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PPD Personal and Professional Development course timetable


Fri 13 Jan 2017 – Fri 12 Jan 2018

Now Today

[ No events on Fri 13 Jan 2017 ]

January 2017

Mon 16
Supervising Undergraduates More Effectively Finished 16:00 - 18:00 King's College, Audit Room

Have you developed your own approach to supervising?

Do you have at least one year's experience?

Perhaps you want to compare this approach with that of your peers.

This course is for those who want to share experiences, have encountered problems and are seeking solutions, or just want to do the job more effectively.

Tue 17
Data Protection and FOI: An Introduction Finished 09:30 - 12:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

The rights and responsibilities outlined in the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Acts increasingly impact upon the University’s academic and administrative work. This course explores the key concepts in the Data Protection Act 1998 and illustrates how the ‘data protection principles’ affect various day-to-day working scenarios. It introduces the fundamental aspects of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and details the ways in which the University handles responses to individual requests under both Acts. Finally, it outlines various records management and information security measures that can aid compliance with the legislation and lead to a more efficient working environment.

Wed 18

If you are new to supervising graduate students at Cambridge (studying both for one-year courses or PhDs) the Board of Graduate Studies strongly recommends you to take part in some form of professional development. In collaboration with BGS, Personal and Professional Development offers training and support for newly-appointed supervisors of graduate students and for those new to the Cambridge system. The workshops, which run over lunchtime, are designed to consider reciprocal expectations and duties, as well as approaches to supervising, and to raise awareness of possible issues and where to go for support.

Retirement: Pre-retirement (2 of 2) Finished 13:30 - 16:00 University Centre, Hicks Room

The last two years before retirement are a good time to prepare for personal change in readiness for leaving employment. This programme will include detailed information on occupational pensions, financial advice and planning, tax and legal issues, as well as the emotional and practical issues accompanying retirement. You will have the opportunity to share information and discuss any concerns about retirement in a relaxed setting

Thu 19
Minute Taking Finished 09:30 - 16:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Minute taking is not about speed writing but about recognising what is important and understanding the needs of the meeting participants. This course will show you how to compile concise meeting notes.

The course is for anyone who is required to take factual records of departmental/faculty meetings and distribute action points afterwards. It does not cover the additional skills required to take minutes at University committee meetings.

Disabled People: Offering a Good Face-to-Face Service Finished 13:30 - 16:30 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

Would you like to increase your confidence in meeting and working with disabled people? This participative course will help you to learn the best ways to offer and give assistance. Through discussion and group work you will explore the barriers faced by disabled people when accessing services and learn how to make your services as accessible as possible. This course is aimed at people working in a frontline role.

Supervising Undergraduates: An Introduction Finished 16:00 - 18:30 University Centre, Cormack Room

What do supervisions contribute to student learning at Cambridge? This session will provide an interactive introduction to supervising, including aims and objectives of supervisions, different approaches to supervisions, the roles and responsibilities of the supervisor and ways of dealing with common problems. Given the breadth of supervisions, this course is not subject specific.

Mon 23
Voice and Pronunciation for Non-native English Speakers CANCELLED 09:00 - 13:00 CCTL, Revans Room

Is English not your first language?

Would you like to incorporate Standard English pronunciation into your everyday speech?

This course will look at the differences and similarities between your natural accent and that of Standard English. It will help to maintain positive aspects of your natural accent whilst enabling you to be easily understood by native English speakers.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) CANCELLED 13:45 - 14:45 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) CANCELLED 14:50 - 15:50 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) CANCELLED 15:55 - 16:55 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Tue 24
Leadership Programme Briefing Session: Managing the University Estate CANCELLED 09:30 - 10:30 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

Current issues in managing the University Estate.

Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (1 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Please note this course consists of five mandatory full day sessions plus a mandatory one-to-one Tutorial lasting 30 minutes

The Tutorial will take place on one of the two red starred dates listed below

You will have to pick a date and time slot on Day 1 of the course

Please ensure you are available on both dates until we have confirmed your Tutorial slot

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until we have received a copy of this application document

Leadership Programme Briefing Session: HR Legal and Policy Issues Finished 10:30 - 11:30 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

Critical information with statutory significance for HOIs.

Leadership Programme Briefing Session: Financial Issues Finished 11:30 - 12:30 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

Who, what and how much — pathways through the finance committees.

If you are new to supervising graduate students at Cambridge (who are studying both for one-year courses or PhDs) the Board of Graduate Studies strongly recommends you to take part in some form of professional development. In collaboration with BGS, Personal and Professional Development offers training and support for newly-appointed supervisors of graduate students and for those new to the Cambridge system. The workshops, which run over lunchtime, are designed to consider reciprocal expectations and duties, as well as approaches to supervising, and to raise awareness of possible issues and where to go for support.

Leadership Programme Briefing Session: Recruitment and Selection Finished 13:00 - 14:00 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

Update on current legislative practices.

Leadership Programme Briefing Session: Equality and Diversity Finished 14:00 - 15:00 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

How inclusion fosters increased innovation and global impact.

Leadership Programme Briefing Session: Research Grant Applications CANCELLED 15:00 - 16:00 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

The briefing will include topics about:

  • Costing & Pricing
  • New Sponsor Terms and Conditions
  • Pitfalls to avoid
Wed 25
Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (7 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Please note this course consists of five mandatory full day sessions plus a mandatory one-to-one Tutorial lasting 30 minutes

The Tutorial will take place on one of the two red starred dates listed below

You will have to pick a date and time slot on Day 1 of the course

Please ensure you are available on both dates until we have confirmed your Tutorial slot

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until we have received a copy of this application document

Thu 26
Immigration and Recruitment: Helping You Get it Right POSTPONED 13:00 - 15:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This course is recommended for those responsible for the recruitment and selection of staff, particularly if you are new to the University but also for existing staff seeking a refresher.

With the introduction of the Points-based immigration system and with immigration legislation becoming ever stricter, the UK now operates one of the world’s most complex immigration systems.

The aim of this course is to help those involved with recruitment and selection to navigate the rules which regulate the recruitment of individuals who are subject to immigration control, whilst ensuring full compliance. It will outline the key requirements in advertising, selection, pre-employment checks and the responsibilities throughout employment that the University is legally bound to observe.

Fri 27
Lecturing Performance Finished 09:00 - 13:00 CCTL, Revans Room

This course focuses on the practical element of delivery. It will provide you with the opportunity to explore techniques for connecting emotionally and intellectually with an audience, along with overcoming nerves. You will look at how to handle questions effectively and practise vocal techniques.

The Prevent Duty: A Briefing for All Staff new Finished 10:00 - 11:30 8 Mill Lane, Lecture Room 6

The University has a statutory duty to have ‘due regard to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’. This is known as the Prevent Duty (Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015). It is primarily about safeguarding students and staff in the University and includes a range of responsibilities in areas such as pastoral care, support for staff and students, procedures for arranging events and using facilities. All staff need to be aware of the process of radicalisation, definitions of extremism and the process for raising concerns in this context

This short session provides information about Prevent for all staff working in in the University. It includes input and examples to consider and combines the content in Module 1 – An introduction to the Prevent Duty: Online and the University Prevent website

You can access these as an alternative to attending this session

Full details of available training and support are on the Prevent Training Moodle site using your Raven login

Immigration and Recruitment: Helping You Get it Right Finished 13:00 - 15:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This course is recommended for those responsible for the recruitment and selection of staff, particularly if you are new to the University but also for existing staff seeking a refresher.

With the introduction of the Points-based immigration system and with immigration legislation becoming ever stricter, the UK now operates one of the world’s most complex immigration systems.

The aim of this course is to help those involved with recruitment and selection to navigate the rules which regulate the recruitment of individuals who are subject to immigration control, whilst ensuring full compliance. It will outline the key requirements in advertising, selection, pre-employment checks and the responsibilities throughout employment that the University is legally bound to observe.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Tue 31
Student Support Documents in Practice Finished 12:45 - 14:00 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

This participative workshop will discuss the role of the Student Support Document (SSD) and look at how it can be used to make the support of disabled students straightforward for all involved. Through review and discussion of sample SSDs and associated case studies the session will highlight areas where barriers could exist and best practice in avoiding them. It will provide an opportunity to discuss best practice and work through any concerns about implementing support for students.

The session will focus on practical strategies to ensure that inclusive practice is included in planning and thus becomes straightforward to mainstream. The workshop will consider the full range of impairments seen in the student population.

February 2017

Wed 1
Leadership Development Programme for New Heads of Institutions (3 of 4) Finished 09:00 - 15:30 The Pitt Building, Darwin Room

This programme aims to explore the complex leadership skills required by Heads of Institution in support of the University’s mission of achieving world-class research and teaching. New and recently appointed Heads are especially encouraged to participate.

The programme has been running successfully now for a number of years.

The programme comprises four core modules on the dates listed in the Sessions section below. Each module runs for six hours. Participants are expected to make every effort to attend all four sessions.

Module 1: The Head of Institution as Leader
The first session includes presentations from the Vice Chancellor and from a number of experienced Heads of Institution. It provides an overview of current and past theories of leadership as a context for the programme. Participants are encouraged to explore the challenges of the role and the skills required. They are given a framework to enable them to map out the field of leadership as it applies to them.

Module 2: Leading Strategy and Change
The session will consider the challenges in leading a department/team, including allocation of resources and setting priorities. It will examine the differences between operational and strategic leadership and will explore the key issues of both. Participants are encouraged to examine ways of thinking and acting strategically.

The session will start to look at change management and how to lead effectively through a period of change. It will also include presentations on leading others in a higher education environment from the PVC for Institutional and International Relations, and the Registrary.

Module 3: Leading Others through Change
This session is a continuation of Module 2 and considers the change leadership aspect of strategic implementation. It includes approaches to leading change, engaging others and dealing with resistance. Participants will discuss how their ability to lead and support staff may be enhanced through techniques such as coaching, giving constructive feedback and managing conflict.

The use of talent management and succession planning are explored and the issues of motivation and maintenance are discussed. This session includes an input from the Director of HR.

Module 4: Personal Leadership
The session uses professional actors to practise and prepare for typically challenging leadership conversations. It offers the opportunity for participants to be coached as they practise in a safe and controlled environment delivering tangible results. Participants build confidence as they master new skills, accelerating and deepening learning. The session also looks at leadership for the inclusive organisation.

Additional Briefings
In addition to the four core modules, participants will be invited to select from a number of optional 1 hour briefings. Topics include Managing the University Estate, HR Legal and Policy Issues, Financial Issues, Recruitment and Immigration, Equality and Diversity and Research Grant Applications. These will be held in January and again in June 2017, dates to be confirmed.

Thu 2
Voice Projection: An Introduction Finished 09:00 - 13:00 CCTL, Revans Room

If you occasionally suffer from vocal strain or wish to discover your true vocal range and power then this course is for you. We will work together to improve your vocal projection using vocal techniques practised by actors by using various physical and vocal exercises in a relaxed atmosphere. Be prepared to relax, kick off your shoes and lie on the floor.

Train the Trainer: Designing and Evaluating Effective Learning Interventions new Finished 09:30 - 11:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This interactive workshop aims to increase your confidence in carrying out a learning needs analysis, designing effective workshops that meet the learning needs of your audience, and evaluating the effectiveness of that learning.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Mon 6
Assertiveness in Management Finished 09:00 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

As a manager, handling relationships is one of your key skills. An ability to think, speak and act assertively in these relationships will enhance your reputation and success. If you want to motivate staff, earn their loyalty and enable them to achieve the best possible results, then this course is for you. It will also deal with the challenges of managing your own manager assertively.

Administrator Development Programme (4 of 6) Finished 09:30 - 17:00 University Centre, Hicks Room

This development programme for generalist and specialist administrators draws on the expertise of senior figures in the University and provides up to date information on the various strands and issues of University strategy and governance. It includes development of some key skills and a project activity, and offers a valuable opportunity to network with administrators from the UAS and other departments and institutions

Selection for this programme is via nomination by School Secretaries, Heads of Division or Heads of Non-School Institutions during the summer. Nominees will need to demonstrate the benefit of participating, both for themselves and their institution. Please speak to your line manager and/or appropriate nominator if you would like to be considered

Please see further information about key themes and speakers on the programme flyer

Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Finished 12:45 - 14:00 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

This course will review and explain the process of getting a diagnosis of a specific learning difficulty (SpLD) from the first observation of a difficulty to the point at which support is in place. It will focus on dyslexia the areas of difficulty experienced by students with such diagnoses and how proposed adjustments are helpful. Factors to consider when recommending a student for an assessment will also be discussed.

The course is a useful precursor to either Teaching Students with Specific Learning Difficulties (Briefing) or Specific Learning Difficulties: What Administrators Need to Know (Briefing).

Tue 7
Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (2 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Please note this course consists of five mandatory full day sessions plus a mandatory one-to-one Tutorial lasting 30 minutes

The Tutorial will take place on one of the two red starred dates listed below

You will have to pick a date and time slot on Day 1 of the course

Please ensure you are available on both dates until we have confirmed your Tutorial slot

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until we have received a copy of this application document

Supporting Postgraduate Students with Mental Health Difficulties Finished 12:00 - 14:00 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

This participative, discussion based workshop will provide an opportunity to reflect on how students with mental health difficulties can be supported in postgraduate study. It will cover best practice in supporting students and update on services available to all involved.

Thu 9
The Prevent Duty: A Briefing for All Staff new Finished 10:00 - 11:30 Clifford Allbutt Lecture Theatre

The University has a statutory duty to have ‘due regard to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’. This is known as the Prevent Duty (Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015). It is primarily about safeguarding students and staff in the University and includes a range of responsibilities in areas such as pastoral care, support for staff and students, procedures for arranging events and using facilities. All staff need to be aware of the process of radicalisation, definitions of extremism and the process for raising concerns in this context

This short session provides information about Prevent for all staff working in in the University. It includes input and examples to consider and combines the content in Module 1 – An introduction to the Prevent Duty: Online and the University Prevent website

You can access these as an alternative to attending this session

Full details of available training and support are on the Prevent Training Moodle site using your Raven login

Fri 10
Voice and Pronunciation for Non-native English Speakers Finished 09:00 - 13:00 CCTL, Revans Room

Is English not your first language?

Would you like to incorporate Standard English pronunciation into your everyday speech?

This course will look at the differences and similarities between your natural accent and that of Standard English. It will help to maintain positive aspects of your natural accent whilst enabling you to be easily understood by native English speakers.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Mon 13
Teaching Disabled Students (Briefing) CANCELLED 12:45 - 14:00 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

This participative workshop will identify where barriers could exist for disabled students. It will provide an opportunity to discuss best practice and any concerns relating to your area of work. The session will focus on practical strategies and advance planning to create more inclusive learning environments.

Tue 14

If you are new to supervising graduate students at Cambridge (studying both for one-year courses or PhDs) the Board of Graduate Studies strongly recommends you to take part in some form of professional development. In collaboration with BGS, Personal and Professional Development offers training and support for newly-appointed supervisors of graduate students and for those new to the Cambridge system. The workshops, which run over lunchtime, are designed to consider reciprocal expectations and duties, as well as approaches to supervising, and to raise awareness of possible issues and where to go for support.

Thu 16
Train the Trainer: Effective Facilitation new Finished 09:30 - 11:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Facilitating workshops and group discussions can be a daunting prospect. This workshop aims to develop your skills and knowledge needed to facilitate groups confidently and effectively.

Fri 17
Dignity at Work: Preventing and Managing Bullying and Harassment Complaints Finished 09:00 - 12:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

In the workplace there will be occasions when people feel that they have been bullied, harassed or subjected to inappropriate behaviour.

This is a practical and important interactive session for line managers which is designed to provide clarity, guidance and direction for managers in preventing and dealing with Dignity at Work complaints. It will explain the legal framework, and will clarify policy options, and highlight practical measures to prevent and tackle inappropriate behaviour.

If you are new to supervising graduate students at Cambridge (who are studying both for one-year courses or PhDs) the Board of Graduate Studies strongly recommends you to take part in some form of professional development. In collaboration with BGS, Personal and Professional Development offers training and support for newly-appointed supervisors of graduate students and for those new to the Cambridge system. The workshops, which run over lunchtime, are designed to consider reciprocal expectations and duties, as well as approaches to supervising, and to raise awareness of possible issues and where to go for support.

Mon 20
Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 09:30 - 10:30 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Leadership Essentials Finished 09:30 - 15:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Leadership Essentials is a key programme suitable for all managers, which aims to help them refresh and build their skills and experience in managing others. As well as clarifying key responsibilities, it focuses on critical areas that managers can find more difficult, such as giving and receiving feedback effectively and handling challenging conversations. It incorporates tutor input, opportunities for discussion, reflection and sharing of good practice with other managers.

Before attending, please take some time to review the short films of other University colleagues talking about their role as a manager, Leadership Essentials: Management Responsibilities

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 10:35 - 11:35 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 11:40 - 12:40 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Tue 21
Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (3 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Please note this course consists of five mandatory full day sessions plus a mandatory one-to-one Tutorial lasting 30 minutes

The Tutorial will take place on one of the two red starred dates listed below

You will have to pick a date and time slot on Day 1 of the course

Please ensure you are available on both dates until we have confirmed your Tutorial slot

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until we have received a copy of this application document

Teaching Students with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (Such as Asperger's Syndrome): Briefing Finished 12:45 - 14:00 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

This course will consider the teaching and learning strategies helpful when working with students with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD, such as Asperger’s Syndrome). It will help you to reflect on common barriers experienced by students with ASD and ways of removing these.

