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All PPD Personal and Professional Development courses

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Showing courses 76-100 of 107
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New Horizons: Podcast new Self-taught Booking not required

Starting something new, a new project, a new initiative, a new strategy is always daunting but where do you start and how and what do you do? What should you not do and who do you take with you on your new venture? We discuss this with Joy Houghton, the Chief of Staff of the University of Cambridge's first overseas research centre, the Cambridge Centre for Advanced Research and Education in Singapore (CARES). In this podcast, find out more about Joy’s work and experience in setting up CARES.

Access the recording of the New Horizons Podcast.

Personal Development Plan: Bitesize Self-taught Booking not required

Personal Development Plan: Bitesize

PPD bitesize resources are short and high impact; including videos, quick tips guides and interactive bitesize modules. Develop your skills and knowledge quickly, easily, when you need. They complement face to face events and more in-depth online modules.

PESTLE Analysis: Bitesize Self-taught Booking not required

PESTLE Analysis: Bitesize

PPD bitesize resources are short and high impact; including videos, quick tips guides and interactive bitesize modules. Develop your skills and knowledge quickly, easily, when you need. They complement face to face events and more in-depth online modules.

PIs: Working Effectively with your Postdoc: Webinar new Self-taught Booking not required

So, you’ve recruited a new postdoc – now, what can you do to you ensure you work effectively together, support their work, align your plans, help them to develop and utilise their skills, establish a sense of wellbeing (yours and theirs)? What are your responsibilities in this area, what happens if things go off track, who can help? With guest PIs, including Professor Judy Hirst and Dr Ewan St John Smith, this short webinar will explore these questions and consider the key skills and knowledge to achieve an effective and productive working relationship and achieve the project goals together. It will also signpost you to resources and further opportunities to build your skills in this area.

Access the recording of the PIs: Working Effectively with your Postdoc webinar.

Presentation Skills: Online Course Self-taught Bookable

Do you dread speaking in public or giving presentations? Or are you looking to build on your current skills and experience to make your planning and delivery more effective? This course aims to develop your skills, knowledge and confidence in both formal and informal presentation situations e.g. meetings, training sessions and conferences.

This online course provides an opportunity to explore key areas in both preparation and delivery of presentations.

The University has a statutory duty to have ‘due regard to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’. This is known as the Prevent Duty (Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015). It is primarily about safeguarding students and staff in the University and includes a range of responsibilities in areas such as pastoral care, support for staff and students, procedures for arranging events and using facilities. All staff need to be aware of the process of radicalisation, definitions of extremism and the process for raising concerns in this context.

This online module (approx. 45 minutes) provides information about Prevent for all staff working in the University. It is to be used alongside the guidance information, including how to raise a concern in this context, on the University Prevent website.

To access this online module and see details of all available training and support, visit the Prevent Training Moodle site using your Raven login. Before starting the Prevent online modules you must update your Moodle profile to include your College and University institution. For guidance on how to do this see the Moodle help page. If you do not have a College and/or Cambridge institution please select 'Not applicable.

Module 5 - Prevent, a student and staff well-being issue (safeguarding, pastoral care and student support)
The University has a statutory duty to have ‘due regard to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’. This is known as the Prevent Duty (Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015). It is primarily about safeguarding students and staff in the University and includes a range of responsibilities in areas such as pastoral care, support for staff and students, procedures for arranging events and using facilities. All staff need to be aware of the process of radicalisation, definitions of extremism and the process for raising concerns in this context

This online module (approx. 25 minutes) provides information about Prevent for those with a pastoral role, particularly for students, in the University. It is to be used alongside the guidance information, including how to raise a concern in this context, on the University Prevent website

Questioning Technique: Bitesize Self-taught Booking not required

Questioning Technique: Bitesize

PPD bitesize resources are short and high impact; including videos, quick tips guides and interactive bitesize modules. Develop your skills and knowledge quickly, easily, when you need. They complement face to face events and more in-depth online modules.

Question Types: Bitesize Self-taught Booking not required

Question Types: Bitesize

PPD bitesize resources are short and high impact; including videos, quick tips guides and interactive bitesize modules. Develop your skills and knowledge quickly, easily, when you need. They complement face to face events and more in-depth online modules..

Quick Creative Techniques: Bitesize Self-taught Booking not required

Quick Creative Techniques: Bitesize

PPD bitesize resources are short and high impact; including videos, quick tips guides and interactive bitesize modules. Develop your skills and knowledge quickly, easily, when you need. They complement face to face events and more in-depth online modules.

Screening Policy (Briefing): Webinar new Self-taught Booking not required

The University will shortly be re-launching the Screening Policy. This briefing session will provide staff with an overview of the policy, how it will be implemented and the impact this will have on recruitment.

Access the recording of the Screening Policy (Briefing): Webinar

Situational Leadership: Bitesize Self-taught Booking not required

Situational Leadership: Bitesize

PPD bitesize resources are short and high impact; including videos, quick tips guides and interactive bitesize modules. Develop your skills and knowledge quickly, easily, when you need. They complement face to face events and more in-depth online modules.

