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PPD Personal and Professional Development course timetable


Sat 16 Nov 2019 – Thu 12 Dec 2019

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[ No events on Sat 16 Nov 2019 ]

Monday 18 November 2019

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Checks and Recruitment Practices Finished 13:30 - 15:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This session will provide staff with an overview of the Disclosure and Barring Service and how to request criminal record checks for eligible roles within the University.

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Professional Services Career Development Programme new Finished 09:00 - 13:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

A new three part programme to support career progression for Professional Services staff:

Part 1

This highly interactive workshop will enable you to step back from the ‘day-to-day’ and focus on your career objectives, short and long term. You will have the opportunity to explore what development opportunities you could grasp and what networks might assist you. You will also have the opportunity to consider what’s holding you back and how you can overcome these barriers to fulfill your career aspirations. You will leave the workshop with a personal career plan in draft format, that you will be able to explore in greater depth during the second part of the programme.

Part 2

An hour-long one-to-one career coaching session provided by a professional career coach from Penna, to take place on the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th December. The booking link will be circulated for participants on the afternoon of Tuesday 19th November. If you do not receive the booking link on Tuesday 19th, please contact PPD.

Part 3

Access to an Online Career Development Tool designed to further support career development and progression. The tool enables you to assess your skills and behavioural attributes against the levels required for your current role, and for roles that you may wish to progress into in the future. It also identifies areas for professional development to support your career development. Guidance on accessing and using the tool will be sent to you at the end of the month in which you attend the workshop.

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Inclusive Leadership Programme (Academic and Research Leaders) new (2 of 4) Finished 09:15 - 13:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This programme is designed to support academic and research leaders and managers with the skills and insights they need to lead others effectively. Group leaders and PIs/senior researchers with responsibility for others are particularly encouraged to attend.

It will enable participants to reflect on their current leadership style and provide techniques they can use to effectively manage a diverse range of perspectives and create an inclusive culture across the University. Those with responsibility for others have a key role to play in shaping a positive working environment, supporting progression and ensuring equality, including pay equality. Given the University's strategic priorities, it is critical that leaders and managers understand the impact of their decisions throughout the employment timeline and know how to reduce the risk of sex, race or other discrimination, whether explicit or implicit.

The programme is delivered in partnership with Pearn Kandola, experts in evidence-based inclusive leadership development.

Thursday 21 November 2019

Leading Your Team Through Change Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Change is a constant feature in today’s workplace and yet many of us find it hard to navigate successfully through change.

Studies show that the line manager has a critical role to play in ensuring staff are ready for change and in successfully implementing it. These sessions will equip you with the skills and attitudes you need to guide, support and motivate your team through the process of change.

Case studies, discussion and activities will provide the opportunity to share ideas and embed skills.

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Student Immigration Finished 09:30 - 12:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This course is recommended for any members of faculties and departments who are involved in student administration. The University is required to ensure compliance with the responsibilities of its Tier 4 sponsor licence, granted by the Home Office to provide visa sponsorship for non-EEA students. The aim of the course is to provide an overview of the immigration regulations affecting students, with a focus on the requirements for visiting students and the practicalities of supporting this activity within the Cambridge context.

Presentation Skills Coaching: Making an Impact (One-to-One) Finished 09:30 - 10:30 Greenwich House, Kyoto Room

If you would like to refine your speaking style, increase your personal impact, or address any concerns you may have about your communication skills, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, from how you shape an interesting and effective presentation to how you deliver it, and any point in between.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Presentation Skills Coaching: Making an Impact (One-to-One) Finished 10:30 - 11:30 Greenwich House, Kyoto Room

If you would like to refine your speaking style, increase your personal impact, or address any concerns you may have about your communication skills, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, from how you shape an interesting and effective presentation to how you deliver it, and any point in between.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Presentation Skills Coaching: Making an Impact (One-to-One) Finished 11:30 - 12:30 Greenwich House, Kyoto Room