Wed 22
Develop your Career: Job search, CV writing and Job Applications new Finished 09:30 - 13:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This course prepares you to search and apply for your next job opportunity. You will learn: where to look for suitable job opportunities, how to write clear and concise CV’s and produce Job Applications that highlight your key skills and experience.

This course is highly participative and offers you the opportunity to share and learn from your own and other's experiences.

Research staff/postdoctoral research staff are advised to refer to the University Careers Service for information on specific Careers Programmes for them, including support for job search, CV writing and job applications.

For contact details and further information please visit []

Thu 23
Conflict Resolution Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a conflict wondering how you got into it and how to get out? This course sets out to identify and examine the causes of conflict and to offer a range of practical techniques for resolving disputes. Skilled negotiation is often crucial and this course introduces a proven approach that is used widely by professional mediators and negotiators. You will have the opportunity to explore and practice key ideas using presentation, self assessment, role play and discussion in a friendly and informal group setting.

Springboard: A Women's Development Programme (1 of 4) Finished 10:00 - 16:00 Hughes Hall, Peter Richards Room

Springboard is a personal development programme for all female staff/graduate students. It will give you the opportunity to take stock and consider your personal and professional goals.

During the programme you will explore your future in a practical way and learn how to develop your potential. You will undertake realistic self-assessment and set challenging goals.

Key areas covered include communication skills, assertiveness, self confidence, improving your work/life balance and developing positive skills and attitude. If you want to progress and develop, then this programme is for you.

The programme comprises four days over a three-month period and a workbook to be completed between sessions.

Mon 27
Effective Staff Review and Development: Practical for Reviewers Finished 10:00 - 12:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

The Staff Review and Development (SRD) process provides the opportunity for supervisors, managers and academics to engage in constructive discussion with their staff or academic colleagues about current and future work and their personal and career development.

You must have completed the Effective Staff Review and Development: Online module before attending this practical. The online module focuses on an overview of the process, practical advice and useful reminders of good practice.

This practical session for reviewers is an opportunity to build on your learning from the online module, to discuss SRD with other reviewers, to practise and receive supportive feedback in a short practical activity and to ask any further questions.

Higher Education Academy: Briefing Finished 15:30 - 17:00 CCTL, Revans Room

Would you like to gain nationally recognised accreditation of your teaching experience? Many UK universities now expect teaching staff seeking tenure to have undertaken or to undertake a structured teaching and learning development course accredited by the HE Academy. This session provides an overview of the route by which those with some experience of teaching in Higher Education may gain accreditation. It also provides a short introduction to the HE Academy itself.

Tue 28
Data Protection and FOI: An Introduction Finished 13:00 - 16:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

The rights and responsibilities outlined in the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Acts increasingly impact upon the University’s academic and administrative work. This course explores the key concepts in the Data Protection Act 1998 and illustrates how the ‘data protection principles’ affect various day-to-day working scenarios. It introduces the fundamental aspects of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and details the ways in which the University handles responses to individual requests under both Acts. Finally, it outlines various records management and information security measures that can aid compliance with the legislation and lead to a more efficient working environment.

March 2017

Wed 1
Communication Skills Introduction: "Are you receiving me?" Finished 09:00 - 15:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Increase your confidence and skills in one-to-one communication with this highly participative course. Effective communication starts in your head and it isn’t just about the words you say. Your tone of voice, facial expression and body language all communicate a message. This course will help you get your message across more clearly. You will also have the opportunity to practise communication skills on a one-to-one basis.

Thu 2
Supporting Students in Distress: Boundaries & Boomerangs Finished 12:00 - 14:00 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

This participative workshop will enable attendees to confidentially discuss their reactions to students in emotional distress and consider effective ways of supporting them while managing attendees' own boundaries.

The workshop will be conducted in a relaxed and open way and will result in those attending feeling more confident in these interactions.

The workshop will also update attendees on available sources of local support for students.

Mon 6
Stress: A Manager's Responsibility Finished 09:00 - 12:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

A short course covering a manager’s role in promoting a reduced stress environment in the workplace and evaluating stress risks for employees. It will also look at how to manage specific cases of stress using the Health and Safety Executive’s management standards.

Administrator Development Programme (5 of 6) Finished 09:30 - 17:00 University Centre, Hicks Room

This development programme for generalist and specialist administrators draws on the expertise of senior figures in the University and provides up to date information on the various strands and issues of University strategy and governance. It includes development of some key skills and a project activity, and offers a valuable opportunity to network with administrators from the UAS and other departments and institutions

Selection for this programme is via nomination by School Secretaries, Heads of Division or Heads of Non-School Institutions during the summer. Nominees will need to demonstrate the benefit of participating, both for themselves and their institution. Please speak to your line manager and/or appropriate nominator if you would like to be considered

Please see further information about key themes and speakers on the programme flyer

Tue 7
Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (4 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Please note this course consists of five mandatory full day sessions plus a mandatory one-to-one Tutorial lasting 30 minutes

The Tutorial will take place on one of the two red starred dates listed below

You will have to pick a date and time slot on Day 1 of the course

Please ensure you are available on both dates until we have confirmed your Tutorial slot

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until we have received a copy of this application document

Teaching Students with Specific Learning Difficulties (Briefing) Finished 12:45 - 14:00 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

This course will consider the academic barriers experienced by students with Specific Learning Difficulties. It will cover a range of teaching environments and increase your awareness of best practice in implementing support. Most importantly it will give practical advice about best practice to ensure an effective learning environment for all involved. The course will focus on dyslexia, dyspraxia and dysgraphia.

Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) is a useful precursor to this workshop, as it will not cover diagnosis or identification of specific learning difficulties.

Wed 8
Develop your Career: Interview Techniques (1 of 3) Finished 09:30 - 13:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This course prepares you to excel at interview. You will learn how to anticipate questions you will be asked and plan how to answer them successfully. You will also learn how to project yourself positively and feel as calm and in control as you will look.

This course is highly participative and will include a short mock interview as well as an opportunity to share experiences with other course members.

The focus of the course is to provide participants with the generic skills necessary to succeed at interview in a variety of contexts.

Research staff/postdoctoral research staff are advised to refer to the University Careers Service for information on specific Careers Programmes for research staff/postdoctoral research staff, including interview skills support. For contact details and further information please visit

Introduction to Sign Language Finished 13:30 - 16:30 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

This interactive course will give an introduction to sign language and an opportunity to review and revisit best practice in communicating with Deaf people. Through discussion and practice, participants will gain knowledge of sign language, as well as advice on how to take their knowledge further.

Thu 9
Recruitment Essentials: Appointing the Right Candidate new CANCELLED 09:30 - 12:30 University Information Services, Roger Needham Building, Huntingdon Room

This workshop provides an opportunity to understand the recruitment and selection process to ensure you select the right candidate, avoiding common pitfalls.

The course is primarily aimed at those with responsibility for co-ordinating recruitment procedures and making selection decisions.

Fri 10
Managing and Developing Effective Teams Finished 09:00 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

A team that works well is an exciting and creative place to be.

This course will enable you to identify the important ingredients for a successful team and to reflect on your own team management skills. It will also look at different team-working styles and examine the need to balance the requirements of the task, the team and the individual.

Mon 13
Managing Staff Performance: Introduction Finished 09:00 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

As a manager, it is your responsibility to get the best out of your staff so that your team functions at its full potential. This can be a daunting challenge: some individuals are easier to manage than others.

This course will pinpoint the skills you need to understand and manage staff performance and focus on the University policies which must underpin your approach.

Presentation, DVD and group discussion will be used to highlight key points and activities will give you an opportunity to practise in a safe and supportive environment.

Tue 14
Leadership Development Programme for New Heads of Institutions (4 of 4) Finished 09:00 - 15:30 The Pitt Building, Darwin Room

This programme aims to explore the complex leadership skills required by Heads of Institution in support of the University’s mission of achieving world-class research and teaching. New and recently appointed Heads are especially encouraged to participate.

The programme has been running successfully now for a number of years.

The programme comprises four core modules on the dates listed in the Sessions section below. Each module runs for six hours. Participants are expected to make every effort to attend all four sessions.

Module 1: The Head of Institution as Leader
The first session includes presentations from the Vice Chancellor and from a number of experienced Heads of Institution. It provides an overview of current and past theories of leadership as a context for the programme. Participants are encouraged to explore the challenges of the role and the skills required. They are given a framework to enable them to map out the field of leadership as it applies to them.

Module 2: Leading Strategy and Change
The session will consider the challenges in leading a department/team, including allocation of resources and setting priorities. It will examine the differences between operational and strategic leadership and will explore the key issues of both. Participants are encouraged to examine ways of thinking and acting strategically.

The session will start to look at change management and how to lead effectively through a period of change. It will also include presentations on leading others in a higher education environment from the PVC for Institutional and International Relations, and the Registrary.

Module 3: Leading Others through Change
This session is a continuation of Module 2 and considers the change leadership aspect of strategic implementation. It includes approaches to leading change, engaging others and dealing with resistance. Participants will discuss how their ability to lead and support staff may be enhanced through techniques such as coaching, giving constructive feedback and managing conflict.

The use of talent management and succession planning are explored and the issues of motivation and maintenance are discussed. This session includes an input from the Director of HR.

Module 4: Personal Leadership
The session uses professional actors to practise and prepare for typically challenging leadership conversations. It offers the opportunity for participants to be coached as they practise in a safe and controlled environment delivering tangible results. Participants build confidence as they master new skills, accelerating and deepening learning. The session also looks at leadership for the inclusive organisation.

Additional Briefings
In addition to the four core modules, participants will be invited to select from a number of optional 1 hour briefings. Topics include Managing the University Estate, HR Legal and Policy Issues, Financial Issues, Recruitment and Immigration, Equality and Diversity and Research Grant Applications. These will be held in January and again in June 2017, dates to be confirmed.

Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (5 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 14:30 Greenwich House, Auckland Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Please note this course consists of five mandatory full day sessions plus a mandatory one-to-one Tutorial lasting 30 minutes

The Tutorial will take place on one of the two red starred dates listed below

You will have to pick a date and time slot on Day 1 of the course

Please ensure you are available on both dates until we have confirmed your Tutorial slot

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until we have received a copy of this application document

Wed 15
Develop your Career: Interview Techniques (2 of 3) Finished 09:30 - 12:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This course prepares you to excel at interview. You will learn how to anticipate questions you will be asked and plan how to answer them successfully. You will also learn how to project yourself positively and feel as calm and in control as you will look.

This course is highly participative and will include a short mock interview as well as an opportunity to share experiences with other course members.

The focus of the course is to provide participants with the generic skills necessary to succeed at interview in a variety of contexts.

Research staff/postdoctoral research staff are advised to refer to the University Careers Service for information on specific Careers Programmes for research staff/postdoctoral research staff, including interview skills support. For contact details and further information please visit

Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (6 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 14:30 Greenwich House, Auckland Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Please note this course consists of five mandatory full day sessions plus a mandatory one-to-one Tutorial lasting 30 minutes

The Tutorial will take place on one of the two red starred dates listed below

You will have to pick a date and time slot on Day 1 of the course

Please ensure you are available on both dates until we have confirmed your Tutorial slot

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until we have received a copy of this application document

Thu 16
Develop your Career: Interview Techniques (3 of 3) Finished 09:30 - 12:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This course prepares you to excel at interview. You will learn how to anticipate questions you will be asked and plan how to answer them successfully. You will also learn how to project yourself positively and feel as calm and in control as you will look.

This course is highly participative and will include a short mock interview as well as an opportunity to share experiences with other course members.

The focus of the course is to provide participants with the generic skills necessary to succeed at interview in a variety of contexts.

Research staff/postdoctoral research staff are advised to refer to the University Careers Service for information on specific Careers Programmes for research staff/postdoctoral research staff, including interview skills support. For contact details and further information please visit

Recruitment Essentials: Appointing the Right Candidate new CANCELLED 09:30 - 12:30 University Information Services, Roger Needham Building, Huntingdon Room

This workshop provides an opportunity to understand the recruitment and selection process to ensure you select the right candidate, avoiding common pitfalls.

The course is primarily aimed at those with responsibility for co-ordinating recruitment procedures and making selection decisions.

Mon 20
Stress, Relaxation and Coping Finished 09:30 - 16:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Do you want to tackle stress? Commonly associated with pressure to work hard, it can also arise from boredom, procrastination, perfectionism, bullying, job insecurity, relationship difficulties and many other situations associated with the home or workplace. This course will help you to understand the causes of stress and identify possible solutions for coping with pressure and managing stress.

Tue 21
Lecturing Performance Finished 09:00 - 13:00 CCTL, Revans Room

This course focuses on the practical element of delivery. It will provide you with the opportunity to explore techniques for connecting emotionally and intellectually with an audience, along with overcoming nerves. You will look at how to handle questions effectively and practise vocal techniques.

Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (7 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Please note this course consists of five mandatory full day sessions plus a mandatory one-to-one Tutorial lasting 30 minutes

The Tutorial will take place on one of the two red starred dates listed below

You will have to pick a date and time slot on Day 1 of the course

Please ensure you are available on both dates until we have confirmed your Tutorial slot

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until we have received a copy of this application document

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Wed 22
Understanding Implicit or Unconscious Bias new Finished 10:00 - 12:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This session will provide an introduction to implicit or unconscious bias and will help you start to understand how our biases influence the decisions we make. These may include decisions around recruitment, selection, assessment and broader interactions with others.

The session will include tutor input, group activities and videos and to raise awareness about how to recognise and begin to manage the impact of implicit bias. We will also consider further sources of guidance to support individuals in their roles with specific responsibilities e.g. for managing others, teaching etc.

Pathways in Higher Education Practice (PHEP): Core Seminar (1 of 3) Finished 12:30 - 17:00 University Centre, Hicks/Meade Rooms

PHEP is Cambridge's professional development programme for probationer University lecturers and new College teaching officers. With contributions from academic and key administrative staff from the collegiate University, the seminar provides a platform for orientation and exploration of the opportunities, cultures and conventions of the University of Cambridge.

The seminar is a core feature of PHEP and all probationer University lecturers are expected to participate over the whole of the seminar.

You are strongly recommended to attend the Seminar within the first two years of your appointment

Bookings are strictly limited and must close two weeks before the commencement date of the seminar

Thu 23
Pathways in Higher Education Practice (PHEP): Core Seminar (2 of 3) Finished 09:00 - 17:00 University Centre, Hicks/Meade Rooms

PHEP is Cambridge's professional development programme for probationer University lecturers and new College teaching officers. With contributions from academic and key administrative staff from the collegiate University, the seminar provides a platform for orientation and exploration of the opportunities, cultures and conventions of the University of Cambridge.

The seminar is a core feature of PHEP and all probationer University lecturers are expected to participate over the whole of the seminar.

You are strongly recommended to attend the Seminar within the first two years of your appointment

Bookings are strictly limited and must close two weeks before the commencement date of the seminar

The Prevent Duty: A Briefing for All Staff new Finished 10:00 - 11:30 8 Mill Lane, Lecture Room 3

The University has a statutory duty to have ‘due regard to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’. This is known as the Prevent Duty (Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015).

It is primarily about safeguarding students and staff in the University and includes a range of responsibilities in areas such as pastoral care, support for staff and students, procedures for arranging events and using facilities. All staff need to be aware of the process of radicalisation, definitions of extremism and the process for raising concerns in this context.

This short session provides information about Prevent for all staff working in in the University. It includes input and examples to consider and combines the content in Module 1 – An introduction to the Prevent Duty: Online and the University Prevent website. You can access these as an alternative to attending this session.

Full details of available training and support are on the Prevent Training Moodle site (Raven login required).

Fri 24
Pathways in Higher Education Practice (PHEP): Core Seminar (3 of 3) Finished 09:00 - 15:00 University Centre, Hicks/Meade Rooms

PHEP is Cambridge's professional development programme for probationer University lecturers and new College teaching officers. With contributions from academic and key administrative staff from the collegiate University, the seminar provides a platform for orientation and exploration of the opportunities, cultures and conventions of the University of Cambridge.

The seminar is a core feature of PHEP and all probationer University lecturers are expected to participate over the whole of the seminar.

You are strongly recommended to attend the Seminar within the first two years of your appointment

Bookings are strictly limited and must close two weeks before the commencement date of the seminar

Mon 27
Administrator Development Programme (6 of 6) Finished 09:30 - 19:00 University Centre, Hicks Room

This development programme for generalist and specialist administrators draws on the expertise of senior figures in the University and provides up to date information on the various strands and issues of University strategy and governance. It includes development of some key skills and a project activity, and offers a valuable opportunity to network with administrators from the UAS and other departments and institutions

Selection for this programme is via nomination by School Secretaries, Heads of Division or Heads of Non-School Institutions during the summer. Nominees will need to demonstrate the benefit of participating, both for themselves and their institution. Please speak to your line manager and/or appropriate nominator if you would like to be considered

Please see further information about key themes and speakers on the programme flyer

The purpose of the Masterclasses is for leaders and managers in the University to learn about different aspects of leadership from the diverse and broad ranging experiences of our speakers, and to hear how different people operate in their role as a leader in a variety of different and often challenging situations.

The target audience for the Masterclass series is those who are undertaking (or have previously undertaken) a leadership or management development programme within the University – the sessions aim to complement the learning from these programmes.

