Medicine: Managing Your Bibliography (for University and NHS)
How to take the bile out of your bibliography, and ensure that it's not the most time-consuming part of your work. A variety of tools will be showcased: EndNote, EndNoteWeb, Zotero, Mendeley.
UPDATE: Please note that this session is taking place remotely, not in the Medical Library as previously advertised. Please do not go to the Medical Library training room. You will be contacted by the training team with information about how to join the session remotely.
Please note: this session may be recorded. By signing up for the session, you register your consent for recording to take place. Please email if you have any questions about this.
- Postgraduates in Science, and Medicine in particular
- Researchers in Science, and Medicine in particular
- Further details regarding Cambridge University Library's eligibility criteria are available
- Endnote
- EndnoteWeb
- Zotero
- Mendeley
- To become familiar with bibliographic management tools
- To learn to effectively manage and organise references
- To discover the importance of correct referencing in avoiding plagiarism
Presentations, demonstrations and practicals
- The Medical Library is located on the Addenbrooke’s site.
One session of two hours
A number of times throughout the year
Events available