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Self-taught course

Provided by: Learning and Development


This course is self taught (Online course).

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Induction: Online Course


This online course welcomes new staff to the University. It provides key information to help staff settle into their new role quickly and achieve their full potential within their role as soon as possible. It will provide new staff with a summary of the induction process, an overview of the University's structure, and highlight essential information about some of the services available to staff during their employment.

This online course complements the local induction new staff will receive in their institution, department or faculty.

A Raven password is needed to access this online course. Further information about Raven.

Target audience

New University staff

  • to provide an introduction to the University and its structure
  • to summarise what to expect from your induction
  • to explain where you can access essential information about working for the University
  • to provide a resource for you to access in the future
  • Please make a booking in order to receive the web link to access the material for this online module
  • If you are unable to or prefer not to complete this training online please contact Learning and Development, who will be happy to discuss alternative options with you
Related courses
New Staff

Booking / availability