Wed 29
Staff Review and Development for Reviewers Finished 09:15 - 13:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

The Staff Review and Development process provides the opportunity for supervisors, managers and academics to engage in constructive discussion with their staff or academic colleagues about current and future work and their personal and career development.

This course will focus on practical advice and development of a range of skills and techniques that may be used effectively when reviewing others. It will provide an opportunity for review practice, discussion with other reviewers and provide useful reminders of good practice.

Thu 30
Springboard: A Women's Development Programme (2 of 4) Finished 10:00 - 16:00 Hughes Hall, Peter Richards Room

Springboard is a personal development programme for all female staff/graduate students. It will give you the opportunity to take stock and consider your personal and professional goals.

During the programme you will explore your future in a practical way and learn how to develop your potential. You will undertake realistic self-assessment and set challenging goals.

Key areas covered include communication skills, assertiveness, self confidence, improving your work/life balance and developing positive skills and attitude. If you want to progress and develop, then this programme is for you.

The programme comprises four days over a three-month period and a workbook to be completed between sessions.

Fri 31
Communication Skills Introduction: "Are you receiving me?" Finished 09:00 - 15:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Increase your confidence and skills in one-to-one communication with this highly participative course. Effective communication starts in your head and it isn’t just about the words you say. Your tone of voice, facial expression and body language all communicate a message. This course will help you get your message across more clearly. You will also have the opportunity to practise communication skills on a one-to-one basis.

April 2017

Wed 5
MBTI: Understanding Personality Finished 09:30 - 14:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is the most widely used personality instrument worldwide, based on over 50 years’ research and development.

It presents a framework for understanding how you operate, how others operate, and how you can use that understanding to get more from yourself and the relationships you have with others.

This workshop is led by a qualified MBTI practitioner and will involve taking the MBTI questionnaire, investigating the four areas of preference covered by MBTI, self-assessment of type with group exercises, looking at your best fit type and investigating how it could help you at work.

Learning about your personality type can help you to understand your role within your team and the role of others. It can also help you to cope with organisational change, deal with stress effectively and develop your emotional intelligence.

Thu 6
Recruitment and Selection Skills Finished 09:00 - 16:45 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Recommended for those responsible for the recruitment and selection of staff, who are interested in developing further skills in this area. This course prepares you to effectively carry out the recruitment and selection process taking you through the stages of producing a person specification, short listing effectively against selection criteria, designing questions, structuring and conducting interviews, and making the final decision. University policies and procedures will also be covered.

External - Cambridge Enterprise Ltd: Consultancy 101 Finished 09:00 - 13:30 University Centre, Hicks Room

Are you considering becoming a consultant? Perhaps you are already consulting, but want to learn more about how to work more effectively, get the best price for your skills or simplify admin work?

Consultants use expertise gained from University research in order to provide services to external organisations. Any University researcher can undertake consultancy work, but it can be challenging to manage and administrate alongside University teaching and research commitments.

Cambridge Enterprise is delighted to offer this free workshop in how to effectively manage consultancy projects, sharing expertise on best practice, tips on making life easier and trouble-shooting for some of the key issues faced by consultants.

This is an ideal opportunity to develop your skills, providing a refresher for academics already acting as consultants or an introduction for those considering consultancy in the near future.

Members of the Cambridge Enterprise Consultancy Services team will also cover how they can help to provide support throughout the process and explain the benefits of using their services.

The workshop will include:

  • Benefits and impact of undertaking consultancy work
  • Experience sharing and a Q&A panel with academics experienced in consultancy
  • Issues surrounding confidentiality, intellectual property and liability
  • How Cambridge Enterprise can help you undertake consultancy more effectively

This workshop is designed for all levels of experience, whether you are already acting as a consultant or are considering doing so.

We welcome applications from anyone who is currently employed by the University


Wed 12
Leadership Essentials: Leading Your Team Through Change new (1 of 2) Finished 09:30 - 12:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Change is a constant feature in today’s workplace and yet many of us find it hard to navigate successfully through change.

Studies show that the line manager has a critical role to play in ensuring staff are ready for change and in successfully implementing it. These sessions will equip you with the skills and attitudes you need to guide, support and motivate your team through the process of change.

Case studies, discussion and activities will provide the opportunity to share ideas and embed skills.

Tue 18
Leadership Essentials: Leading Your Team Through Change new (2 of 2) Finished 09:30 - 12:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Change is a constant feature in today’s workplace and yet many of us find it hard to navigate successfully through change.

Studies show that the line manager has a critical role to play in ensuring staff are ready for change and in successfully implementing it. These sessions will equip you with the skills and attitudes you need to guide, support and motivate your team through the process of change.

Case studies, discussion and activities will provide the opportunity to share ideas and embed skills.

Libraries: Making them Accessible to Disabled People Finished 14:00 - 17:00 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

Disabled people face a range of barriers to their effective use of libraries, yet they are an important resource in enabling students to participate in study. This course will explore ways of accommodating disabled library users and help you to develop a plan for enhancing the service you offer. Libraries too have responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 and this course will help you to achieve this.

Wed 19
Managing and Developing Effective Teams Finished 09:00 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

A team that works well is an exciting and creative place to be.

This course will enable you to identify the important ingredients for a successful team and to reflect on your own team management skills. It will also look at different team-working styles and examine the need to balance the requirements of the task, the team and the individual.

Student Immigration Finished 14:00 - 16:00 Greenwich House, Jaffna Room

This course is recommended for any members of faculties and departments who are involved in student administration. The University’s Tier 4 licence –providing sponsorship of non-EEA students - is managed by the International Student Team; the regulations surrounding this licence are subject to regular change. The aim of this course is to provide an overview of the regulations affecting students, explaining the practicalities of this within the Cambridge context. It will outline internal policies and procedures relating to all students with a strong focus on graduate and visiting students.

Thu 20
Voice Projection: An Introduction Finished 09:00 - 13:00 CCTL, Revans Room

If you occasionally suffer from vocal strain or wish to discover your true vocal range and power then this course is for you. We will work together to improve your vocal projection using vocal techniques practised by actors by using various physical and vocal exercises in a relaxed atmosphere. Be prepared to relax, kick off your shoes and lie on the floor.

Minute Taking Finished 09:30 - 16:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Minute taking is not about speed writing but about recognising what is important and understanding the needs of the meeting participants. This course will show you how to compile concise meeting notes.

The course is for anyone who is required to take factual records of departmental/faculty meetings and distribute action points afterwards. It does not cover the additional skills required to take minutes at University committee meetings.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Fri 21
Communication Skills Advanced: "Was it something I said?" Finished 09:00 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Even the most skilled communicators sometimes struggle to get their message across. This course will equip you with the mindset and knowledge to communicate effectively when it really matters. Learn how to deliver your message with sincerity, clarity and enthusiasm. Staff who wish to improve their one-to-one communication skills in challenging and difficult situations will benefit from this course.

Mon 24
Student Support Documents in Practice CANCELLED 12:45 - 14:00 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

This participative workshop will discuss the role of the Student Support Document (SSD) and look at how it can be used to make the support of disabled students straightforward for all involved. Through review and discussion of sample SSDs and associated case studies the session will highlight areas where barriers could exist and best practice in avoiding them. It will provide an opportunity to discuss best practice and work through any concerns about implementing support for students.

The session will focus on practical strategies to ensure that inclusive practice is included in planning and thus becomes straightforward to mainstream. The workshop will consider the full range of impairments seen in the student population.

Tue 25

If you are new to supervising graduate students at Cambridge (who are studying both for one-year courses or PhDs) the Board of Graduate Studies strongly recommends you to take part in some form of professional development. In collaboration with BGS, Personal and Professional Development offers training and support for newly-appointed supervisors of graduate students and for those new to the Cambridge system. The workshops, which run over lunchtime, are designed to consider reciprocal expectations and duties, as well as approaches to supervising, and to raise awareness of possible issues and where to go for support.

Specific Learning Difficulties: What Administrators Need to Know (Briefing) Finished 12:45 - 14:00 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

This course will develop your understanding of the barriers related to administration experienced by students with Specific Learning Difficulties (such as dyslexia), and how these can be overcome. It will review how best to manage the requirements of students with Specific Learning Difficulties, increase the support you can offer and identify the systems you need to employ. It will review the processes involved in setting up and managing student support.

This structured course will help you to fulfil your responsibilities to students with Specific Learning Difficulties and provide effective practical support required in terms of policy and accessing formal support. The course will focus on dyslexia, dyspraxia and dysgraphia.

Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) is a useful precursor to this workshop, as it will not cover diagnosis or identification of specific learning difficulties.

Refreshments and lunch will be provided.

Wed 26
Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (1 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Please note this course consists of five mandatory full day sessions plus a mandatory one-to-one Tutorial lasting 30 minutes

The Tutorial will take place on one of the two red starred dates listed below

You will have to pick a date and time slot on Day 1 of the course

Please ensure you are available on both dates until we have confirmed your Tutorial slot

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until we have received a copy of this application document

Thu 27
Staff Review and Development for Reviewers Finished 09:15 - 13:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

The Staff Review and Development process provides the opportunity for supervisors, managers and academics to engage in constructive discussion with their staff or academic colleagues about current and future work and their personal and career development.

This course will focus on practical advice and development of a range of skills and techniques that may be used effectively when reviewing others. It will provide an opportunity for review practice, discussion with other reviewers and provide useful reminders of good practice.

Fri 28
Immigration and Recruitment: Helping You Get it Right POSTPONED 13:00 - 15:15 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This course is recommended for those responsible for the recruitment and selection of staff, particularly if you are new to the University but also for existing staff seeking a refresher.

With the introduction of the Points-based immigration system and with immigration legislation becoming ever stricter, the UK now operates one of the world’s most complex immigration systems.

The aim of this course is to help those involved with recruitment and selection to navigate the rules which regulate the recruitment of individuals who are subject to immigration control, whilst ensuring full compliance. It will outline the key requirements in advertising, selection, pre-employment checks and the responsibilities throughout employment that the University is legally bound to observe.

May 2017

Thu 4
Springboard: A Women's Development Programme (3 of 4) Finished 09:00 - 15:30 Hughes Hall, Peter Richards Room

Springboard is a personal development programme for all female staff/graduate students. It will give you the opportunity to take stock and consider your personal and professional goals.

During the programme you will explore your future in a practical way and learn how to develop your potential. You will undertake realistic self-assessment and set challenging goals.

Key areas covered include communication skills, assertiveness, self confidence, improving your work/life balance and developing positive skills and attitude. If you want to progress and develop, then this programme is for you.

The programme comprises four days over a three-month period and a workbook to be completed between sessions.

Lecturing Performance Finished 09:00 - 13:00 CCTL, Revans Room

This course focuses on the practical element of delivery. It will provide you with the opportunity to explore techniques for connecting emotionally and intellectually with an audience, along with overcoming nerves. You will look at how to handle questions effectively and practise vocal techniques.

Managing Staff Performance: Disciplinary & Capability Procedures Finished 09:30 - 12:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

As a manager, it is your responsibility to motivate staff and enable them to achieve the best possible results. Most of this is achieved in your informal day to day management and support of employees. However, problems sometimes arise and tools such as the University’s Capability, Disciplinary and Grievance procedures are there to support you and your staff in resolving a particular situation – they all include guidance about both informal and, where necessary, formal actions. This session is aimed at managers who wish to know more or refresh their knowledge about how and when these procedures can be used.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Fri 5
Managing and Developing Effective Teams Finished 09:00 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

A team that works well is an exciting and creative place to be.

This course will enable you to identify the important ingredients for a successful team and to reflect on your own team management skills. It will also look at different team-working styles and examine the need to balance the requirements of the task, the team and the individual.

If you are new to supervising graduate students at Cambridge (studying both for one-year courses or PhDs) the Board of Graduate Studies strongly recommends you to take part in some form of professional development. In collaboration with BGS, Personal and Professional Development offers training and support for newly-appointed supervisors of graduate students and for those new to the Cambridge system. The workshops, which run over lunchtime, are designed to consider reciprocal expectations and duties, as well as approaches to supervising, and to raise awareness of possible issues and where to go for support.

Mon 8
Managing Staff Performance: Introduction Finished 09:00 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

As a manager, it is your responsibility to get the best out of your staff so that your team functions at its full potential. This can be a daunting challenge: some individuals are easier to manage than others.

This course will pinpoint the skills you need to understand and manage staff performance and focus on the University policies which must underpin your approach.

Presentation, DVD and group discussion will be used to highlight key points and activities will give you an opportunity to practise in a safe and supportive environment.

Tue 9
Voice and Pronunciation for Non-native English Speakers Finished 09:00 - 13:00 CCTL, Revans Room

Is English not your first language?

Would you like to incorporate Standard English pronunciation into your everyday speech?

This course will look at the differences and similarities between your natural accent and that of Standard English. It will help to maintain positive aspects of your natural accent whilst enabling you to be easily understood by native English speakers.

Staff Review and Development for Reviewees Finished 09:30 - 13:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

The Staff Review and Development process provides the opportunity for supervisors, managers and academics to engage in constructive discussion with their staff or academic colleagues about current and future work and their personal and career development.

This course will focus on how you can prepare for and get the most out of your review meeting. You will also have the opportunity to develop a range of skills and techniques that may be used during reviews to focus on setting objectives and action planning.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 CCTL, Revans Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 CCTL, Revans Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 CCTL, Revans Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Wed 10
Welcome to Cambridge Finished 09:00 - 12:00 Downing College, Grace Howard Room

The University of Cambridge is committed to effective induction for all new members of staff. In addition to the welcome and induction you will receive in your institution, you are warmly invited to take part in the University’s two-stage induction.

The first stage comprises the University’s Induction Online programme. This web resource is a quick and easy way for you to learn all about what it is like to work here as well as understand your role and responsibilities. It provides key information to help you:

  • settle quickly into your new role
  • orientate yourself in your first few weeks at the University
  • understand how the University works

The second stage comprises Welcome to Cambridge, an event hosted by Personal and Professional Development (PPD). The Welcome to Cambridge events are held twice a year. Following a welcome from a senior member of the University you will have the opportunity to participate in an informal networking activity. The activity will enable you to meet and network with other new colleagues whilst learning some key facts about the University. There will also be an exhibition enabling you to browse the wide range of opportunities and sources of support available to you as a member of University staff.

Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (2 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Please note this course consists of five mandatory full day sessions plus a mandatory one-to-one Tutorial lasting 30 minutes

The Tutorial will take place on one of the two red starred dates listed below

You will have to pick a date and time slot on Day 1 of the course

Please ensure you are available on both dates until we have confirmed your Tutorial slot

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until we have received a copy of this application document

Seminar Series: Seminar 1 - Leading and Managing in HE with Tessa Harrison Finished 12:00 - 13:00 University Centre, Hicks Room

Tessa Harrison, Director Students and Education, King’s College, London will explore Leading and Managing in Higher Education.

Forming a key component to the Strategic Development Programme but open to those in administrative leadership roles, the Seminar Series aims to explore the experiences of specialists in HE administration from both inside and outside the University.

Thu 11

If you are new to supervising graduate students at Cambridge (who are studying both for one-year courses or PhDs) the Board of Graduate Studies strongly recommends you to take part in some form of professional development. In collaboration with BGS, Personal and Professional Development offers training and support for newly-appointed supervisors of graduate students and for those new to the Cambridge system. The workshops, which run over lunchtime, are designed to consider reciprocal expectations and duties, as well as approaches to supervising, and to raise awareness of possible issues and where to go for support.

Mon 15
Staff Review and Development for Reviewees Finished 09:30 - 13:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

The Staff Review and Development process provides the opportunity for supervisors, managers and academics to engage in constructive discussion with their staff or academic colleagues about current and future work and their personal and career development.

This course will focus on how you can prepare for and get the most out of your review meeting. You will also have the opportunity to develop a range of skills and techniques that may be used during reviews to focus on setting objectives and action planning.

Higher Education Academy: Briefing CANCELLED 15:30 - 17:00 CCTL, Revans Room

Would you like to gain nationally recognised accreditation of your teaching experience? Many UK universities now expect teaching staff seeking tenure to have undertaken or to undertake a structured teaching and learning development course accredited by the HE Academy. This session provides an overview of the route by which those with some experience of teaching in Higher Education may gain accreditation. It also provides a short introduction to the HE Academy itself.

Tue 16
Voice and Pronunciation for Non-native English Speakers Finished 09:00 - 13:00 CCTL, Revans Room

Is English not your first language?

Would you like to incorporate Standard English pronunciation into your everyday speech?

This course will look at the differences and similarities between your natural accent and that of Standard English. It will help to maintain positive aspects of your natural accent whilst enabling you to be easily understood by native English speakers.

Data Protection and FOI: An Introduction Finished 09:30 - 12:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

The rights and responsibilities outlined in the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Acts increasingly impact upon the University’s academic and administrative work. This course explores the key concepts in the Data Protection Act 1998 and illustrates how the ‘data protection principles’ affect various day-to-day working scenarios. It introduces the fundamental aspects of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and details the ways in which the University handles responses to individual requests under both Acts. Finally, it outlines various records management and information security measures that can aid compliance with the legislation and lead to a more efficient working environment.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Wed 17
Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 09:30 - 10:30 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 10:35 - 11:35 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 11:40 - 12:40 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Thu 18
Dignity at Work: A Guide for All Staff Finished 09:00 - 12:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

In the workplace there will be occasions when people feel that they have been bullied, harassed or subjected to inappropriate behaviour. This is a practical and important interactive session which is designed to provide clarity and guidance on the University’s Dignity at Work policy and procedures. It will explain the legal framework, and will clarify options and practical measures open to you to help you address Dignity at Work problems if they arise.