If you would like to refine your speaking style, increase your personal impact, or address any concerns you may have about your communication skills, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, from how you shape an interesting and effective presentation to how you deliver it, and any point in between.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Presentation Skills Coaching: Making an Impact (One-to-One) Finished 13:30 - 14:30 Greenwich House, Kyoto Room

If you would like to refine your speaking style, increase your personal impact, or address any concerns you may have about your communication skills, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, from how you shape an interesting and effective presentation to how you deliver it, and any point in between.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Presentation Skills Coaching: Making an Impact (One-to-One) Finished 14:30 - 15:30 Greenwich House, Kyoto Room

If you would like to refine your speaking style, increase your personal impact, or address any concerns you may have about your communication skills, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, from how you shape an interesting and effective presentation to how you deliver it, and any point in between.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Presentation Skills Coaching: Making an Impact (One-to-One) Finished 15:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Kyoto Room

If you would like to refine your speaking style, increase your personal impact, or address any concerns you may have about your communication skills, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, from how you shape an interesting and effective presentation to how you deliver it, and any point in between.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Thursday 28 November 2019

Presentation Skills Coaching: Making an Impact (One-to-One) Finished 09:30 - 10:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

If you would like to refine your speaking style, increase your personal impact, or address any concerns you may have about your communication skills, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, from how you shape an interesting and effective presentation to how you deliver it, and any point in between.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

The Prevent Duty: A Briefing for All Staff Finished 10:00 - 11:30 17 Mill Lane, Seminar Room G

The University has a statutory duty to have ‘due regard to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’. This is known as the Prevent Duty (Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015). It is primarily about safeguarding students and staff in the University and includes a range of responsibilities in areas such as pastoral care, support for staff and students, procedures for arranging events and using facilities. All staff need to be aware of the process of radicalisation, definitions of extremism and the process for raising concerns in this context.

This short session provides information about Prevent for all staff working in in the University. It includes input and examples to consider and combines the content in Module 1 – An introduction to the Prevent Duty: Online and the University Prevent website.

You can access these as an alternative to attending this session.

Full details of available training and support are on the Prevent Training Moodle site using your Raven login.

Presentation Skills Coaching: Making an Impact (One-to-One) Finished 10:30 - 11:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

If you would like to refine your speaking style, increase your personal impact, or address any concerns you may have about your communication skills, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, from how you shape an interesting and effective presentation to how you deliver it, and any point in between.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Presentation Skills Coaching: Making an Impact (One-to-One) Finished 11:30 - 12:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

If you would like to refine your speaking style, increase your personal impact, or address any concerns you may have about your communication skills, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, from how you shape an interesting and effective presentation to how you deliver it, and any point in between.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Presentation Skills Coaching: Making an Impact (One-to-One) Finished 13:30 - 14:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

If you would like to refine your speaking style, increase your personal impact, or address any concerns you may have about your communication skills, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, from how you shape an interesting and effective presentation to how you deliver it, and any point in between.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Presentation Skills Coaching: Making an Impact (One-to-One) Finished 14:30 - 15:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

If you would like to refine your speaking style, increase your personal impact, or address any concerns you may have about your communication skills, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, from how you shape an interesting and effective presentation to how you deliver it, and any point in between.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Presentation Skills Coaching: Making an Impact (One-to-One) Finished 15:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

If you would like to refine your speaking style, increase your personal impact, or address any concerns you may have about your communication skills, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, from how you shape an interesting and effective presentation to how you deliver it, and any point in between.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Monday 2 December 2019

Administrator Development Programme (2 of 6) Finished 09:30 - 17:00 University Centre, Hicks Room

This development programme for generalist and specialist administrators draws on the expertise of senior figures in the University and provides up to date information on the various strands and issues of University strategy and governance. It includes development of some key skills and a project activity, and offers a valuable opportunity to network with administrators from the UAS and other departments and institutions.

Selection for this programme is via nomination by School Secretaries, Heads of Division or Heads of Non-School Institutions. Nominees will need to demonstrate the benefit of participating, both for themselves and their institution. Please speak to your line manager and/or appropriate nominator if you would like to be considered.

Note for 2020/21: nominations are paused until Michaelmas term.

