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Theme: Researcher Development

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4 matching courses

The UKRIO pilot course provides a comprehensive grounding in research integrity for those new to the topic as well as an essential refresher for more experienced staff.

This self-paced course is structured into three interactive modules:

  • Module 1: Introduction to Research Integrity
  • Module 2: Research Integrity in the UK
  • Module 3: Leading by Example

You will have 12 months to complete the course.


In order to secure your place on the UKRIO pilot course, you must:

  1. Self-enrol on the University Moodle course (see joining instructions)
  2. Open the University Moodle course and
  3. Click on the UKRIO learning package in the Moodle in order to fully launch the UKRIO course

This course seeks to provide you with an overview of the principles, responsibilities and importance of research integrity. We will cover what research misconduct looks like, how it can be avoided and reported, and where you can find help for maintaining and promoting integrity in your research work.

The course consists of two parts. The first part is the learning section, and will take approximately 30-40 minutes to complete. The second part is a 10 minute quiz to test your knowledge. Please ensure you complete both parts in order to complete the course.

There are three versions to account for disciplinary variation:

  • Biological Sciences and Clinical Medicine
  • Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Technology and Physical Sciences

This self-paced online course provides an introduction to principles of responsible research and innovation. Responsible research and innovation (RRI) is an approach that anticipates and assesses potential implications and societal expectations with regard to research and innovation. It includes, but goes beyond, considerations of ethics, public engagement, risk and regulation.

Research integrity is core to the requirements of being a researcher, producing excellent research and helping others do the same. Researchers are often faced with dilemmas and questions which put their integrity at risk. In these situations, how do you decide what is important for you and how to apply your awareness of good research principles into responsible conduct?

This session will, through a mixture of presentation, discussion and case studies, explore the the questions and challenges postdoctoral researchers face in their research practice. We will share hints, tips, and resources and encourage participants to reflect on and share best practice and their experiences. Through small group discussion, you will have the chance to reflect on your experience and share best practice with fellow participants.