Recruitment Essentials: Appointing the Right Candidate new Finished 09:30 - 12:30 CCTL, Revans Room

This workshop provides an opportunity to understand the recruitment and selection process to ensure you select the right candidate, avoiding common pitfalls.

The course is primarily aimed at those with responsibility for co-ordinating recruitment procedures and making selection decisions.

Mon 22
Leadership Essentials new Finished 09:30 - 16:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Leadership Essentials is a key programme suitable for all managers, which aims to help them refresh and build their skills and experience in managing others. As well as clarifying key responsibilities, it focuses on critical areas that managers can find more difficult, such as giving and receiving feedback effectively and handling challenging conversations. It incorporates tutor input, opportunities for discussion, reflection and sharing of good practice with other managers.

Before attending, please take some time to review the short films of other University colleagues talking about their role as a manager, Leadership Essentials: Management Responsibilities

Wed 24
Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (3 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Please note this course consists of five mandatory full day sessions plus a mandatory one-to-one Tutorial lasting 30 minutes

The Tutorial will take place on one of the two red starred dates listed below

You will have to pick a date and time slot on Day 1 of the course

Please ensure you are available on both dates until we have confirmed your Tutorial slot

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until we have received a copy of this application document

Fri 26
Conflict Resolution Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a conflict wondering how you got into it and how to get out? This course sets out to identify and examine the causes of conflict and to offer a range of practical techniques for resolving disputes. Skilled negotiation is often crucial and this course introduces a proven approach that is used widely by professional mediators and negotiators. You will have the opportunity to explore and practice key ideas using presentation, self assessment, role play and discussion in a friendly and informal group setting.

Wed 31
Recruitment Essentials: Appointing the Right Candidate new Finished 14:00 - 17:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This workshop provides an opportunity to understand the recruitment and selection process to ensure you select the right candidate, avoiding common pitfalls.

The course is primarily aimed at those with responsibility for co-ordinating recruitment procedures and making selection decisions.

June 2017

Thu 1
MBTI: Understanding Personality Finished 09:30 - 14:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is the most widely used personality instrument worldwide, based on over 50 years’ research and development.

It presents a framework for understanding how you operate, how others operate, and how you can use that understanding to get more from yourself and the relationships you have with others.

This workshop is led by a qualified MBTI practitioner and will involve taking the MBTI questionnaire, investigating the four areas of preference covered by MBTI, self-assessment of type with group exercises, looking at your best fit type and investigating how it could help you at work.

Learning about your personality type can help you to understand your role within your team and the role of others. It can also help you to cope with organisational change, deal with stress effectively and develop your emotional intelligence.

Mon 5
Communication Skills Introduction: "Are you receiving me?" Finished 09:00 - 15:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Increase your confidence and skills in one-to-one communication with this highly participative course. Effective communication starts in your head and it isn’t just about the words you say. Your tone of voice, facial expression and body language all communicate a message. This course will help you get your message across more clearly. You will also have the opportunity to practise communication skills on a one-to-one basis.

Wed 7
Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (4 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Please note this course consists of five mandatory full day sessions plus a mandatory one-to-one Tutorial lasting 30 minutes

The Tutorial will take place on one of the two red starred dates listed below

You will have to pick a date and time slot on Day 1 of the course

Please ensure you are available on both dates until we have confirmed your Tutorial slot

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until we have received a copy of this application document

Thu 8
Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 09:30 - 10:30 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Minute Taking Finished 09:30 - 16:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Minute taking is not about speed writing but about recognising what is important and understanding the needs of the meeting participants. This course will show you how to compile concise meeting notes.

The course is for anyone who is required to take factual records of departmental/faculty meetings and distribute action points afterwards. It does not cover the additional skills required to take minutes at University committee meetings.

Springboard: A Women's Development Programme (4 of 4) Finished 10:00 - 16:00 Hughes Hall, Pavilion Room

Springboard is a personal development programme for all female staff/graduate students. It will give you the opportunity to take stock and consider your personal and professional goals.

During the programme you will explore your future in a practical way and learn how to develop your potential. You will undertake realistic self-assessment and set challenging goals.

Key areas covered include communication skills, assertiveness, self confidence, improving your work/life balance and developing positive skills and attitude. If you want to progress and develop, then this programme is for you.

The programme comprises four days over a three-month period and a workbook to be completed between sessions.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 10:35 - 11:35 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 11:40 - 12:40 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Fri 9
Immigration and Recruitment: Helping You Get it Right Finished 13:00 - 15:15 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This course is recommended for those responsible for the recruitment and selection of staff, particularly if you are new to the University but also for existing staff seeking a refresher.

With the introduction of the Points-based immigration system and with immigration legislation becoming ever stricter, the UK now operates one of the world’s most complex immigration systems.

The aim of this course is to help those involved with recruitment and selection to navigate the rules which regulate the recruitment of individuals who are subject to immigration control, whilst ensuring full compliance. It will outline the key requirements in advertising, selection, pre-employment checks and the responsibilities throughout employment that the University is legally bound to observe.

Mon 12
Develop your Career: Job search, CV writing and Job Applications new Finished 09:30 - 13:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This course prepares you to search and apply for your next job opportunity. You will learn: where to look for suitable job opportunities, how to write clear and concise CV’s and produce Job Applications that highlight your key skills and experience.

This course is highly participative and offers you the opportunity to share and learn from your own and other's experiences.

Research staff/postdoctoral research staff are advised to refer to the University Careers Service for information on specific Careers Programmes for them, including support for job search, CV writing and job applications. Research Staff are not eligible for this course.

For contact details and further information please visit []

Tue 13
Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (5 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 14:30 Greenwich House, Auckland Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Please note this course consists of five mandatory full day sessions plus a mandatory one-to-one Tutorial lasting 30 minutes

The Tutorial will take place on one of the two red starred dates listed below

You will have to pick a date and time slot on Day 1 of the course

Please ensure you are available on both dates until we have confirmed your Tutorial slot

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until we have received a copy of this application document

Wed 14
Leadership Programme Briefing Session: Managing the University Estate CANCELLED 09:30 - 10:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Current issues in managing the University Estate.

Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (6 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 14:30 Greenwich House, Auckland Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Please note this course consists of five mandatory full day sessions plus a mandatory one-to-one Tutorial lasting 30 minutes

The Tutorial will take place on one of the two red starred dates listed below

You will have to pick a date and time slot on Day 1 of the course

Please ensure you are available on both dates until we have confirmed your Tutorial slot

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until we have received a copy of this application document

Leadership Programme Briefing Session: Financial Issues CANCELLED 11:30 - 12:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Who, what and how much — pathways through the finance committees.

Leadership Programme Briefing Session: Recruitment and Selection CANCELLED 13:00 - 14:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Update on current legislative practices.

Leadership Programme Briefing Session: Equality and Diversity CANCELLED 14:00 - 15:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

How inclusion fosters increased innovation and global impact.

Leadership Programme Briefing Session: Research Grant Applications CANCELLED 15:00 - 16:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

The briefing will include topics about:

  • Costing & Pricing
  • New Sponsor Terms and Conditions
  • Pitfalls to avoid
Thu 15
Project Management: Online and Workshop Finished 13:00 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Managing and leading projects is a key skill, and yet it is often poorly understood and actioned; leading to projects that overrun, overspend or overwork the delivery teams.

This blended programme comprises an online module and a face to face workshop. You will be expected to have completed the online material before attending the face to face workshop.

The online module will provide you with a complete toolkit of project management skills (distilled from a number of sound project management “methodologies”) and an overview of various project planning techniques. It has been developed to help you focus on a project you are actively involved in (or one that is about to commence). You will apply a number of tools to real life situations and leave with a clear understanding of the major management issues and the basis of a clear and workable project plan.

The face to face workshop provides an opportunity to build on the learning from the online module. Working with others you will identify options and strategies to help move your project forward and consider solutions to problems you may have encountered.

Instructions regarding how to access the online module will be given in your booking confirmation email.

For additional guidance to help you gain the most from this blended programme you can download our Guide to successful online learning.

If you would prefer to complete just the online module without attending a face to face workshop, please visit the booking page for the online module only.

Fri 16
Managing Staff Performance: Introduction Finished 09:00 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

As a manager, it is your responsibility to get the best out of your staff so that your team functions at its full potential. This can be a daunting challenge: some individuals are easier to manage than others.

This course will pinpoint the skills you need to understand and manage staff performance and focus on the University policies which must underpin your approach.

Presentation, DVD and group discussion will be used to highlight key points and activities will give you an opportunity to practise in a safe and supportive environment.

Mon 19
Voice and Pronunciation for Non-native English Speakers Finished 09:00 - 13:00 CCTL, Revans Room

Is English not your first language?

Would you like to incorporate Standard English pronunciation into your everyday speech?

This course will look at the differences and similarities between your natural accent and that of Standard English. It will help to maintain positive aspects of your natural accent whilst enabling you to be easily understood by native English speakers.

Minute Taking Finished 09:30 - 16:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Minute taking is not about speed writing but about recognising what is important and understanding the needs of the meeting participants. This course will show you how to compile concise meeting notes.

The course is for anyone who is required to take factual records of departmental/faculty meetings and distribute action points afterwards. It does not cover the additional skills required to take minutes at University committee meetings.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Tue 20
The Prevent Duty: A Briefing for All Staff new Finished 09:30 - 11:00 8 Mill Lane, Lecture Room 2

The University has a statutory duty to have ‘due regard to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’. This is known as the Prevent Duty (Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015).

It is primarily about safeguarding students and staff in the University and includes a range of responsibilities in areas such as pastoral care, support for staff and students, procedures for arranging events and using facilities. All staff need to be aware of the process of radicalisation, definitions of extremism and the process for raising concerns in this context.

This short session provides information about Prevent for all staff working in in the University. It includes input and examples to consider and combines the content in Module 1 – An introduction to the Prevent Duty: Online and the University Prevent website. You can access these as an alternative to attending this session.

Full details of available training and support are on the Prevent Training Moodle site (Raven login required).

Wed 21
Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (7 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Please note this course consists of five mandatory full day sessions plus a mandatory one-to-one Tutorial lasting 30 minutes

The Tutorial will take place on one of the two red starred dates listed below

You will have to pick a date and time slot on Day 1 of the course

Please ensure you are available on both dates until we have confirmed your Tutorial slot

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until we have received a copy of this application document

Retirement: Pre-retirement (1 of 2) Finished 13:30 - 16:45 Hughes Hall, Pavilion Room

The last two years before retirement are a good time to prepare for personal change in readiness for leaving employment. This programme will include detailed information on occupational pensions, financial advice and planning, tax and legal issues, as well as the emotional and practical issues accompanying retirement. You will have the opportunity to share information and discuss any concerns about retirement in a relaxed setting

Thu 22
Conflict Resolution Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a conflict wondering how you got into it and how to get out? This course sets out to identify and examine the causes of conflict and to offer a range of practical techniques for resolving disputes. Skilled negotiation is often crucial and this course introduces a proven approach that is used widely by professional mediators and negotiators. You will have the opportunity to explore and practice key ideas using presentation, self assessment, role play and discussion in a friendly and informal group setting.

Fri 23
Develop your Career: Interview Techniques (1 of 3) Finished 09:30 - 13:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This course prepares you to excel at interview. You will learn how to anticipate questions you will be asked and plan how to answer them successfully. You will also learn how to project yourself positively and feel as calm and in control as you will look.

This course is highly participative and will include a short mock interview as well as an opportunity to share experiences with other course members.

The focus of the course is to provide participants with the generic skills necessary to succeed at interview in a variety of contexts.

Mon 26
Assertiveness in Management Finished 09:00 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

As a manager, handling relationships is one of your key skills. An ability to think, speak and act assertively in these relationships will enhance your reputation and success. If you want to motivate staff, earn their loyalty and enable them to achieve the best possible results, then this course is for you. It will also deal with the challenges of managing your own manager assertively.

Wed 28
Communication Skills Advanced: "Was it something I said?" Finished 09:00 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Even the most skilled communicators sometimes struggle to get their message across. This course will equip you with the mindset and knowledge to communicate effectively when it really matters. Learn how to deliver your message with sincerity, clarity and enthusiasm. Staff who wish to improve their one-to-one communication skills in challenging and difficult situations will benefit from this course.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 09:30 - 10:30 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 10:35 - 11:35 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 11:40 - 12:40 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Retirement: Pre-retirement (2 of 2) Finished 13:30 - 16:00 Hughes Hall, Pavilion Room

The last two years before retirement are a good time to prepare for personal change in readiness for leaving employment. This programme will include detailed information on occupational pensions, financial advice and planning, tax and legal issues, as well as the emotional and practical issues accompanying retirement. You will have the opportunity to share information and discuss any concerns about retirement in a relaxed setting

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Thu 29
Minute Taking Finished 09:30 - 16:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Minute taking is not about speed writing but about recognising what is important and understanding the needs of the meeting participants. This course will show you how to compile concise meeting notes.

The course is for anyone who is required to take factual records of departmental/faculty meetings and distribute action points afterwards. It does not cover the additional skills required to take minutes at University committee meetings.

Fri 30
Seminar Series: Seminar 2 - Principles of Lean Management with Christine Stewart Finished 12:00 - 13:00 University Centre, Hicks Room

Christine Stewart, Managing Director of Macresco Ltd will explore principles of Lean Management, covering the why, where, what, when and how of improvement in Higher Education.

Forming a key component to the Strategic Development Programme but open to those in administrative leadership roles, the Seminar Series aims to explore the experiences of specialists in HE administration from both inside and outside the University.

July 2017

Mon 3
Stress: A Manager's Responsibility Finished 09:30 - 12:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

A short course covering a manager’s role in promoting a reduced stress environment in the workplace and evaluating stress risks for employees. It will also look at how to manage specific cases of stress using the Health and Safety Executive’s management standards.

If you are new to supervising graduate students at Cambridge (who are studying both for one-year courses or PhDs) the Board of Graduate Studies strongly recommends you to take part in some form of professional development. In collaboration with BGS, Personal and Professional Development offers training and support for newly-appointed supervisors of graduate students and for those new to the Cambridge system. The workshops, which run over lunchtime, are designed to consider reciprocal expectations and duties, as well as approaches to supervising, and to raise awareness of possible issues and where to go for support.

Tue 4
Leadership Essentials new Finished 09:30 - 16:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Leadership Essentials is a key programme suitable for all managers, which aims to help them refresh and build their skills and experience in managing others. As well as clarifying key responsibilities, it focuses on critical areas that managers can find more difficult, such as giving and receiving feedback effectively and handling challenging conversations. It incorporates tutor input, opportunities for discussion, reflection and sharing of good practice with other managers.

Before attending, please take some time to review the short films of other University colleagues talking about their role as a manager, Leadership Essentials: Management Responsibilities

Wed 5
Develop your Career: Interview Techniques (2 of 3) Finished 09:30 - 12:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This course prepares you to excel at interview. You will learn how to anticipate questions you will be asked and plan how to answer them successfully. You will also learn how to project yourself positively and feel as calm and in control as you will look.

This course is highly participative and will include a short mock interview as well as an opportunity to share experiences with other course members.

The focus of the course is to provide participants with the generic skills necessary to succeed at interview in a variety of contexts.

If you are new to supervising graduate students at Cambridge (studying both for one-year courses or PhDs) the Board of Graduate Studies strongly recommends you to take part in some form of professional development. In collaboration with BGS, Personal and Professional Development offers training and support for newly-appointed supervisors of graduate students and for those new to the Cambridge system. The workshops, which run over lunchtime, are designed to consider reciprocal expectations and duties, as well as approaches to supervising, and to raise awareness of possible issues and where to go for support.

Thu 6
Risk Management (Seminar) Finished 14:30 - 17:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

The University must ensure that there are appropriate arrangements in place to promote effective risk management; this is a condition of grant under the terms of the Financial Memorandum between the HEFCE and the Higher Education Institutions it funds.

This course will explore what risk management is and why it is necessary, and the particular benefits that can be derived from effective risk management. A key focus of the course will be to review the University’s system for risk management and to explore how this system can be implemented at the local level of Faculties and Departments.

Fri 7
Develop your Career: Interview Techniques (3 of 3) Finished 09:30 - 12:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This course prepares you to excel at interview. You will learn how to anticipate questions you will be asked and plan how to answer them successfully. You will also learn how to project yourself positively and feel as calm and in control as you will look.

This course is highly participative and will include a short mock interview as well as an opportunity to share experiences with other course members.

The focus of the course is to provide participants with the generic skills necessary to succeed at interview in a variety of contexts.

Mon 10
Voice and Pronunciation for Non-native English Speakers Finished 09:00 - 13:00 CCTL, Revans Room

Is English not your first language?

Would you like to incorporate Standard English pronunciation into your everyday speech?

This course will look at the differences and similarities between your natural accent and that of Standard English. It will help to maintain positive aspects of your natural accent whilst enabling you to be easily understood by native English speakers.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 PPD, Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Tue 11
Recruitment and Selection Skills Finished 09:00 - 16:45 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Recommended for those responsible for the recruitment and selection of staff, who are interested in developing further skills in this area. This course prepares you to effectively carry out the recruitment and selection process taking you through the stages of producing a person specification, short listing effectively against selection criteria, designing questions, structuring and conducting interviews, and making the final decision. University policies and procedures will also be covered.