Please see further information about key themes and speakers on the programme flyer.

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Welcome to New Staff Finished 09:00 - 12:00 Magdalene College, Cripps Court

The University of Cambridge is committed to effective induction for all new members of staff. In addition to the welcome and induction you will receive in your institution, you are warmly invited to take part in the University’s two-stage induction.

The first stage comprises the University’s Induction Online programme. This web resource is a quick and easy way for you to learn all about what it is like to work here as well as understand your role and responsibilities. It provides key information to help you:

  • settle quickly into your new role
  • orientate yourself in your first few weeks at the University
  • understand how the University works

The second stage is a Welcome to New Staff presentation event, hosted by Personal and Professional Development (PPD). The Welcome event aims to provide a broad introduction to all University staff, providing information about the University to enable you to get the most out of your time here. It is also an opportunity for you to network with other new members of staff.

The half-day event comprises:

  • A welcome and introduction to the University from a senior member of the University
  • A presentation on benefits of being part of the University of Cambridge
  • A presentation by a senior academic providing an insight into the role of the Colleges and their relationship with the University
  • An exhibition of professional services sections, departments, support and welfare services that are available to you as a member of University staff (exhibitors list).

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Communication Skills Advanced: "Was it something I said?" Finished 09:15 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Even the most skilled communicators sometimes struggle to get their message across. This course will equip you with the mindset and knowledge to communicate effectively when it really matters. Learn how to deliver your message with sincerity, clarity and enthusiasm. Staff who wish to improve their one-to-one communication skills in challenging and difficult situations will benefit from this course.

Springboard: A Women's Development Programme (2 of 4) Finished 09:30 - 15:30 Hughes Hall, Peter Richards Room

Springboard is a personal development programme for all female staff/graduate students. It will give you the opportunity to take stock and consider your personal and professional goals.

During the programme you will explore your future in a practical way and learn how to develop your potential. You will undertake realistic self-assessment and set challenging goals.

Key areas covered include communication skills, assertiveness, self confidence, improving your work/life balance and developing positive skills and attitude. If you want to progress and develop, then this programme is for you.

The programme comprises four days over a three-month period and a workbook to be completed between sessions.

Wednesday 11 December 2019

Inclusive Leadership Programme (Academic and Research Leaders) new (3 of 4) Finished 09:15 - 13:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This programme is designed to support academic and research leaders and managers with the skills and insights they need to lead others effectively. Group leaders and PIs/senior researchers with responsibility for others are particularly encouraged to attend.

It will enable participants to reflect on their current leadership style and provide techniques they can use to effectively manage a diverse range of perspectives and create an inclusive culture across the University. Those with responsibility for others have a key role to play in shaping a positive working environment, supporting progression and ensuring equality, including pay equality. Given the University's strategic priorities, it is critical that leaders and managers understand the impact of their decisions throughout the employment timeline and know how to reduce the risk of sex, race or other discrimination, whether explicit or implicit.

The programme is delivered in partnership with Pearn Kandola, experts in evidence-based inclusive leadership development.

Recruitment Essentials: Appointing the Right Candidate (Academic Appointments) Finished 13:30 - 15:30 University Centre, Cormack Room

This workshop provides an opportunity for academic staff to understand the recruitment and selection process and how to create the conditions where you can recruit the best candidate and avoid common pitfalls. It includes an overview of the recruitment and selection process and identifies the key principles to ensure practice is fair to all candidates at each stage.

The course is primarily aimed at academic staff involved in making selection decisions for academic roles and those with responsibility for coordinating academic recruitment procedures.

Thursday 12 December 2019

Understanding Implicit or Unconscious Bias CANCELLED 10:00 - 12:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This session will provide an introduction to implicit or unconscious bias and will help you start to understand how our biases influence the decisions we make. These may include decisions around recruitment, selection, assessment and broader interactions with others.

The session will include tutor input, group activities and videos and to raise awareness about how to recognise and begin to manage the impact of implicit bias. We will also consider further sources of guidance to support individuals in their roles with specific responsibilities e.g. for managing others, teaching etc.