The salary threshold for Skilled Worker visa applicants are due to increase from 4th April 2024. The Rules outlining these changes will be published on 14th March, and this briefing will provide a detailed overview of these changes and potential impacts on new starters after 4th April.

Access the recording of the Skilled Worker Visa: Future Changes (Briefing) webinar.

SMART Objectives: Bitesize Self-taught Booking not required

SMART Objectives: Bitesize

PPD bitesize resources are short and high impact; including videos, quick tips guides and interactive bitesize modules. Develop your skills and knowledge quickly, easily, when you need. They complement face to face events and more in-depth online modules.

Stages of Conflict: Bitesize Self-taught Booking not required

Stages of Conflict: Bitesize

PPD bitesize resources are short and high impact; including videos, quick tips guides and interactive bitesize modules. Develop your skills and knowledge quickly, easily, when you need. They complement face to face events and more in-depth online modules.

Stages of Problem Solving: Bitesize Self-taught Booking not required

Stages of Problem Solving: Bitesize

PPD bitesize resources are short and high impact; including videos, quick tips guides and interactive bitesize modules. Develop your skills and knowledge quickly, easily, when you need. They complement face to face events and more in-depth online modules.

Stakeholder Management: Bitesize Self-taught Booking not required

Stakeholder Management: Bitesize

PPD bitesize resources are short and high impact; including videos, quick tips guides and interactive bitesize modules. Develop your skills and knowledge quickly, easily, when you need. They complement face to face events and more in-depth online modules.

STAR Model: Bitesize new Self-taught Booking not required

STAR Model: Bitesize

PPD bitesize resources are short and high impact; including videos, quick tips guides and interactive bitesize modules. Develop your skills and knowledge quickly, easily, when you need. They complement face to face events and more in-depth online modules.

Strategic Development Programme Wed 12 Feb 2025   09:30 Not bookable

The SDP programme will offer a blend of theory and practical learning sessions, interwoven with the strategy and governance context of the University. This will be delivered over several sessions and put in to practice with a strategic work project.

  • You need to meet the selection criteria and complete an application form for the programme.
  • Applications will require approval by your line manager and will then be reviewed and prioritised by School Secretary, Head of Division and Head of Institution, Registrary as appropriate.
  • Applications typically open in May each year.
Strategic Development Programme Films: Bitesize Self-taught Booking not required

Strategic Development Programme Films: Bitesize

PPD bitesize resources are short and high impact; including videos, quick tips guides and interactive bitesize modules. Develop your skills and knowledge quickly, easily, when you need. They complement face to face events and more in-depth online modules.

Supporting People with Unseen Disabilities: Webinar new Self-taught Booking not required

As part of the Festival of Wellbeing and in partnership with the Leaders and Managers Network, this session by Dr Hisham Ziauddeen will consider how we can understand unseen disabilities and support people with disability in the workplace, particularly as we move to new ways of working together.

The impacts of COVID on the disabled community and the challenges for the future will be considered. Disabled people are one of the groups in society that have been hit hardest by the pandemic and in the world of COVID, where we are moving to ‘life as normal’ and ‘living with the virus’, they will continue to be significantly affected. We need to understand these in order to think about how we can support our colleagues through the coming times

Access the recording of the Supporting People with Unseen Disabilities Webinar.

Technical Staff Forum 2022: Webinar new Self-taught Booking not required

A webinar to update technical staff on the projects the University is running as part of the Technician Commitment and to learn more about professional development as well as to provide a Q+A session and to encourage engagement and discussion.

Technician Commitment Network Event new Wed 19 Jun 2024   14:15 [Places]

This next meeting focuses heavily on networking but will include a brief update from the Technician Commitment Coordinator on recent events and also a short presentation on where to begin looking at career development and training options.

These will be followed by a networking session and some local tours of labs/facilities in Pathology.

Following a recent announcement by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCO), the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) will be expanded to international researchers as well as international students.

The ATAS scheme currently applies to certain international students who require a visa to study in the UK and are intending to study at postgraduate level in certain sensitive subjects which may be “against the UK’s national interests”, predominately in programmes to develop Advanced Conventional Military Technology (ACMT), weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) or their means of delivery.

From 21 May 2021, the ATAS will be extended to cover ‘researchers’ intending to work in the UK in areas of research in these same sensitive areas. The ATAS requirement will only affect those applying for Skilled Worker, Tier 5 GAE and visitor visas.

The briefings is run by Graeme Ross, Immigration and Compliance Manager for the HR Division. The briefing covers the known areas of guidance on how the scheme will operate, who will be eligible for an ATAS certificate, and the potential impacts on recruitment and immigration at the University.

Access the recording of the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) and Visas for Researchers Webinar.

Time Management: Online Course Self-taught Bookable

It is anticipated that it will take around 25 minutes to go through the online materials plus additional time to complete the exercises.

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