Sara Corcoran, Director of Human Resources, University of Suffolk, will explore staff engagement in the HE sector.

Forming a key component to the Strategic Development Programme but open to those in administrative leadership roles, the Seminar Series aims to explore the experiences of specialists in HE administration from both inside and outside the University.

Wed 12
Leadership Essentials: Leading Your Team Through Change new Finished 09:30 - 15:00 Greenwich House, Heidelberg Room

Change is a constant feature in today’s workplace and yet many of us find it hard to navigate successfully through change.

Studies show that the line manager has a critical role to play in ensuring staff are ready for change and in successfully implementing it. These sessions will equip you with the skills and attitudes you need to guide, support and motivate your team through the process of change.

Case studies, discussion and activities will provide the opportunity to share ideas and embed skills.

Thu 13
Assertiveness in Management Finished 09:00 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

As a manager, handling relationships is one of your key skills. An ability to think, speak and act assertively in these relationships will enhance your reputation and success. If you want to motivate staff, earn their loyalty and enable them to achieve the best possible results, then this course is for you. It will also deal with the challenges of managing your own manager assertively.

Mon 17
Project Management: Online and Workshop Finished 13:00 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Managing and leading projects is a key skill, and yet it is often poorly understood and actioned; leading to projects that overrun, overspend or overwork the delivery teams.

This blended programme comprises an online module and a face to face workshop. You will be expected to have completed the online material before attending the face to face workshop.

The online module will provide you with a complete toolkit of project management skills (distilled from a number of sound project management “methodologies”) and an overview of various project planning techniques. It has been developed to help you focus on a project you are actively involved in (or one that is about to commence). You will apply a number of tools to real life situations and leave with a clear understanding of the major management issues and the basis of a clear and workable project plan.

The face to face workshop provides an opportunity to build on the learning from the online module. Working with others you will identify options and strategies to help move your project forward and consider solutions to problems you may have encountered.

Instructions regarding how to access the online module will be given in your booking confirmation email.

For additional guidance to help you gain the most from this blended programme you can download our Guide to successful online learning.

If you would prefer to complete just the online module without attending a face to face workshop, please visit the booking page for the online module only.

Wed 19
Communication Skills Introduction: "Are you receiving me?" Finished 09:00 - 15:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Increase your confidence and skills in one-to-one communication with this highly participative course. Effective communication starts in your head and it isn’t just about the words you say. Your tone of voice, facial expression and body language all communicate a message. This course will help you get your message across more clearly. You will also have the opportunity to practise communication skills on a one-to-one basis.

Thu 20
Assertiveness in Management Finished 09:00 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

As a manager, handling relationships is one of your key skills. An ability to think, speak and act assertively in these relationships will enhance your reputation and success. If you want to motivate staff, earn their loyalty and enable them to achieve the best possible results, then this course is for you. It will also deal with the challenges of managing your own manager assertively.

Fri 21
Communication Skills Introduction: "Are you receiving me?" Finished 09:00 - 15:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Increase your confidence and skills in one-to-one communication with this highly participative course. Effective communication starts in your head and it isn’t just about the words you say. Your tone of voice, facial expression and body language all communicate a message. This course will help you get your message across more clearly. You will also have the opportunity to practise communication skills on a one-to-one basis.

September 2017

Mon 11
Staff Review and Development for Reviewees Finished 09:30 - 13:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

The Staff Review and Development process provides the opportunity for supervisors, managers and academics to engage in constructive discussion with their staff or academic colleagues about current and future work and their personal and career development.

This course will focus on how you can prepare for and get the most out of your review meeting. You will also have the opportunity to develop a range of skills and techniques that may be used during reviews to focus on setting objectives and action planning.

Tue 12
Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 09:30 - 10:30 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 10:35 - 11:35 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 11:40 - 12:40 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Paul Mylrea, Director of Communications, University of Cambridge will explore navigating change and challenge in major organisations.

Our institution faces major change – regulatory, political and global. How do leaders in different sectors deal with change, and what is the impact of organisational culture on their thinking and actions? This seminar will look at leaders from a range of sectors and how they have dealt with change – some well, some less so.

Forming a key component to the Strategic Development Programme but open to those in administrative leadership roles, the Seminar Series aims to explore the experiences of specialists in HE administration from both inside and outside the University.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Wed 13
Voice and Pronunciation for Non-native English Speakers Finished 09:00 - 13:00 CCTL, Revans Room

Is English not your first language?

Would you like to incorporate Standard English pronunciation into your everyday speech?

This course will look at the differences and similarities between your natural accent and that of Standard English. It will help to maintain positive aspects of your natural accent whilst enabling you to be easily understood by native English speakers.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Thu 14
Minute Taking Finished 09:30 - 16:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Minute taking is not about speed writing but about recognising what is important and understanding the needs of the meeting participants. This course will show you how to compile concise meeting notes.

The course is for anyone who is required to take factual records of departmental/faculty meetings and distribute action points afterwards. It does not cover the additional skills required to take minutes at University committee meetings.

Tue 19
Dignity at Work: A Guide for All Staff Finished 09:00 - 12:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

In the workplace there will be occasions when people feel that they have been bullied, harassed or subjected to inappropriate behaviour. This is a practical and important interactive session which is designed to provide clarity and guidance on the University’s Dignity at Work policy and procedures. It will explain the legal framework, and will clarify options and practical measures open to you to help you address Dignity at Work problems if they arise.

Thu 21
Engage in Learning Programme new (1 of 4) Finished 12:30 - 14:30 CCTL, Revans Room

Engage in Learning is a theory and practice informed supervisor development programme on how to build supportive learning relationships. It is aimed at supervisors of Cambridge students with a minimum of three to five years’ experience of teaching in higher education.

Participants will explore approaches and challenges to building supportive supervisory relationships through dialogical learning activities — small group discussions, reflection exercises based on experiences, film clips, case studies and dilemmas drawn from practice. Readings will be provided prior to each workshop. The programme will emphasise building on participants’ own experiences. Between each workshop participants will be asked to observe and keep a written log of specific experiences of supervision; these will be discussed in the subsequent workshop.

Workshops (key topics covered)
A maximum of 12 participants will attend four two-hour-long workshops. Each workshop will be held between 12:30 to 14:30.

21 September 2017
Workshop 1
Building supportive relationships for learning: theory and context

  • Attachment theory
  • Mindfulness
  • Institutional identity
  • Communication

19 October 2017
Workshop 2
Empowering and facilitating growth

  • Growth mindset
  • Relational power
  • Transformational learning
  • Self-efficacy

23 November 2017
Workshop 3
Maintaining a supportive relationship

  • Boundaries
  • Balance
  • Dialogical reflection

7 December 2017
Workshop 4
Engaging in learning together

  • Synthesis of themes and topics

Prior to registration please make sure that you are available on each of those days.

All workshops will be held at the Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning, 25 Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1QA. The map gives directions to PPD, where the Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning is located.

Tue 26
Tutoring: Support for New Appointees Finished 09:00 - 16:30 St Catharine's College, Ramsden Room

Tutors provide general oversight of student welfare, in the widest sense, and form an essential part of College communities and the Colleges’ provision to students. This course will use a mixture of formal presentations, group work and plenary discussions to provide new or prospective Tutors with advice and support for their students, a greater understanding of responsibilities and where to find information. There will also be presentations from the Disability Resource Centre and the University Counselling Service relevant to College Tutoring.

Please note that the term ‘Tutor’ as used at Cambridge does not refer to a teaching role.

Lecturing Performance Finished 09:00 - 13:00 CCTL, Revans Room

This course focuses on the practical element of delivery. It will provide you with the opportunity to explore techniques for connecting emotionally and intellectually with an audience, along with overcoming nerves. You will look at how to handle questions effectively and practise vocal techniques.

Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (1 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until it has been approved by you line manager - please ensure that you enter their email address correctly into the form.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Wed 27
Pathways in Higher Education Practice (PHEP): Core Seminar (1 of 3) Finished 12:30 - 17:00 University Centre, Hicks/Meade Rooms

PHEP is Cambridge's professional development programme for probationer University lecturers and new College teaching officers. With contributions from academic and key administrative staff from the collegiate University, the seminar provides a platform for orientation and exploration of the opportunities, cultures and conventions of the University of Cambridge.

The seminar is a core feature of PHEP and all probationer University lecturers are expected to participate over the whole of the seminar.

You are strongly recommended to attend the Seminar within the first two years of your appointment

Bookings are strictly limited and must close two weeks before the commencement date of the seminar

Thu 28
Pathways in Higher Education Practice (PHEP): Core Seminar (2 of 3) Finished 09:00 - 17:00 University Centre, Hicks/Meade Rooms

PHEP is Cambridge's professional development programme for probationer University lecturers and new College teaching officers. With contributions from academic and key administrative staff from the collegiate University, the seminar provides a platform for orientation and exploration of the opportunities, cultures and conventions of the University of Cambridge.

The seminar is a core feature of PHEP and all probationer University lecturers are expected to participate over the whole of the seminar.

You are strongly recommended to attend the Seminar within the first two years of your appointment

Bookings are strictly limited and must close two weeks before the commencement date of the seminar

Direction of Studies: Support for New Appointees Finished 16:00 - 18:30 Corpus Christi, New Combination Room

As a Director of Studies you provide essential academic guidance and support to students on an individual basis. Develop your ability to undertake this role more effectively and efficiently with this course. Through group work and discussions, the course will focus on sharing good practice, key responsibilities, and where to find additional sources of help.

Fri 29
Pathways in Higher Education Practice (PHEP): Core Seminar (3 of 3) Finished 09:00 - 15:00 University Centre, Hicks/Meade Rooms

PHEP is Cambridge's professional development programme for probationer University lecturers and new College teaching officers. With contributions from academic and key administrative staff from the collegiate University, the seminar provides a platform for orientation and exploration of the opportunities, cultures and conventions of the University of Cambridge.

The seminar is a core feature of PHEP and all probationer University lecturers are expected to participate over the whole of the seminar.

You are strongly recommended to attend the Seminar within the first two years of your appointment

Bookings are strictly limited and must close two weeks before the commencement date of the seminar

Voice Projection: An Introduction Finished 09:00 - 13:00 CCTL, Revans Room

If you occasionally suffer from vocal strain or wish to discover your true vocal range and power then this course is for you. We will work together to improve your vocal projection using vocal techniques practised by actors by using various physical and vocal exercises in a relaxed atmosphere. Be prepared to relax, kick off your shoes and lie on the floor.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

October 2017

Mon 2
Leadership Essentials Finished 09:30 - 16:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Leadership Essentials is a key programme suitable for all managers, which aims to help them refresh and build their skills and experience in managing others. As well as clarifying key responsibilities, it focuses on critical areas that managers can find more difficult, such as giving and receiving feedback effectively and handling challenging conversations. It incorporates tutor input, opportunities for discussion, reflection and sharing of good practice with other managers.

Before attending, please take some time to review the short films of other University colleagues talking about their role as a manager, Leadership Essentials: Management Responsibilities

Tue 3
Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (2 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until it has been approved by you line manager - please ensure that you enter their email address correctly into the form.

Supervising Undergraduates: An Introduction Finished 16:00 - 18:30 University Centre, Cormack Room

What do supervisions contribute to student learning at Cambridge? This session will provide an interactive introduction to supervising, including aims and objectives of supervisions, different approaches to supervisions, the roles and responsibilities of the supervisor and ways of dealing with common problems. Given the breadth of supervisions, this course is not subject specific.

Wed 4
External - Cambridge Enterprise Ltd: Consultancy 101 Finished 09:00 - 13:30 University Centre, Cormack Room

Are you considering becoming a consultant? Perhaps you are already consulting, but want to learn more about how to work more effectively, get the best price for your skills or simplify admin work?

Consultants use expertise gained from University research in order to provide services to external organisations. Any University researcher can undertake consultancy work, but it can be challenging to manage and administrate alongside University teaching and research commitments.

Cambridge Enterprise is delighted to offer this free workshop in how to effectively manage consultancy projects, sharing expertise on best practice, tips on making life easier and trouble-shooting for some of the key issues faced by consultants.

This is an ideal opportunity to develop your skills, providing a refresher for academics already acting as consultants or an introduction for those considering consultancy in the near future.

Members of the Cambridge Enterprise Consultancy Services team will also cover how they can help to provide support throughout the process and explain the benefits of using their services.

The workshop will include:

  • Benefits and impact of undertaking consultancy work
  • Experience sharing and a Q&A panel with academics experienced in consultancy
  • Issues surrounding confidentiality, intellectual property and liability
  • How Cambridge Enterprise can help you undertake consultancy more effectively

This workshop is designed for all levels of experience, whether you are already acting as a consultant or are considering doing so.

We welcome applications from anyone who is currently employed by the University


Thu 5
Communication Skills Introduction: "Are you receiving me?" Finished 09:15 - 15:45 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Increase your confidence and skills in one-to-one communication with this highly participative course. Effective communication starts in your head and it isn’t just about the words you say. Your tone of voice, facial expression and body language all communicate a message. This course will help you get your message across more clearly. You will also have the opportunity to practise communication skills on a one-to-one basis.

Tue 10
Managing and Developing Effective Teams Finished 09:15 - 16:45 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

A team that works well is an exciting and creative place to be.

This course will enable you to identify the important ingredients for a successful team and to reflect on your own team management skills. It will also look at different team-working styles and examine the need to balance the requirements of the task, the team and the individual.

Wed 11
Stress Management Tools new Finished 14:00 - 16:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

We all experience stress at times but often lack the skills to deal with it. This workshop we will explore different strategies and techniques for fine tuning our habits, thinking patterns and the ways we deal with challenging situations. We will also pay attention to stress prevention and look at a consistent way of nurturing a happier and more joyful life.

You will have an opportunity to learn new and effective psychological self-care strategies based on mindfulness which will help you calm your mind and deal with your emotions. As we work our way through topics such as emotional management and negative self-talk, you will be able to construct your own plan to help you achieve an increased sense of wellbeing, based on your needs and personal situation.

Thu 12
Assertiveness in Management Finished 09:15 - 16:45 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

As a manager, handling relationships is one of your key skills. An ability to think, speak and act assertively in these relationships will enhance your reputation and success. If you want to motivate staff, earn their loyalty and enable them to achieve the best possible results, then this course is for you. It will also deal with the challenges of managing your own manager assertively.

Immigration and Recruitment: Helping You Get it Right Finished 13:00 - 15:00 Greenwich House, Jaffna Room

This course is recommended for those responsible for the recruitment and selection of staff, particularly if you are new to the University but also for existing staff seeking a refresher.

With the introduction of the Points-based immigration system and with immigration legislation becoming ever stricter, the UK now operates one of the world’s most complex immigration systems.

The aim of this course is to help those involved with recruitment and selection to navigate the rules which regulate the recruitment of individuals who are subject to immigration control, whilst ensuring full compliance. It will outline the key requirements in advertising, selection, pre-employment checks and the responsibilities throughout employment that the University is legally bound to observe.

Fri 13
Voice and Pronunciation for Non-native English Speakers Finished 09:00 - 13:00 CCTL, Revans Room

Is English not your first language?

Would you like to incorporate Standard English pronunciation into your everyday speech?

This course will look at the differences and similarities between your natural accent and that of Standard English. It will help to maintain positive aspects of your natural accent whilst enabling you to be easily understood by native English speakers.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Mon 16
Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 09:30 - 10:30 CCTL, Revans Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Dignity at Work: A Guide for All Staff CANCELLED 09:30 - 13:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

In the workplace there will be occasions when people feel that they have been bullied, harassed or subjected to inappropriate behaviour. This is a practical and important interactive session which is designed to provide clarity and guidance on the University’s Dignity at Work policy and procedures. It will explain the legal framework, and will clarify options and practical measures open to you to help you address Dignity at Work problems if they arise.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 10:35 - 11:35 CCTL, Revans Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 11:40 - 12:40 CCTL, Revans Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 CCTL, Revans Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 CCTL, Revans Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 CCTL, Revans Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Supervising Undergraduates: An Introduction Finished 16:00 - 18:30 University Centre, Hicks Room

What do supervisions contribute to student learning at Cambridge? This session will provide an interactive introduction to supervising, including aims and objectives of supervisions, different approaches to supervisions, the roles and responsibilities of the supervisor and ways of dealing with common problems. Given the breadth of supervisions, this course is not subject specific.

Tue 17
Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (3 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until it has been approved by you line manager - please ensure that you enter their email address correctly into the form.

If you are new to supervising graduate students at Cambridge (who are studying both for one-year courses or PhDs) the Board of Graduate Studies strongly recommends you to take part in some form of professional development. In collaboration with BGS, Personal and Professional Development offers training and support for newly-appointed supervisors of graduate students and for those new to the Cambridge system. The workshops, which run over lunchtime, are designed to consider reciprocal expectations and duties, as well as approaches to supervising, and to raise awareness of possible issues and where to go for support.

Thu 19
Developing Talent in your Team new Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Managing and developing talent in your team is a key skill for any manager in order to create an environment for their team to perform to the best of their ability, both individually and as a group.

From adopting a strategic approach to developing talent in order to deliver objectives, to understanding key strategies for developing your team at each stage of the employee lifecycle, this interactive and participative workshop offers you the opportunity to consider how to develop strength in your team, enhance motivation and wellbeing as well as share your experiences with others.

