitesize resources are short and high impact; including videos, quick tips guides and interactive bitesize modules. Develop your skills and knowledge quickly, easily, when you need. They complement face to face events and more in-depth online modules.

The Accounts Receivable (AR) module of the University’s Finance System (CUFS) deals with managing customer information and managing income generated from sales and donations.

In this course we will be looking at some of the key aspects such as:

  • creating external invoices
  • creating internal invoices
  • receipting income relating to invoices
  • receipting other income

We will also provide you with some basic information relating to banking procedures and to the University’s Online Store (also known as eSales).

Assistive Technology: One-to-One ONLINE Tue 11 Feb 2025   11:00 CANCELLED

This session is provided for students who have a Disability Resource Centre referral for specialised one-to-one support. Bespoke sessions cover support for users with:

  • Mobility issues, such as an upper limb disorder, where ergonomic keyboards and mice or speech recognition software may be required
  • Visual impairment requirements where magnification or text scanning to alternative format can assist users to view a computer screen or read and listen to text
  • Specific learning difficulties, who may find speech recognition software or mind mapping software useful

A session typically fall into 2 categories:

  • Looking at available hardware, software or IT techniques that can aid in the development of tailored strategies and solutions to help users independently access computing facilities
  • Providing training for Assistive Technology software packages to help users progress with the software

At time of booking please specify the following details in the Special Requirements box

  • Name of person that referred you
  • A brief outline of type of assistance required e.g. software training, workstation evaluation or general support and advice
  • If you require wheelchair access to the venue
ATLAS.ti Cloud: Quick Tour (Online) Self-taught Booking not required

This is a course created by the professional academic trainers at ATLAS.ti and selected for curation by UIS training staff.

The course can be accessed here

ATLAS.ti: Free Webinars (Online) new Self-taught Booking not required

These are a series of webinars run by the professional academic trainers at ATLAS.ti and selected for curation by UIS training staff.

You can register for the webinars here

ATLAS.ti Macintosh: Quick Tour (Online) Self-taught Booking not required

This is a course created by the professional academic trainers at ATLAS.ti and selected for curation by UIS training staff.

The course can be accessed here

ATLAS.ti: Video Tutorials (Online) new Self-taught Booking not required

These are a series of video tutorials created by the professional academic trainers at ATLAS.ti and selected for curation by UIS training staff.

You can view the tutorials here

ATLAS.ti Windows: Quick Tour (Online) Self-taught Booking not required

This is a course created by the professional academic trainers at ATLAS.ti and selected for curation by UIS training staff.

The course can be accessed here

Autism- and ADHD-friendly Two-Day Writing Retreat new Mon 1 Jul 2024   09:30 [Places]

The Two-Day writing retreat is designed to offer structured sessions of academic writing for PhD students who wish to come and work in a supportive environment, and discuss strategies for good working practices that accommodate neurodivergence. You do NOT need to have a confirmed diagnosis to attend this retreat.

We start the first day with an introduction that discusses the kinds of challenges that Autism and ADHD can present in doctoral research, as well as strengths. This is followed by discussion sessions on finding adaptive ways to work when handling executive dysfunction, or issues with your environment. The rest of the first day is dedicated to writing, with short sessions to test out new ways to approach your work. The second day will be a dedicated writing retreat, with time in a comfortable environment to crack on with some writing! A full schedule for the two days will be sent out at least a week in advance.

You will be writing alongside fellow graduate students. There will be a ‘quiet room’ and a ‘noisy room’ to accommodate various working styles/activities, and attendees are welcome to bring along any fidget objects etc. that would normally help them focus. We will also bring a selection of these to try out!

If you have attended before you are very welcome to come again – feel free to skip the introductory talk or just go get settled in the ‘quiet room’ to start your work.

Lastly, tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided, but you will need to arrange your own lunch.

Being an Active Bystander: Webinar new Self-taught Booking not required

Have you ever been concerned about a situation and wanted to help, but didn't? Hearing a racist/sexist/homophobic joke in the tea room? Seeing an inappropriate touch of a friend? Watching a colleague wince at being belittled or interrupted in a team meeting? You're not alone, this is more common for many of us than you might think.

This short session explores why this happens and what it means to be an active bystander. This includes simple changes and actions you can take to support others around you without confrontation and, over time, support a more inclusive environment for all of us to live and work in.

Access the recording of the being an active bystander webinar.

Better Decision Making: Bitesize Self-taught Booking not required

Better Decision Making: Bitesize

PPD bitesize resources are short and high impact; including videos, quick tips guides and interactive bitesize modules. Develop your skills and knowledge quickly, easily, when you need. They complement face to face events and more in-depth online modules.

This course is based on a typical literature review lifecycle. You start by planning your search. You then carry out your search. Once you've found some results, you evaluate what you have found to see if it is relevant to your needs. You manage your results by saving them to a suitable place so you can come back to them. If you are interested in tracking changes in your field, you enact approaches to keep up to date with new research. And as your research evolves, you refine your search to reflect new concepts and new terms. And so the cycle continues.

While you may not be as focused on the longer term tracking of new research in your field, being able to plan, search, evaluate and manage effectively are additional skills which we will cover in this course. The course will be structured around the first four stages described above, with optional additional information about the last two stages for those who are interested.

This course is supplemented by live workshop opportunities throughout the academic year.

The British Universities Finance Directors Group have released a series of online courses covering a range of topics relevant to finance in the higher education sector.

This course will explain VAT reliefs commonly available to universities and how they are claimed.

BUFDG: Introducing VAT in HE new Self-taught Bookable

The British Universities Finance Directors Group have released a series of online courses covering a range of topics relevant to finance in the higher education sector.

This course will provide you with an overview of how VAT applies specifically in the higher education sector but is not intended to be a fully comprehensive guide.

The British Universities Finance Directors Group have released a series of online courses covering a range of topics relevant to finance in the higher education sector.

This course will provide you with an overview of how VAT applies to income specifically in the higher education sector but is not intended to be a fully comprehensive guide.

BUFDG: VAT on Purchasing in HE new Self-taught Bookable

The British Universities Finance Directors Group have released a series of online courses covering a range of topics relevant to finance in the higher education sector.

It will provide you with an overview of how VAT applies to purchasing specifically in the higher education sector but is not intended to be a fully comprehensive guide.

The British Universities Finance Directors Group have released a series of online courses covering a range of topics relevant to finance in the higher education sector.

This course will explain the reliefs commonly available to universities and how they are claimed.

Have you ever been in a team meeting where no one voiced their opinions, there was a lack of discussion, and everyone simply went along with the most senior person?

A high performing team is one that is able to bounce ideas off each other, problem solve, and feel comfortable that no one will not be humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns or mistakes. But how can this be achieved?

In this course, we explore what psychological safety looks like in a hybrid environment, what gets in the way of us speaking up, and the science-backed strategies to become a psychologically safe team in today's modern working world.

Access the recording of the Building Psychological Safety in Hybrid Teams Webinar.

Most people have online profiles and, as a researchers, your online presence offers many rich opportunities. It is helpful to be aware of tools and tips that can help you boost your visibility online, as well as common mistakes to avoid.

In this course, you will:

  • begin to develop your online research profile by making yourself visible to others in a way(s) that suits you.
  • learn what an ORCID is and how to obtain one.
  • learn what your Symplectic Elements account is for and begin to make it work for you
  • review your current visibility and consider the next steps

You will receive the URL for the course in the confirmation email after booking.

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