Engage in Learning Programme new (2 of 4) Finished 12:30 - 14:30 CCTL, Revans Room

Engage in Learning is a theory and practice informed supervisor development programme on how to build supportive learning relationships. It is aimed at supervisors of Cambridge students with a minimum of three to five years’ experience of teaching in higher education.

Participants will explore approaches and challenges to building supportive supervisory relationships through dialogical learning activities — small group discussions, reflection exercises based on experiences, film clips, case studies and dilemmas drawn from practice. Readings will be provided prior to each workshop. The programme will emphasise building on participants’ own experiences. Between each workshop participants will be asked to observe and keep a written log of specific experiences of supervision; these will be discussed in the subsequent workshop.

Workshops (key topics covered)
A maximum of 12 participants will attend four two-hour-long workshops. Each workshop will be held between 12:30 to 14:30.

21 September 2017
Workshop 1
Building supportive relationships for learning: theory and context

  • Attachment theory
  • Mindfulness
  • Institutional identity
  • Communication

19 October 2017
Workshop 2
Empowering and facilitating growth

  • Growth mindset
  • Relational power
  • Transformational learning
  • Self-efficacy

23 November 2017
Workshop 3
Maintaining a supportive relationship

  • Boundaries
  • Balance
  • Dialogical reflection

7 December 2017
Workshop 4
Engaging in learning together

  • Synthesis of themes and topics

Prior to registration please make sure that you are available on each of those days.

All workshops will be held at the Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning, 25 Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1QA. The map gives directions to PPD, where the Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning is located.

Mon 23
Coaching to Improve Presentation Skills (One-to-One) new Finished 09:30 - 10:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

If you would like to refine your presentation skills, or address insecurities about any aspect of your speaking, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, be it at the micro level (elocution), the macro level (shaping an interesting presentation), or any point in between. During this one to one session, coaching will provide you with active practice, honest and constructive feedback, and practical tips to make you a more confident and effective communicator. Put yourself under the microscope, and you’ll be ready to step into the spotlight.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Coaching to Improve Presentation Skills (One-to-One) new Finished 10:35 - 11:35 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

If you would like to refine your presentation skills, or address insecurities about any aspect of your speaking, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, be it at the micro level (elocution), the macro level (shaping an interesting presentation), or any point in between. During this one to one session, coaching will provide you with active practice, honest and constructive feedback, and practical tips to make you a more confident and effective communicator. Put yourself under the microscope, and you’ll be ready to step into the spotlight.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Coaching to Improve Presentation Skills (One-to-One) new Finished 11:40 - 12:40 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

If you would like to refine your presentation skills, or address insecurities about any aspect of your speaking, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, be it at the micro level (elocution), the macro level (shaping an interesting presentation), or any point in between. During this one to one session, coaching will provide you with active practice, honest and constructive feedback, and practical tips to make you a more confident and effective communicator. Put yourself under the microscope, and you’ll be ready to step into the spotlight.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Coaching to Improve Presentation Skills (One-to-One) new Finished 13:45 - 14:45 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

If you would like to refine your presentation skills, or address insecurities about any aspect of your speaking, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, be it at the micro level (elocution), the macro level (shaping an interesting presentation), or any point in between. During this one to one session, coaching will provide you with active practice, honest and constructive feedback, and practical tips to make you a more confident and effective communicator. Put yourself under the microscope, and you’ll be ready to step into the spotlight.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Coaching to Improve Presentation Skills (One-to-One) new Finished 14:50 - 15:50 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

If you would like to refine your presentation skills, or address insecurities about any aspect of your speaking, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, be it at the micro level (elocution), the macro level (shaping an interesting presentation), or any point in between. During this one to one session, coaching will provide you with active practice, honest and constructive feedback, and practical tips to make you a more confident and effective communicator. Put yourself under the microscope, and you’ll be ready to step into the spotlight.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Coaching to Improve Presentation Skills (One-to-One) new Finished 15:55 - 16:55 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

If you would like to refine your presentation skills, or address insecurities about any aspect of your speaking, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, be it at the micro level (elocution), the macro level (shaping an interesting presentation), or any point in between. During this one to one session, coaching will provide you with active practice, honest and constructive feedback, and practical tips to make you a more confident and effective communicator. Put yourself under the microscope, and you’ll be ready to step into the spotlight.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Tue 24
Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Finished 12:00 - 14:00 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

This course will review and explain the process of getting a diagnosis of a specific learning difficulty (SpLD) from the first observation of a difficulty to the point at which support is in place. It will focus on dyslexia the areas of difficulty experienced by students with such diagnoses and how proposed adjustments are helpful. Factors to consider when recommending a student for an assessment will also be discussed.

The course is a useful precursor to either Teaching Students with Specific Learning Difficulties (Briefing) or Specific Learning Difficulties: What Administrators Need to Know (Briefing).

Data Protection and FOI: An Introduction Finished 13:00 - 16:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

The rights and responsibilities outlined in the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Acts increasingly impact upon the University’s academic and administrative work. This course explores the key concepts in the Data Protection Act 1998 and illustrates how the ‘data protection principles’ affect various day-to-day working scenarios. It introduces the fundamental aspects of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and details the ways in which the University handles responses to individual requests under both Acts. Finally, it outlines various records management and information security measures that can aid compliance with the legislation and lead to a more efficient working environment.

Wed 25

If you are new to supervising graduate students at Cambridge (studying both for one-year courses or PhDs) the Board of Graduate Studies strongly recommends you to take part in some form of professional development. In collaboration with BGS, Personal and Professional Development offers training and support for newly-appointed supervisors of graduate students and for those new to the Cambridge system. The workshops, which run over lunchtime, are designed to consider reciprocal expectations and duties, as well as approaches to supervising, and to raise awareness of possible issues and where to go for support.

Divestment Town Hall Meeting Finished 13:15 - 15:00 Lady Mitchell Hall

The Divestment Working Group was set up by the Council in May 2017, following interest from the wider University, to consider the question of divestment from businesses involved in fossil fuel extraction. The Working Group is running two Town Hall style meetings to invite members of the University to participate in the discussion.

Thu 26
Building Resilience to Manage Stress new Finished 09:00 - 11:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

We all experience difficulties and challenges in our lives, and we may often feel out of our depth and overwhelmed by the pressures whether it is work demands, life’s transitions, traumatic events, bereavements, relationship problems and so on. Stress builds up when we can’t get our needs met, and when we feel we don’t have the resources, capabilities, insights or understandings to feel prepared to respond in the best way to these.

This course will offer the possibility of exploring ways in which we can build resilience in the face of stress and make a difference. It will also introduce you to the key concepts of resilience building in order to manage stress as well as incorporating some empowering tools to deal with this.

Teaching Disabled Students (Briefing) Finished 12:45 - 14:00 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

This participative workshop will identify where barriers could exist for disabled students. It will provide an opportunity to discuss best practice and any concerns relating to your area of work. The session will focus on practical strategies and advance planning to create more inclusive learning environments.

Mon 30
Supervising Undergraduates: An Introduction Finished 14:00 - 16:30 King's College, Keynes Hall

What do supervisions contribute to student learning at Cambridge? This session will provide an interactive introduction to supervising, including aims and objectives of supervisions, different approaches to supervisions, the roles and responsibilities of the supervisor and ways of dealing with common problems. Given the breadth of supervisions, this course is not subject specific.

Tue 31
Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (4 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until it has been approved by you line manager - please ensure that you enter their email address correctly into the form.

Counselling & RDP: Supporting Survivors of Rape and Sexual Violence new Finished 10:00 - 12:00 Queens' College, Bowett Room

This course is aimed to increase your understanding of the issues surrounding disclosures of sexual assault and harassment of students, the support available locally and the new University Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Procedures.

Higher Education Academy: Briefing Finished 10:30 - 12:00 CCTL, Revans Room

Would you like to gain nationally recognised accreditation of your teaching experience? Many UK universities now expect teaching staff seeking tenure to have undertaken or to undertake a structured teaching and learning development course accredited by the HE Academy. This session provides an overview of the route by which those with some experience of teaching in Higher Education may gain accreditation. It also provides a short introduction to the HE Academy itself.

If you are new to supervising graduate students at Cambridge (who are studying both for one-year courses or PhDs) the Board of Graduate Studies strongly recommends you to take part in some form of professional development. In collaboration with BGS, Personal and Professional Development offers training and support for newly-appointed supervisors of graduate students and for those new to the Cambridge system. The workshops, which run over lunchtime, are designed to consider reciprocal expectations and duties, as well as approaches to supervising, and to raise awareness of possible issues and where to go for support.

November 2017

Thu 2
Teaching Students with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (Such as Asperger's Syndrome): Briefing Finished 12:45 - 14:00 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

This course will consider the teaching and learning strategies helpful when working with students with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD, such as Asperger’s Syndrome). It will help you to reflect on common barriers experienced by students with ASD and ways of removing these.

Fri 3
Conflict Resolution Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a conflict wondering how you got into it and how to get out? This course sets out to identify and examine the causes of conflict and to offer a range of practical techniques for resolving disputes. Skilled negotiation is often crucial and this course introduces a proven approach that is used widely by professional mediators and negotiators. You will have the opportunity to explore and practice key ideas using presentation, self assessment, role play and discussion in a friendly and informal group setting.

Mon 6
Administrator Development Programme (1 of 6) Finished 09:30 - 19:00 University Centre, Hicks Room

This development programme for generalist and specialist administrators draws on the expertise of senior figures in the University and provides up to date information on the various strands and issues of University strategy and governance. It includes development of some key skills and a project activity, and offers a valuable opportunity to network with administrators from the UAS and other departments and institutions.

Selection for this programme is via nomination by School Secretaries, Heads of Division or Heads of Non-School Institutions during the summer. Nominees will need to demonstrate the benefit of participating, both for themselves and their institution. Please speak to your line manager and/or appropriate nominator if you would like to be considered.

Please see further information about key themes and speakers on the programme flyer.

Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (5 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Minsk Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until it has been approved by you line manager - please ensure that you enter their email address correctly into the form.

Tue 7
Admissions Selection (Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) Finished 14:00 - 17:00 Murray Edwards College, The Long Room

The Senior Tutors' Committee expects those involved in the undergraduate admissions selection process to receive appropriate training. These workshops cover the entire selection process as well as interviewing techniques. Led by Admissions Tutors, they are designed to help you make your contribution to the admissions selection process as effective as possible. They include opportunities to practise by interviewing current first-year undergraduates, using authentic paperwork, and they explain how interviews and admissions decisions relate to the University’s agreement with the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).

The workshop will focus on mock interviews, with first-year undergraduates in related disciplines, and on discussion with an Admissions Tutor. We have asked all volunteer interviewees to consent to our circulating their application papers to participants in advance of the workshop, so that you may consider possible approaches to interviewing mock applicants. Closer to the date of the session we will send you copies of the handouts by email, to be printed and taken with you to the session.

Before attending the workshop, please study the online module. This module provides an overview of Cambridge's undergraduate admissions process and highlights some important principles and practices relating to conducting effective admissions.

Wed 8
Senior Leadership Programme Level 2 (1 of 4) Finished 09:00 - 15:30 The Pitt Building, Darwin Room

This programme aims to explore the complex leadership skills required by Heads of Institution and those in equivalent roles, in support of the University’s mission of achieving world-class research and teaching. Those new or recently appointed to their roles are especially encouraged to participate.

Module 1: The Head of Institution as Leader
The first session includes presentations from the Vice-Chancellor and from a number of experienced Heads of Institution. It provides an overview of current and past theories of leadership as a context for the programme.

Module 2: Leading Strategy and Change
The session will consider the challenges in leading a department/team, including allocation of resources and setting priorities. It will also include presentations on leading others in a higher education environment from the PVC for Institutional and International Relations, and the Registrary.

Module 3: Leading Others through Change
This session is a continuation of Module 2 and considers the change leadership aspect of strategic implementation. It includes approaches to leading change, engaging others and dealing with resistance.

Module 4: Leading One Conversation at a Time
The session uses professional actors to practise and prepare for typically challenging leadership conversations. It offers the opportunity for participants to be coached as they practise in a safe and controlled environment.

Staff Review and Development for Reviewers Finished 09:15 - 13:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

The Staff Review and Development process provides the opportunity for supervisors, managers and academics to engage in constructive discussion with their staff or academic colleagues about current and future work and their personal and career development.

This course will focus on practical advice and development of a range of skills and techniques that may be used effectively when reviewing others. It will provide an opportunity for review practice, discussion with other reviewers and provide useful reminders of good practice.

Admissions Selection (Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) Finished 14:00 - 17:00 Lucy Cavendish, Oldham Hall

The Senior Tutors' Committee expects those involved in the undergraduate admissions selection process to receive appropriate training. These workshops cover the entire selection process as well as interviewing techniques. Led by Admissions Tutors, they are designed to help you make your contribution to the admissions selection process as effective as possible. They include opportunities to practise by interviewing current first-year undergraduates, using authentic paperwork, and they explain how interviews and admissions decisions relate to the University’s agreement with the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).

The workshop will focus on mock interviews, with first-year undergraduates in related disciplines, and on discussion with an Admissions Tutor. We have asked all volunteer interviewees to consent to our circulating their application papers to participants in advance of the workshop, so that you may consider possible approaches to interviewing mock applicants. Closer to the date of the session we will send you copies of the handouts by email, to be printed and taken with you to the session.

Before attending the workshop, please study the online module. This module provides an overview of Cambridge's undergraduate admissions process and highlights some important principles and practices relating to conducting effective admissions.

Thu 9
Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (6 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Istanbul Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until it has been approved by you line manager - please ensure that you enter their email address correctly into the form.

Presentation Skills: An Introduction Finished 09:30 - 12:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

If you dread giving presentations or simply want to hone your skills, this workshop gives you an opportunity to ‘step up to the podium,’ and receive constructive feedback and coaching to be a better public speaker. Whatever your specific speaking goal might be - delivering a presentation to colleagues, chairing or engaging in a meeting, giving a toast or tribute, or responding confidently in a Q&A period – the supportive environment of this workshop will help you play to your strengths, face your fears and give you tools to overcome them.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

Supporting Students in Distress: Boundaries & Boomerangs POSTPONED 12:00 - 14:00 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

This participative workshop will enable attendees to confidentially discuss their reactions to students in emotional distress and consider effective ways of supporting them while managing attendees' own boundaries.

The workshop will be conducted in a relaxed and open way and will result in those attending feeling more confident in these interactions.

The workshop will also update attendees on available sources of local support for students.

Admissions Selection (Physical Natural Sciences and Engineering) Finished 16:00 - 19:00 Lucy Cavendish, Oldham Hall

The Senior Tutors' Committee expects those involved in the undergraduate admissions selection process to receive appropriate training. These workshops cover the entire selection process as well as interviewing techniques. Led by Admissions Tutors, they are designed to help you make your contribution to the admissions selection process as effective as possible. They include opportunities to practise by interviewing current first-year undergraduates, using authentic paperwork, and they explain how interviews and admissions decisions relate to the University’s agreement with the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).

The workshop will focus on mock interviews, with first-year undergraduates in related disciplines, and on discussion with an Admissions Tutor. We have asked all volunteer interviewees to consent to our circulating their application papers to participants in advance of the workshop, so that you may consider possible approaches to interviewing mock applicants. Closer to the date of the session we will send you copies of the handouts by email, to be printed and taken with you to the session.

Before attending the workshop, please study the online module. This module provides an overview of Cambridge’s undergraduate admissions process and highlights some important principles and practices relating to conducting effective admissions.

Divestment Town Hall Meeting Finished 16:15 - 18:00 Lady Mitchell Hall

The Divestment Working Group was set up by the Council in May 2017, following interest from the wider University, to consider the question of divestment from businesses involved in fossil fuel extraction. The Working Group is running two Town Hall style meetings to invite members of the University to participate in the discussion.

Fri 10
Teaching Students with Specific Learning Difficulties (Briefing) Finished 12:00 - 14:00 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

This course will consider the academic barriers experienced by students with Specific Learning Difficulties. It will cover a range of teaching environments and increase your awareness of best practice in implementing support. Most importantly it will give practical advice about best practice to ensure an effective learning environment for all involved. The course will focus on dyslexia, dyspraxia and dysgraphia.

Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) is a useful precursor to this workshop, as it will not cover diagnosis or identification of specific learning difficulties.

If you are new to supervising graduate students at Cambridge (studying both for one-year courses or PhDs) the Board of Graduate Studies strongly recommends you to take part in some form of professional development. In collaboration with BGS, Personal and Professional Development offers training and support for newly-appointed supervisors of graduate students and for those new to the Cambridge system. The workshops, which run over lunchtime, are designed to consider reciprocal expectations and duties, as well as approaches to supervising, and to raise awareness of possible issues and where to go for support.

Admissions Selection (Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) Finished 14:00 - 17:00 Lucy Cavendish, Oldham Hall

The Senior Tutors' Committee expects those involved in the undergraduate admissions selection process to receive appropriate training. These workshops cover the entire selection process as well as interviewing techniques. Led by Admissions Tutors, they are designed to help you make your contribution to the admissions selection process as effective as possible. They include opportunities to practise by interviewing current first-year undergraduates, using authentic paperwork, and they explain how interviews and admissions decisions relate to the University’s agreement with the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).

The workshop will focus on mock interviews, with first-year undergraduates in related disciplines, and on discussion with an Admissions Tutor. We have asked all volunteer interviewees to consent to our circulating their application papers to participants in advance of the workshop, so that you may consider possible approaches to interviewing mock applicants. Closer to the date of the session we will send you copies of the handouts by email, to be printed and taken with you to the session.

Before attending the workshop, please study the online module. This module provides an overview of Cambridge's undergraduate admissions process and highlights some important principles and practices relating to conducting effective admissions.

Mon 13
SLP 1: Coaching to Improve Presentation Skills (One-to-One) new Finished 11:40 - 12:40 CCTL, Fawcett Room

If you would like to refine your presentation skills, or address insecurities about any aspect of your speaking, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, be it at the micro level (elocution), the macro level (shaping an interesting presentation), or any point in between. During this one to one session, coaching will provide you with active practice, honest and constructive feedback, and practical tips to make you a more confident and effective communicator. Put yourself under the microscope, and you’ll be ready to step into the spotlight.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

Project Management: Online and Workshop Finished 13:30 - 17:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Managing and leading projects is a key skill, and yet it is often poorly understood and actioned; leading to projects that overrun, overspend or overwork the delivery teams.

This blended programme comprises an online module and a face to face workshop. You will be expected to have completed the online material before attending the face to face workshop.

The online module will provide you with a complete toolkit of project management skills (distilled from a number of sound project management “methodologies”) and an overview of various project planning techniques. It has been developed to help you focus on a project you are actively involved in (or one that is about to commence). You will apply a number of tools to real life situations and leave with a clear understanding of the major management issues and the basis of a clear and workable project plan.

The face to face workshop provides an opportunity to build on the learning from the online module. Working with others you will identify options and strategies to help move your project forward and consider solutions to problems you may have encountered.

Instructions regarding how to access the online module will be given in your booking confirmation email.

If you would prefer to complete just the online module without attending a face to face workshop, please visit the booking page for the online module only.

Admissions Selection (Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) Finished 14:00 - 17:00 Lucy Cavendish, Oldham Hall

The Senior Tutors' Committee expects those involved in the undergraduate admissions selection process to receive appropriate training. These workshops cover the entire selection process as well as interviewing techniques. Led by Admissions Tutors, they are designed to help you make your contribution to the admissions selection process as effective as possible. They include opportunities to practise by interviewing current first-year undergraduates, using authentic paperwork, and they explain how interviews and admissions decisions relate to the University’s agreement with the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).

The workshop will focus on mock interviews, with first-year undergraduates in related disciplines, and on discussion with an Admissions Tutor. We have asked all volunteer interviewees to consent to our circulating their application papers to participants in advance of the workshop, so that you may consider possible approaches to interviewing mock applicants. Closer to the date of the session we will send you copies of the handouts by email, to be printed and taken with you to the session.

Before attending the workshop, please study the online module. This module provides an overview of Cambridge's undergraduate admissions process and highlights some important principles and practices relating to conducting effective admissions.

Tue 14
Level 3 Award (ILM) in Leadership and Management charged (7 of 7) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This programme offers an introduction to management skills and is externally accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). It is highly participative and there is a strong emphasis on applying new learning to your work situation for the benefit of your team and your department

The course is primarily aimed at those who currently have management responsibilities for others (including managers, team leaders or supervisors) or equivalent responsibilities (e.g. for managing services, projects, resources). All participants must have the opportunity to meet the assessment requirements which are specified by the ILM – please see further details below

Please note that there is currently a waiting list for this programme. If you are interested in attending please complete the application form at the link below and send a signed paper copy to PPD. Your application will be considered and your name will be added to the waiting list if you are eligible. When a place becomes available we will contact you to confirm your place

Level 3 Award in First Line Management Application Form - your application to attend the programme will not be considered until it has been approved by you line manager - please ensure that you enter their email address correctly into the form.

Admissions Selection (Physical Natural Sciences and Engineering) Finished 14:00 - 17:00 Lucy Cavendish, Oldham Hall

The Senior Tutors' Committee expects those involved in the undergraduate admissions selection process to receive appropriate training. These workshops cover the entire selection process as well as interviewing techniques. Led by Admissions Tutors, they are designed to help you make your contribution to the admissions selection process as effective as possible. They include opportunities to practise by interviewing current first-year undergraduates, using authentic paperwork, and they explain how interviews and admissions decisions relate to the University’s agreement with the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).

The workshop will focus on mock interviews, with first-year undergraduates in related disciplines, and on discussion with an Admissions Tutor. We have asked all volunteer interviewees to consent to our circulating their application papers to participants in advance of the workshop, so that you may consider possible approaches to interviewing mock applicants. Closer to the date of the session we will send you copies of the handouts by email, to be printed and taken with you to the session.

Before attending the workshop, please study the online module. This module provides an overview of Cambridge’s undergraduate admissions process and highlights some important principles and practices relating to conducting effective admissions.

Wed 15
Coaching to Improve Presentation Skills (One-to-One) new Finished 09:30 - 10:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

If you would like to refine your presentation skills, or address insecurities about any aspect of your speaking, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, be it at the micro level (elocution), the macro level (shaping an interesting presentation), or any point in between. During this one to one session, coaching will provide you with active practice, honest and constructive feedback, and practical tips to make you a more confident and effective communicator. Put yourself under the microscope, and you’ll be ready to step into the spotlight.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Coaching to Improve Presentation Skills (One-to-One) new Finished 10:35 - 11:35 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

If you would like to refine your presentation skills, or address insecurities about any aspect of your speaking, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, be it at the micro level (elocution), the macro level (shaping an interesting presentation), or any point in between. During this one to one session, coaching will provide you with active practice, honest and constructive feedback, and practical tips to make you a more confident and effective communicator. Put yourself under the microscope, and you’ll be ready to step into the spotlight.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Coaching to Improve Presentation Skills (One-to-One) new Finished 11:40 - 12:40 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

If you would like to refine your presentation skills, or address insecurities about any aspect of your speaking, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, be it at the micro level (elocution), the macro level (shaping an interesting presentation), or any point in between. During this one to one session, coaching will provide you with active practice, honest and constructive feedback, and practical tips to make you a more confident and effective communicator. Put yourself under the microscope, and you’ll be ready to step into the spotlight.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Coaching to Improve Presentation Skills (One-to-One) new Finished 13:45 - 14:45 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

If you would like to refine your presentation skills, or address insecurities about any aspect of your speaking, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, be it at the micro level (elocution), the macro level (shaping an interesting presentation), or any point in between. During this one to one session, coaching will provide you with active practice, honest and constructive feedback, and practical tips to make you a more confident and effective communicator. Put yourself under the microscope, and you’ll be ready to step into the spotlight.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Admissions Selection (Mathematics and Computer Science) Finished 14:00 - 17:00 Lucy Cavendish, Oldham Hall

The Senior Tutors' Committee expects those involved in the undergraduate admissions selection process to receive appropriate training. These workshops cover the entire selection process as well as interviewing techniques. Led by Admissions Tutors, they are designed to help you make your contribution to the admissions selection process as effective as possible. They include opportunities to practise by interviewing current first-year undergraduates, using authentic paperwork, and they explain how interviews and admissions decisions relate to the University’s agreement with the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).

The workshop will focus on mock interviews, with first-year undergraduates in related disciplines, and on discussion with an Admissions Tutor. We have asked all volunteer interviewees to consent to our circulating their application papers to participants in advance of the workshop, so that you may consider possible approaches to interviewing mock applicants. Closer to the date of the session we will send you copies of the handouts by email, to be printed and taken with you to the session.

Before attending the workshop, please study the online module. This module provides an overview of Cambridge’s undergraduate admissions process and highlights some important principles and practices relating to conducting effective admissions.

Coaching to Improve Presentation Skills (One-to-One) new Finished 14:50 - 15:50 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

If you would like to refine your presentation skills, or address insecurities about any aspect of your speaking, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, be it at the micro level (elocution), the macro level (shaping an interesting presentation), or any point in between. During this one to one session, coaching will provide you with active practice, honest and constructive feedback, and practical tips to make you a more confident and effective communicator. Put yourself under the microscope, and you’ll be ready to step into the spotlight.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Coaching to Improve Presentation Skills (One-to-One) new Finished 15:55 - 16:55 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

If you would like to refine your presentation skills, or address insecurities about any aspect of your speaking, these sessions are aimed at identifying the areas you need to focus on, be it at the micro level (elocution), the macro level (shaping an interesting presentation), or any point in between. During this one to one session, coaching will provide you with active practice, honest and constructive feedback, and practical tips to make you a more confident and effective communicator. Put yourself under the microscope, and you’ll be ready to step into the spotlight.

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online learning module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The course trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Thu 16
The Prevent Duty: A Briefing for All Staff Finished 10:00 - 11:30 8 Mill Lane, Lecture Room 4

The University has a statutory duty to have ‘due regard to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’. This is known as the Prevent Duty (Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015). It is primarily about safeguarding students and staff in the University and includes a range of responsibilities in areas such as pastoral care, support for staff and students, procedures for arranging events and using facilities. All staff need to be aware of the process of radicalisation, definitions of extremism and the process for raising concerns in this context

This short session provides information about Prevent for all staff working in in the University. It includes input and examples to consider and combines the content in Module 1 – An introduction to the Prevent Duty: Online and the University Prevent website

You can access these as an alternative to attending this session

Full details of available training and support are on the Prevent Training Moodle site using your Raven login

Admissions Selection (Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) Finished 14:00 - 17:00 Lucy Cavendish, Oldham Hall

The Senior Tutors' Committee expects those involved in the undergraduate admissions selection process to receive appropriate training. These workshops cover the entire selection process as well as interviewing techniques. Led by Admissions Tutors, they are designed to help you make your contribution to the admissions selection process as effective as possible. They include opportunities to practise by interviewing current first-year undergraduates, using authentic paperwork, and they explain how interviews and admissions decisions relate to the University’s agreement with the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).

The workshop will focus on mock interviews, with first-year undergraduates in related disciplines, and on discussion with an Admissions Tutor. We have asked all volunteer interviewees to consent to our circulating their application papers to participants in advance of the workshop, so that you may consider possible approaches to interviewing mock applicants. Closer to the date of the session we will send you copies of the handouts by email, to be printed and taken with you to the session.

Before attending the workshop, please study the online module. This module provides an overview of Cambridge's undergraduate admissions process and highlights some important principles and practices relating to conducting effective admissions.

Mon 20
Introduction to Sign Language Finished 13:30 - 16:30 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

This interactive course will give an introduction to sign language and an opportunity to review and revisit best practice in communicating with Deaf people. Through discussion and practice, participants will gain knowledge of sign language, as well as advice on how to take their knowledge further.

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Checks and Recruitment Practices Finished 13:30 - 15:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This session will provide staff with an overview of the Disclosure and Barring Service and how to request criminal record checks for eligible roles within the University.

Admissions Selection (Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) Finished 14:00 - 17:00 Wolfson College, Chancellor's Centre, Roger Needham Building

The Senior Tutors' Committee expects those involved in the undergraduate admissions selection process to receive appropriate training. These workshops cover the entire selection process as well as interviewing techniques. Led by Admissions Tutors, they are designed to help you make your contribution to the admissions selection process as effective as possible. They include opportunities to practise by interviewing current first-year undergraduates, using authentic paperwork, and they explain how interviews and admissions decisions relate to the University’s agreement with the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).

The workshop will focus on mock interviews, with first-year undergraduates in related disciplines, and on discussion with an Admissions Tutor. We have asked all volunteer interviewees to consent to our circulating their application papers to participants in advance of the workshop, so that you may consider possible approaches to interviewing mock applicants. Closer to the date of the session we will send you copies of the handouts by email, to be printed and taken with you to the session.

Before attending the workshop, please study the online module. This module provides an overview of Cambridge’s undergraduate admissions process and highlights some important principles and practices relating to conducting effective admissions.

Tue 21
Student Immigration Finished 09:30 - 11:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This course is recommended for any members of faculties and departments who are involved in student administration. The University’s Tier 4 licence –providing sponsorship of non-EEA students - is managed by the International Student Team; the regulations surrounding this licence are subject to regular change. The aim of this course is to provide an overview of the regulations affecting students, explaining the practicalities of this within the Cambridge context. It will outline internal policies and procedures relating to all students with a strong focus on graduate and visiting students.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 09:30 - 10:30 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 10:35 - 11:35 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 11:40 - 12:40 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Admissions Interviewing: Equality and Diversity Matters Finished 12:30 - 13:45 Wolfson College, Old Combination Room

A review of ways in which equality and diversity issues relate to admissions interviewing. Participants will consider possible responses to a number of case studies in order to explore what ‘good practice’ really means

Please note: this course addresses equality and diversity considerations and is not a substitute for participation in the Admissions Selection Workshops. New interviewers are asked to register for one of the Admissions Selection Workshops, for an introduction to Cambridge’s admissions selection process, including discussion of how interviews and admissions decisions relate to the University’s agreement with the Office for Fair Access (OFFA). Note that the Admissions Selection Workshops also include opportunities to practise by interviewing current first-year undergraduates

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Admissions Selection (Biological Natural Sciences) Finished 16:00 - 19:00 Wolfson College, Old Combination Room

The Senior Tutors' Committee expects those involved in the undergraduate admissions selection process to receive appropriate training. These workshops cover the entire selection process as well as interviewing techniques. Led by Admissions Tutors, they are designed to help you make your contribution to the admissions selection process as effective as possible. They include opportunities to practise by interviewing current first-year undergraduates, using authentic paperwork, and they explain how interviews and admissions decisions relate to the University’s agreement with the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).

The workshop will focus on mock interviews, with first-year undergraduates in related disciplines, and on discussion with an Admissions Tutor. We have asked all volunteer interviewees to consent to our circulating their application papers to participants in advance of the workshop, so that you may consider possible approaches to interviewing mock applicants. Closer to the date of the session we will send you copies of the handouts by email, to be printed and taken with you to the session.

Before attending the workshop, please study the online module. This module provides an overview of Cambridge’s undergraduate admissions process and highlights some important principles and practices relating to conducting effective admissions.

Wed 22
Admissions Selection (Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) Finished 14:00 - 17:00 Wolfson College, Chancellor's Centre, Roger Needham Building

The Senior Tutors' Committee expects those involved in the undergraduate admissions selection process to receive appropriate training. These workshops cover the entire selection process as well as interviewing techniques. Led by Admissions Tutors, they are designed to help you make your contribution to the admissions selection process as effective as possible. They include opportunities to practise by interviewing current first-year undergraduates, using authentic paperwork, and they explain how interviews and admissions decisions relate to the University’s agreement with the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).

The workshop will focus on mock interviews, with first-year undergraduates in related disciplines, and on discussion with an Admissions Tutor. We have asked all volunteer interviewees to consent to our circulating their application papers to participants in advance of the workshop, so that you may consider possible approaches to interviewing mock applicants. Closer to the date of the session we will send you copies of the handouts by email, to be printed and taken with you to the session.

Before attending the workshop, please study the online module. This module provides an overview of Cambridge’s undergraduate admissions process and highlights some important principles and practices relating to conducting effective admissions.

Developing Relaxation Skills new Finished 14:00 - 16:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

A workshop to enable you to practice and learn relaxation techniques to help release stress and improve wellbeing. It will provide an opportunity for people to relax and take time for themselves. The workshop will include deep breathing techniques, progressive muscle relaxation and a short mindfulness exercise. It will also allow time to consider what stress is and the impact this has on our lives.

Thu 23
Leading Your Team Through Change (1 of 2) Finished 09:30 - 12:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Change is a constant feature in today’s workplace and yet many of us find it hard to navigate successfully through change.

Studies show that the line manager has a critical role to play in ensuring staff are ready for change and in successfully implementing it. These sessions will equip you with the skills and attitudes you need to guide, support and motivate your team through the process of change.

Case studies, discussion and activities will provide the opportunity to share ideas and embed skills.

Specific Learning Difficulties: What Administrators Need to Know (Briefing) Finished 12:00 - 14:00 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

This course will develop your understanding of the barriers related to administration experienced by students with Specific Learning Difficulties (such as dyslexia), and how these can be overcome. It will review how best to manage the requirements of students with Specific Learning Difficulties, increase the support you can offer and identify the systems you need to employ. It will review the processes involved in setting up and managing student support.

This structured course will help you to fulfil your responsibilities to students with Specific Learning Difficulties and provide effective practical support required in terms of policy and accessing formal support. The course will focus on dyslexia, dyspraxia and dysgraphia.

Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) is a useful precursor to this workshop, as it will not cover diagnosis or identification of specific learning difficulties.

Refreshments and lunch will be provided.

Engage in Learning Programme new (3 of 4) Finished 12:30 - 14:30 CCTL, Revans Room

Engage in Learning is a theory and practice informed supervisor development programme on how to build supportive learning relationships. It is aimed at supervisors of Cambridge students with a minimum of three to five years’ experience of teaching in higher education.

Participants will explore approaches and challenges to building supportive supervisory relationships through dialogical learning activities — small group discussions, reflection exercises based on experiences, film clips, case studies and dilemmas drawn from practice. Readings will be provided prior to each workshop. The programme will emphasise building on participants’ own experiences. Between each workshop participants will be asked to observe and keep a written log of specific experiences of supervision; these will be discussed in the subsequent workshop.

Workshops (key topics covered)
A maximum of 12 participants will attend four two-hour-long workshops. Each workshop will be held between 12:30 to 14:30.

21 September 2017
Workshop 1
Building supportive relationships for learning: theory and context

  • Attachment theory
  • Mindfulness
  • Institutional identity
  • Communication

19 October 2017
Workshop 2
Empowering and facilitating growth

  • Growth mindset
  • Relational power
  • Transformational learning
  • Self-efficacy

23 November 2017
Workshop 3
Maintaining a supportive relationship

  • Boundaries
  • Balance
  • Dialogical reflection

7 December 2017
Workshop 4
Engaging in learning together

  • Synthesis of themes and topics

Prior to registration please make sure that you are available on each of those days.

All workshops will be held at the Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning, 25 Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1QA. The map gives directions to PPD, where the Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning is located.

The Senior Tutors' Committee expects those involved in the undergraduate admissions selection process to receive appropriate training. These workshops cover the entire selection process as well as interviewing techniques. Led by Admissions Tutors, they are designed to help you make your contribution to the admissions selection process as effective as possible. They include opportunities to practise by interviewing current first-year undergraduates, using authentic paperwork, and they explain how interviews and admissions decisions relate to the University’s agreement with the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).

The workshop will focus on mock interviews, with first-year undergraduates in related disciplines, and on discussion with an Admissions Tutor. We have asked all volunteer interviewees to consent to our circulating their application papers to participants in advance of the workshop, so that you may consider possible approaches to interviewing mock applicants. Closer to the date of the session we will send you copies of the handouts by email, to be printed and taken with you to the session.

Before attending the workshop, please study the online module. This module provides an overview of Cambridge's undergraduate admissions process and highlights some important principles and practices relating to conducting effective admissions.

Fri 24
Admissions Selection (Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) Finished 14:00 - 17:00 Wolfson College, Chancellor's Centre, Roger Needham Building

The Senior Tutors' Committee expects those involved in the undergraduate admissions selection process to receive appropriate training. These workshops cover the entire selection process as well as interviewing techniques. Led by Admissions Tutors, they are designed to help you make your contribution to the admissions selection process as effective as possible. They include opportunities to practise by interviewing current first-year undergraduates, using authentic paperwork, and they explain how interviews and admissions decisions relate to the University’s agreement with the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).

The workshop will focus on mock interviews, with first-year undergraduates in related disciplines, and on discussion with an Admissions Tutor. We have asked all volunteer interviewees to consent to our circulating their application papers to participants in advance of the workshop, so that you may consider possible approaches to interviewing mock applicants. Closer to the date of the session we will send you copies of the handouts by email, to be printed and taken with you to the session.

Before attending the workshop, please study the online module. This module provides an overview of Cambridge's undergraduate admissions process and highlights some important principles and practices relating to conducting effective admissions.

Mon 27
Leading Your Team Through Change (2 of 2) Finished 09:30 - 12:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Change is a constant feature in today’s workplace and yet many of us find it hard to navigate successfully through change.

Studies show that the line manager has a critical role to play in ensuring staff are ready for change and in successfully implementing it. These sessions will equip you with the skills and attitudes you need to guide, support and motivate your team through the process of change.

Case studies, discussion and activities will provide the opportunity to share ideas and embed skills.

Admissions Selection (Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) Finished 14:00 - 17:00 Murray Edwards College, Vivien Stewart Room

The Senior Tutors' Committee expects those involved in the undergraduate admissions selection process to receive appropriate training. These workshops cover the entire selection process as well as interviewing techniques. Led by Admissions Tutors, they are designed to help you make your contribution to the admissions selection process as effective as possible. They include opportunities to practise by interviewing current first-year undergraduates, using authentic paperwork, and they explain how interviews and admissions decisions relate to the University’s agreement with the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).

The workshop will focus on mock interviews, with first-year undergraduates in related disciplines, and on discussion with an Admissions Tutor. We have asked all volunteer interviewees to consent to our circulating their application papers to participants in advance of the workshop, so that you may consider possible approaches to interviewing mock applicants. Closer to the date of the session we will send you copies of the handouts by email, to be printed and taken with you to the session.

Before attending the workshop, please study the online module. This module provides an overview of Cambridge's undergraduate admissions process and highlights some important principles and practices relating to conducting effective admissions.

Tue 28
Welcome to Cambridge Finished 09:00 - 12:00 Downing College, Howard Lecture Theatre

The University of Cambridge is committed to effective induction for all new members of staff. In addition to the welcome and induction you will receive in your institution, you are warmly invited to take part in the University’s two-stage induction.

The first stage comprises the University’s Induction Online programme. This web resource is a quick and easy way for you to learn all about what it is like to work here as well as understand your role and responsibilities. It provides key information to help you:

  • settle quickly into your new role
  • orientate yourself in your first few weeks at the University
  • understand how the University works

The second stage comprises Welcome to Cambridge, an event hosted by Personal and Professional Development (PPD). The Welcome to Cambridge events are held three times a year. Following a welcome from a senior member of the University and an introduction to the role of the Colleges and their relationship with the University, participants can browse the wide range of opportunities and sources of support available to you as a member of University staff. Please review our exhibitor's list for details of the exhibitors.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 09:30 - 10:30 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 10:35 - 11:35 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 11:40 - 12:40 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Communicating Assertively: Online and Workshop Finished 13:30 - 16:30 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

At work and at home, it’s all too easy to speak and act without thinking – and then regret it afterwards. Acting on instinct can lead us to behave aggressively or passively. Both of these are generally unhelpful for our own reputation and for our relationships with others.

Communicating Assertively will show you how to avoid both extremes and instead to use assertive behaviour to build constructive and respectful working relationships.

This blended programme comprises an online module and a face to face workshop. You will be expected to have completed the online material before attending the face to face workshop.

The online module will help you understand the assertive mindset and to highlight what assertiveness looks and sounds like.

The face to face workshop provides an opportunity to discuss what you have learned, to put your assertive skills into practice and to receive individual guidance and feedback.

Instructions regarding how to access the online module will be given in your booking confirmation email.

If you would prefer to complete just the online module without attending a face to face workshop, please visit the booking page for the online module only.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Admissions Selection (Medical and Veterinary Sciences Tripos) Finished 16:00 - 19:00 Murray Edwards College, Vivien Stewart Room

The Senior Tutors' Committee expects those involved in the undergraduate admissions selection process to receive appropriate training. These workshops cover the entire selection process as well as interviewing techniques. Led by Admissions Tutors, they are designed to help you make your contribution to the admissions selection process as effective as possible. They include opportunities to practise by interviewing current first-year undergraduates, using authentic paperwork, and they explain how interviews and admissions decisions relate to the University’s agreement with the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).

The workshop will focus on mock interviews, with first-year undergraduates in related disciplines, and on discussion with an Admissions Tutor. We have asked all volunteer interviewees to consent to our circulating their application papers to participants in advance of the workshop, so that you may consider possible approaches to interviewing mock applicants. Closer to the date of the session we will send you copies of the handouts by email, to be printed and taken with you to the session.

Before attending the workshop, please study the online module. This module provides an overview of Cambridge’s undergraduate admissions process and highlights some important principles and practices relating to conducting effective admissions.

Wed 29
Admissions Selection (Physical Natural Sciences and Engineering) Finished 14:00 - 17:00 Wolfson College, Chancellor's Centre, Roger Needham Building

The Senior Tutors' Committee expects those involved in the undergraduate admissions selection process to receive appropriate training. These workshops cover the entire selection process as well as interviewing techniques. Led by Admissions Tutors, they are designed to help you make your contribution to the admissions selection process as effective as possible. They include opportunities to practise by interviewing current first-year undergraduates, using authentic paperwork, and they explain how interviews and admissions decisions relate to the University’s agreement with the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).

The workshop will focus on mock interviews, with first-year undergraduates in related disciplines, and on discussion with an Admissions Tutor. We have asked all volunteer interviewees to consent to our circulating their application papers to participants in advance of the workshop, so that you may consider possible approaches to interviewing mock applicants. Closer to the date of the session we will send you copies of the handouts by email, to be printed and taken with you to the session.

Before attending the workshop, please study the online module. This module provides an overview of Cambridge’s undergraduate admissions process and highlights some important principles and practices relating to conducting effective admissions.

Counselling & RDP: Supporting Survivors of Rape and Sexual Violence new Finished 14:00 - 16:00 Newnham College, Barbara White Room

This course is aimed to increase your understanding of the issues surrounding disclosures of sexual assault and harassment of students, the support available locally and the new University Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Procedures.

Thu 30
Risk Management (Seminar) Finished 09:30 - 12:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

The University must ensure that there are appropriate arrangements in place to promote effective risk management; this is a condition of grant under the terms of the Financial Memorandum between the HEFCE and the Higher Education Institutions it funds.

This course will explore what risk management is and why it is necessary, and the particular benefits that can be derived from effective risk management. A key focus of the course will be to review the University’s system for risk management and to explore how this system can be implemented at the local level of Faculties and Departments.

Teaching Disabled Students (Briefing) CANCELLED 12:30 - 14:00 Disability Resource Centre, Bridget's Meeting Room

This participative workshop will identify where barriers could exist for disabled students. It will provide an opportunity to discuss best practice and any concerns relating to your area of work. The session will focus on practical strategies and advance planning to create more inclusive learning environments.

Admissions Selection (Biological Natural Sciences) Finished 14:30 - 17:30 Wolfson College, Chancellor's Centre, Roger Needham Building

The Senior Tutors' Committee expects those involved in the undergraduate admissions selection process to receive appropriate training. These workshops cover the entire selection process as well as interviewing techniques. Led by Admissions Tutors, they are designed to help you make your contribution to the admissions selection process as effective as possible. They include opportunities to practise by interviewing current first-year undergraduates, using authentic paperwork, and they explain how interviews and admissions decisions relate to the University’s agreement with the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).

The workshop will focus on mock interviews, with first-year undergraduates in related disciplines, and on discussion with an Admissions Tutor. We have asked all volunteer interviewees to consent to our circulating their application papers to participants in advance of the workshop, so that you may consider possible approaches to interviewing mock applicants. Closer to the date of the session we will send you copies of the handouts by email, to be printed and taken with you to the session.

Before attending the workshop, please study the online module. This module provides an overview of Cambridge’s undergraduate admissions process and highlights some important principles and practices relating to conducting effective admissions.

December 2017

Fri 1
Managing Staff Performance: Introduction Finished 09:15 - 16:45 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

As a manager, it is your responsibility to get the best out of your staff so that your team functions at its full potential. This can be a daunting challenge: some individuals are easier to manage than others.

This course will pinpoint the skills you need to understand and manage staff performance and focus on the University policies which must underpin your approach.

Presentation, DVD and group discussion will be used to highlight key points and activities will give you an opportunity to practise in a safe and supportive environment.

Admissions Selection (Mathematics and Computer Science) Finished 14:00 - 17:00 Murray Edwards College, The Long Room

The Senior Tutors' Committee expects those involved in the undergraduate admissions selection process to receive appropriate training. These workshops cover the entire selection process as well as interviewing techniques. Led by Admissions Tutors, they are designed to help you make your contribution to the admissions selection process as effective as possible. They include opportunities to practise by interviewing current first-year undergraduates, using authentic paperwork, and they explain how interviews and admissions decisions relate to the University’s agreement with the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).

The workshop will focus on mock interviews, with first-year undergraduates in related disciplines, and on discussion with an Admissions Tutor. We have asked all volunteer interviewees to consent to our circulating their application papers to participants in advance of the workshop, so that you may consider possible approaches to interviewing mock applicants. Closer to the date of the session we will send you copies of the handouts by email, to be printed and taken with you to the session.

Before attending the workshop, please study the online module. This module provides an overview of Cambridge’s undergraduate admissions process and highlights some important principles and practices relating to conducting effective admissions.

Mon 4
Administrator Development Programme (2 of 6) Finished 09:30 - 17:00 University Centre, Hicks Room

This development programme for generalist and specialist administrators draws on the expertise of senior figures in the University and provides up to date information on the various strands and issues of University strategy and governance. It includes development of some key skills and a project activity, and offers a valuable opportunity to network with administrators from the UAS and other departments and institutions.

Selection for this programme is via nomination by School Secretaries, Heads of Division or Heads of Non-School Institutions during the summer. Nominees will need to demonstrate the benefit of participating, both for themselves and their institution. Please speak to your line manager and/or appropriate nominator if you would like to be considered.

Please see further information about key themes and speakers on the programme flyer.

Wed 6
Communication Skills Advanced: "Was it something I said?" Finished 09:15 - 16:45 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

Even the most skilled communicators sometimes struggle to get their message across. This course will equip you with the mindset and knowledge to communicate effectively when it really matters. Learn how to deliver your message with sincerity, clarity and enthusiasm. Staff who wish to improve their one-to-one communication skills in challenging and difficult situations will benefit from this course.

Thu 7
Senior Leadership Programme Level 2 (2 of 4) Finished 09:00 - 15:30 The Pitt Building, Bentley Room

This programme aims to explore the complex leadership skills required by Heads of Institution and those in equivalent roles, in support of the University’s mission of achieving world-class research and teaching. Those new or recently appointed to their roles are especially encouraged to participate.

Module 1: The Head of Institution as Leader
The first session includes presentations from the Vice-Chancellor and from a number of experienced Heads of Institution. It provides an overview of current and past theories of leadership as a context for the programme.

Module 2: Leading Strategy and Change
The session will consider the challenges in leading a department/team, including allocation of resources and setting priorities. It will also include presentations on leading others in a higher education environment from the PVC for Institutional and International Relations, and the Registrary.

Module 3: Leading Others through Change
This session is a continuation of Module 2 and considers the change leadership aspect of strategic implementation. It includes approaches to leading change, engaging others and dealing with resistance.

Module 4: Leading One Conversation at a Time
The session uses professional actors to practise and prepare for typically challenging leadership conversations. It offers the opportunity for participants to be coached as they practise in a safe and controlled environment.

Engage in Learning Programme new (4 of 4) Finished 12:30 - 14:30 CCTL, Revans Room

Engage in Learning is a theory and practice informed supervisor development programme on how to build supportive learning relationships. It is aimed at supervisors of Cambridge students with a minimum of three to five years’ experience of teaching in higher education.

Participants will explore approaches and challenges to building supportive supervisory relationships through dialogical learning activities — small group discussions, reflection exercises based on experiences, film clips, case studies and dilemmas drawn from practice. Readings will be provided prior to each workshop. The programme will emphasise building on participants’ own experiences. Between each workshop participants will be asked to observe and keep a written log of specific experiences of supervision; these will be discussed in the subsequent workshop.

Workshops (key topics covered)
A maximum of 12 participants will attend four two-hour-long workshops. Each workshop will be held between 12:30 to 14:30.

21 September 2017
Workshop 1
Building supportive relationships for learning: theory and context

  • Attachment theory
  • Mindfulness
  • Institutional identity
  • Communication

19 October 2017
Workshop 2
Empowering and facilitating growth

  • Growth mindset
  • Relational power
  • Transformational learning
  • Self-efficacy

23 November 2017
Workshop 3
Maintaining a supportive relationship

  • Boundaries
  • Balance
  • Dialogical reflection

7 December 2017
Workshop 4
Engaging in learning together

  • Synthesis of themes and topics

Prior to registration please make sure that you are available on each of those days.

All workshops will be held at the Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning, 25 Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1QA. The map gives directions to PPD, where the Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning is located.

Fri 8
Understanding Implicit or Unconscious Bias Finished 10:00 - 12:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

This session will provide an introduction to implicit or unconscious bias and will help you start to understand how our biases influence the decisions we make. These may include decisions around recruitment, selection, assessment and broader interactions with others.

The session will include tutor input, group activities and videos and to raise awareness about how to recognise and begin to manage the impact of implicit bias. We will also consider further sources of guidance to support individuals in their roles with specific responsibilities e.g. for managing others, teaching etc.

Wed 13
Counselling & RDP: Supporting Survivors of Rape and Sexual Violence new Finished 09:00 - 11:00 Jesus College, Lecture Hall

This course is aimed to increase your understanding of the issues surrounding disclosures of sexual assault and harassment of students, the support available locally and the new University Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Procedures.

January 2018

Mon 8
Administrator Development Programme (3 of 6) Finished 09:30 - 17:00 University Centre, Hicks Room

This development programme for generalist and specialist administrators draws on the expertise of senior figures in the University and provides up to date information on the various strands and issues of University strategy and governance. It includes development of some key skills and a project activity, and offers a valuable opportunity to network with administrators from the UAS and other departments and institutions.

Selection for this programme is via nomination by School Secretaries, Heads of Division or Heads of Non-School Institutions during the summer. Nominees will need to demonstrate the benefit of participating, both for themselves and their institution. Please speak to your line manager and/or appropriate nominator if you would like to be considered.

Please see further information about key themes and speakers on the programme flyer.

Thu 11
Voice Projection: An Introduction Finished 09:00 - 13:00 CCTL, Revans Room

If you occasionally suffer from vocal strain or wish to discover your true vocal range and power then this course is for you. We will work together to improve your vocal projection using vocal techniques practised by actors by using various physical and vocal exercises in a relaxed atmosphere. Be prepared to relax, kick off your shoes and lie on the floor.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Fri 12
Lecturing Performance Finished 09:00 - 13:00 CCTL, Revans Room

This course focuses on the practical element of delivery. It will provide you with the opportunity to explore techniques for connecting emotionally and intellectually with an audience, along with overcoming nerves. You will look at how to handle questions effectively and practise vocal techniques.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 13:45 - 14:45 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 14:50 - 15:50 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.

Voice and Presentation (One-to-One) Finished 15:55 - 16:55 CCTL, Fawcett Room

Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation to gain and hold the attention of an audience?

Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations?

In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific interests.